Sorcery (3)

Commander (1)

Commander: Brago, King Eternal


Creature (1)

"Budget" WiP from this deck.

The goal is to combo off in some fashion with Brago, King Eternal + Strionic Resonator + a mana rock

It is possible to combo off as early as turn 3, but that has only been able to occur once while using the play test feature on TappedOut. It more consistently goes off on turns 5-8 depending on what cards you get.


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Brago made its debut with my playgroup tonight and is now sitting on a 2-0 record.

Both games were played against a Heartless Hidetsugu burn, Horde of Notions elemental tribal, Teferi, Temporal Archmage, Progenitus super friends, and Reaper King tribal, order starting to my left.

Game One: Opening Hand - 2 Plains, Island, Mana Vault, Fiend Hunter, Brainstorm, and Hallowed Fountain. T1 - Draw: Plains, Play Plains for Enlightened Tutor to get Strionic Resonator. T2 - Draw: Strionic Resonator, Tap Plains for Mana Vault, Play Island for Brainstorm in to 2 lands and Sol Ring, Tap Mana Vault for Sol Ring and Strionic Resonator. T3- Draw: Enlightend Tutor, Play Hallowed Fountain tapped, Tap Plains, Island,Sol Ring for Brago. Heartless Player at this point has Chandra Pyromaster and plays Heartless, asking me if I want to have some fun since I'm about to combo out anyways and asks me not to do so on my next turn. I agree and he pings me for one with Chandra and passes turn. T4- Draw: Augury Owl, Play Plains and taps Plains and Island for Augury to get a few scrys. Heartless Player plays Dictate of the Twin Gods and then taps Heartless, killing everyone with an even life total (everyone but me was at 40 because of the Chandra ping last turn) making Brago's first technical win.

Game Two: (I don't feel like typing out the whole thing so I'm just going to sparknote it) Hit all land drops but no mana rock until a turn 4 Sol Ring, turn 4 play Sol Ring and Brago. Hit land drop again but nothing to really play except Telepathy. Heartless Player miracles Reforge the Soul to refill his hand and ends up with me drawing Strionic Resonator, Reality Acid, and Altar of the Brood. Turn 6 play Reality Acid, Altar, and Strionic Resonator to destroy all permanents except mine and infinite mill everyone else leading to a turn 6 win.

Overall not a bad night, Game 1 would of gone another 2 turns before I could of actually killed anyone via combo, Game 2 would of gone 1 extra turn simply because brainstorm was the first draw of Reforge the Soul.


Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 0 Mythic Rares

33 - 0 Rares

22 - 0 Uncommons

18 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.44
Tokens Bird 3/4 W, Manifest 2/2 C, Soldier 1/1 W
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