Mardu Warriors

Standard PassedPawn


PassedPawn says... #1

Need a 4th rabblemaster. wind scared crag needs to be battlefield forge. Have yet to actually play a obelisk of urd to determine how good it is or isn't. I'm considering just replacing it with trumpet blast though, where urd gives me large hard to deal with creatures, and makes my deck very likely to win so long as I have creatures, it will also waste a turn where I could have attacked. Trumpet blast on the other hand is more of a "suprise I win" kind of card, but doesn't mean much in terms of games where I'm behind or tied in or late game, should I get there, which I don't think this deck cares much about anyway. Also trumpet blast gives bonus to both goblins and wrriors, where with obelisk, it's one or the other.

October 31, 2014 2:54 a.m.

PassedPawn says... #2

Still up in the air about Borderland Marauder or War-Name Aspirant or potentially adding Oreskos Swiftclaw or Sightless Brawler or Akroan Hoplite

October 31, 2014 2:57 a.m.

PassedPawn says... #3

Ride Down seems like a super viable mainboard option, Return to the Ranks is also definitely going into sideboard

October 31, 2014 2:59 a.m.

PassedPawn says... #4

October 31, 2014 2:19 p.m.

PassedPawn says... #5

needs Ride Down mainboard. somehow

November 2, 2014 7:09 a.m.

PassedPawn says... #6

upped Dictate of Heliod count to 3 gone are athreos and Dictate of Erebos

November 2, 2014 7:11 a.m.

PassedPawn says... #7

Ride Down finds it place in place of trumpet blast. having Dictate of Heliod and Trumpet Blast just seems greedy, where as ride down pushes damage through without having my creatures have to trade and can deal with problem blockers, the obvious downside is it only works with one creature, the upside is in synergy with rabblemaster. Dictate of heliod and trumpet blast are just two sides of the same coin though. Dictate is a permanent, but costs more which does make a difference in a starved mana hungry deck, the extra toughness boost isnt as relevant, but the fact it is a permanent, and can be played while on the defense makes it more versatile, besides the fact it does everything trumpet blast does. Perhaps I need to test out 1-2, or 2-2 splits with them. Trumpet blast im keeping in sideboard though, because the lower mana cost does make a difference in playing against similar quick aggro decks, or lategame decks that can simply overrun me in card advantage when stabilized in that trumpet blast can win a turn or two earlier than my opponent would expect and prepare for.

Sorin, Solemn Visitor seems like the lifegain card to have, unfortunatly it clashes with mardu ascendancy tokens in that only creatures that are on the field when it resolves get the effect, but anthem+lifelink is just too good, like a repeatable Rush of Battle plus the ability to put out flying tokens/butcher fodder. whip is slower, harder to cast and pay for its extra ability which is relevant, though it could definitely find a fit in my sideboard. Ajani Steadfast only gives lifelink to one creature, making kill spells more relevant against my deck than they need to be. but it's minus is great, though the only reason im considering it is lifegain, as dictate of heliod does Ajani's minus better.

November 3, 2014 5:34 a.m.

PassedPawn says... #8

+1 swamp -1 plains. Land base should support heavy black spells early game given 7 out of 7 one drops use black mana and 8 out of 12 two drops use black. The rest of the land base is ok at 24, even given my lower mana curve because fetch lands reduce the % of lands I have. 16 black sources should be enough, and I haven't had very many mana issues in terms of color playing it so far (land flooding and drought however is another issue but it evens out). It could maybe use mana confluence, but that's a lot of damage. Nomad is a mana confluence that enters tapped. Having 6 lands that enter tapped isn't bad given it means I'm ususally not taking an absurd amount of damage, and can still get things out early with all the pain lands.

November 5, 2014 4:50 p.m.

PassedPawn says... #9

Sorin, Solemn Visitor is superb and I need more. Lifegain + anthem is invaluable. Taking Dictate of Heliod out for Raiders' Spoils to see how the two compare. When I've had it in hand dictate is fantastic so long as i've got any creatures on the field and have got the mana, but 5 mana is still kinda steep, raider's spoils can come out a little earlier, while still getting extra damage through, plus netting me cards, the only serious issue I see with it is that the only time when I really need to be drawing cards is in stalemate/losing situations when I'm not attacking. It would certainly help against control decks so maybe sideboard, but so would Erebos.

Deflecting Palm has been a fantastic sideboard card it has gone in against every tempo jeskai deck I've faced, and has saved my hide more than a few times. Return to the ranks has been equally great against any control decks ive faced, even if it's only returning one or two creatures. Underworld Cerberus has been terrible, as it's just been exiled every time it could have been relevant

December 19, 2014 4:51 a.m.

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