Aggravated Assault is really great with Narset, especially when she is equipped with Sword of Feast and Famine.
November 5, 2014 11:36 a.m.
PasorofMuppets says... #3
Have you considered removing your creatures and playing Proteus Staff? Let's you stack your deck.
November 6, 2014 5:56 a.m.
I did do this and it was too slow of an ability. First you need to tutor it or get lucky and draw it. Then you need to cast narset... assuming that she resolves, then cast Proteus Staff. Next turn you use its ability making narset summoning sick... again. Then after that turn you start drawing what you stacked on top assuming you dont have to shuffle your deck for any reason.
In my opinion it isnt too practical so i changed it. There are plenty of other decks on tapped out that are doing this and im sure they are happy with it but I like how my deck runs and isnt completely useless without the general. (which is a good thing because my friends wont let Narset, Enlightened Master resolve).
November 11, 2014 1:15 p.m.
FlavorPolice says... #5
Hey, I like your idea for theme here. I'm trying to work out a Narset deck as well, though I was going more the theme idea of Buddhism/Enlightenment (Being one with the universe, etc).
I did want to note a few things though.
First an objective critique: Counterspells and other reactive spells are generally not synergistic with Narset from a deck theory stand point. There will be a lot of times, if there haven't been already, where you flip counter spells with her and not only have nothing to counter, but can't even cast them just to get them out of exile and into your graveyard for possible recursion, etc. I'm not saying you can't play counterspells, because there are some so good it's worth the risk of them being a dead card when flipped, but I just think it's something to keep in mind. There are perhaps proactive spells that can lead to countering like Decree of Silence.
This goes for spells that are only powerful when cast for their alternative costs (eg: Overload, Fuse, Miracle, Madness, Cycling), especially Cyclonic Rift. When you flip spells with alternative casting costs you do not get the option to cast them that way, you just cast the vanilla spell. In some cases, such as Miracle, this doesn't matter, it was just a cheaper way to pay for the spell. But when you give up the option to Overload or Fuse a spell, and that is the way you are most often casting spells in the deck (via Narset), you aren't playing the card the way that makes it powerful (or in the cast of Cyclonic Rift, straight up unfun and broken in half). Perhaps considering spells with 'Additional' casting costs (eg: kicker, multikicker, Entwine, buyback) instead of alternative casting costs. In the case of additional costs you get the option to just play the spell for free, or if you have the mana, only need to pay the additional cost to get a souped up spell; though admittedly, the sad truth is some of the best spells to take advantage of this in that they have a large spell cost and much lower additional costs (eg: Tooth and Nail) are out of your color and instead you have things like Urza's Rage which is awesome kicked, but has most of it's cost in the kicker.
Just some stuff to think about.
Now, in terms of a subjective opinion about a specific choice your making in playstyle:The land destruction in this deck, like in almost any deck, is almost definitely the reason you draw hate more than any other thing your deck does and is the most likely reason everyone saves their counters for you. Everyone hates land D for a reason; that reason is people like to actually play magic when they sit down to play. People want to be active participants in the games they play in, no one likes to sit and not do anything all game. Sitting at a magic table and not doing anything while others or one person does do things is probably the worst feeling in magic, competitive or casual. No one likes to lose, and people like losing due to their own mistakes even less, but there is nothing worse that losing because your opponent was playing spells while you sat there and twilled your thumbs.
That's why people hate land D, because they want to play their decks against other people's decks and by destroying their lands, they are stripped of the ability to do that. I know if I was in your play group I would always remember that about your deck the most and be very keen to kill you before you stopped the game for me, even if you just had one mass land D (and you have three). Because of the nature of the deck you are fairly likely to see a lot of your deck's cards every time you play it, so I would have to assume once Narset was out it was only a matter of time (via a few attacks) before you were the only one with any permanents in play.
The only real exception to this rule is that you kill quickly afterwards (eg: blow up all their lands and proceed to alpha everyone within a turn or two). People will roll their eyes are cheese and give a little golf clap, or give you props if your the type to produce exquisite Johnny levels of cheese, but they won't get mad at it because it's over quickly and there's always the next game (unless your 'that' guy that wins every game because you cheese it out in every deck, which leads to people just letting you win and finishing the game after or excising you from the group). Drag it out for 4+ turns after though and the only thing people will remember is that you made them sit there with no way to play the game while you goldfished in everyone's faces. Now, you playgroup may, in fact, be ok with this power level and even prefer this sort of play-style (after all there is a playgroup for every way of enjoying magic out there) where people take turns rolling people in such ways; however, from most standpoints it really kills the mood in the room.
Again, this is just my subjective opinion, but it is based on years of play both competitively and casually (since about 1997), so it does have some observational evidence backing it.
November 17, 2014 11:57 a.m.
FlavorPolice says... #6
Well since I can't edit my post I have a small addendum: X casting cost spells are also obviously not synergistic with Narset's ability as they will flip and be cast for 0.
November 17, 2014 12:33 p.m.
I love the fact that you stated what you had to say while not trying to be mean or impose anything on/towards me. And I do agree with most of the things you said.
Counter spells are not great when you get them from Narset's ability. Nether are some of the other things in my deck like creatures. I am trying to make the deck less reliant on just Narset, Enlightened Master. More often then not, I am able to cast the few creatures I have without completely missing everything with my general.
You are correct that cards with X in their mana cost equal 0 when played with her ability. Unexpectedly Absent still puts something on top of their deck even if it is zero, and I really love this card. Its really funny when you cast it for 2 in response to a shuffle ability and make them shuffle their beloved permanent away.
When it comes to the land destruction, I agree with you completely. My play group is full of degenerate things that make me sad inside. So I normally only play this deck after someone does something mean. I never just play this deck over and over again because it wouldnt be fun. And to your point about ending the game quickly, that is why I added equipment so that if I destroy all lands I wont be left with a 3/2 with first strike. Most of the time people just concede though.
Your more than welcome to ask me anything else or state your opinions. XD
November 18, 2014 2:11 p.m.
NerdPounder says... #8
What's the deal with Mirran Crusader? You could replace it with Aggravated Assault. The card is good on its own, plus, you have combo potential with Sword of Feast and Famine. I might also replace Giest of Saint Traft with Elspeth, Knight-Errant for the jump affect. Also, a really fun and pretty good tutor engine in your colors is Wild Research, if you're interested =)
November 24, 2014 5:29 p.m.
They are both very strong sword carriers. I tried to run this deck with only Narset and she had too much responsibility to carry the game when people focus her constantly. Also, I used to never have a creature to attach my equipment to.
Wild Research makes you discard a card at random after you search which means you dont even know if you will keep the card or not.
I dont have an Elspeth, Knight-Errant, but if I did I would probably throw her in somewhere.
and Aggravated Assault requires too much setup. Especially when you want me to take out 2 of my 8 creatures.
thank you for the suggestions though. more than welcome to Brainstorm more ideas.
November 25, 2014 12:08 p.m.
NerdPounder says... #10
If you're just looking for sword carriers, have you thought about Invisible Stalker?
November 26, 2014 12:30 a.m.
shermanido37 says... #11
There are two cards that I think aren't working for you: Sunforger and Angelic Destiny. The former makes you pay 3RW (equip + unattach) for an instant that costs 4 or less normally, and that barely has 6 targets for you to cast. The latter only works if you cast it on creatures that take the heat instead of Narset (Your commander goes to the command zone instead of dying, so the aura doesn't return to your hand). Also, is Stranglehold really working for you? It seems to me that you could be running better utility in that slot. Same for Akroma's Memorial, it seems to be very costly and not very useful for you on its own.
I think you should also consider changing your counterspell suite. Since you know yourself that they can be dead draws, maybe I could suggest some: I see that you already have Cryptic command (which is amazing) and render silent (which is castable with sunforger and can be interesting). However mana leak doesn't really scale to the late game and I'm not sure that FoW is quite worth it in this deck. My suggestions are: Arcane Denial (cheap and easy to cast, and you can cast it on another useless spell you net with Narset to draw cards), Rewind (if you have 4 mana it's essentially FoW, if cast with Narset it untaps your lands), and perhaps even Spelljack (expensive, but steals an opponent's spell from them, and if cast with Narset you can cast it on one of your own spells (maybe another counterspell) to be able to use it whenever you need).
Several more card suggestions I'd like to make:
Kher Keep - A useful token engine. While 0/1 is lame it can still hold a sword and maybe even connect without risking a meaningful creature, but in my opinion its main function is to be an amazing card against Chainer's Edict and the like. Also, you can target the tokens with Proteus Staff's ability so that you won't actually tuck anything and also put creatures from your library into play. My deck chains more spells so I use Monastery Mentor (also used to have Goblinslide), which is amazing because both him and his tokens grow with almost every spell you cast.
Jeskai Ascendancy - This card is just incredible. Loot all you want from your spells, plus your creatures gain Prowess and are untapped so that you can defend. Also, this card is nuts with Goblin Welder and artifact mana.
Cataclysm - I guess it depends on your mentality on LD. Casting this with Narset in play (or with any other creature that holds a threatening sword or aura) is usually very difficult for your opponents to come back from.
Temporal Mastery to go with your Mystical Tutor for a Time Walk at start of turn? Also viable with Scroll Rack and the like.
Council's Judgment - such an awesome white removal card. Can be used as a political tool, and if there's only one opponent left your choice will always win.
Lastly I think that you can improve your deck's consistency and ramp, especially you're looking to cast all those beefy creatures that don't benefit from Narset. You have some great ones, but Chromatic Lantern is always oh-so helpful for 3+ colors, the signets in your colors are a great way of filtering and boosting you up since they're 2CMC, and if you really need a boost you could always go for Mana Vault. And that's just to name a few cheap ones... Yours looks like the deck with the budget to run Mox Opal and Mana Crypt, and besides they can be recurred with your Sun Titan.
I hope I didn't impose anything or come across as offensive, and I hope that I genuinely helped you with your awesome deck!
February 21, 2015 8:07 a.m.
kevintheflip says... #14
I love this deck. You inspired and sold me on it! How do you do on a 4 man pod? That is what I usually play and I can see a lot of 3v1 in my future. Any tips?
August 17, 2015 4:41 a.m.
Im glad you like it. :D
In a multiplayer game, if the opponents are any good, they will focus you hard. The moment you have Narset out and attacking is when you win the game 80% of the time. There are too many ways to destroy everyone's lands and then straight up win.
Tips for mitigate being focused:
Ramp early so that people cant search for answers easily.
If you cant ramp then plan on the late game. Use board wipes and counters.
Since this is edh you need to know how to politic/make friends. (for instance... counter a spell that would hurt one of your enemies in order to gain their trust. Then they will more often than not try and return the favor.)
Lastly, if you have a way to destroy all lands or anything that could drastically change the game, don't tell anyone. This will get you killed. The nail that sticks out the most gets hammered down first.
August 17, 2015 6:25 a.m.
kevintheflip says... #16
Fantastic. 2 More thoughts:Why not reconnaissance or maze of ith? My playgroup/shop is the most "serious" group of players (for EDH) ive come across in a long time. Is Cavern of Souls just for her safety? I feel Recon would be great just to trigger and ensure that she doesnt die before blockers are declared. Thank God I have a cube to pull most of these cards from (still need to shell out aboout 200$) but this should be a fun surprise.
Also, I have dual lands to spare, I am assuming you would swamp them out for the shock lands?
August 17, 2015 6:50 a.m.
If you have dual lands I would just take out some basic lands and maybe Darksteel Citadel.
Cavern of Souls is used so that I dont have to worry about counter spells. Which my play group has a lot of.
recon is ok. I wouldnt run it though due to the fact that it is a dead card in numerous situations. With the auras that I run its easy to swing in without being damaged, whether its flying or pro - creature. If its a multiplayer game then there is almost always someone with no creatures in play.
Maze of Ith is a good card but I haven't picked one up yet.
August 17, 2015 7:05 a.m.
So I decided to finally upload my deck-list that you inspired me to build. I've written up a quick guide to my deck, and gave you credit! You can find mine at:
I felt that I wanted to build a version of Narset that went off the walls, and exploded! (Keep in mind that my deck is MUCH dirtier than yours!)
Let me know what you think!
October 26, 2015 8:03 p.m.
I like it alot! I built my Narset deck in a way that I believe would be the most fun. That being said your version is very nice too. The only thing I would be careful about is the Mass Hysteria, seeing as people always focus our decks down.
Also I appreciate the fact that you gave me credit, and in a big way. You got a +1 from me.
October 29, 2015 11:33 a.m.
I completely agree, I would rather play your deck then mine in an average game. I originally ran a Hammer of Purphoros, but I found that haste enablers such as this and Fervor to be very slow in my playgroup. I am attempting to build a deck that can ramp quick, and I find Mass Hysteria to be great at pulling off the "Surprise, Narset with Haste" plays.
I'm slowly trying to change the deck to be more control based, and centralized towards 1v1. Most people are pushing me to do the superfriends route, but I tried it and wasn't a fan.
Anyhow, thanks again for the inspiration to put together this deck. My playgroup officially hates you for it :)
October 29, 2015 1:11 p.m. Edited.
Lol. I take that as a complement. My playgroup always sees me as a threat, because of the type of decks I like playing. But that is why I love it. Im the one that controls the pace of the game and if they cant keep up... I win.
October 31, 2015 3:01 a.m.
UnleashedHavok says... #22
Hey Komamura, I like the deck! So I am currently working on a Shu Yun, the Silent Tempest build and a friend of mine suggested that with my concept I should run Narset, Enlightened Master over Shu. He also shared a link to your page, so here I am. I was kind of hoping that when you have the time you could look at my build and give your two cents. Burn Baby Burn
Komamura says... #1
lol That card is funny. I will try it out when I pick one up. Thanks
November 5, 2014 4:04 a.m.