Prelim Build to Modern Horizions***
Playing the Deck
ALWAYS CHOOSE TO DRAW FIRST - You do not want them to be up a card pretty simple choose to draw over play.
Playing this deck, is both simple and difficult if that makes sense. It is simple to see how it works and simple to execute, BUT to take it to the next level you need to know your match-ups and understand what your opponent is trying to do and take them apart as to hinder their plans.
At its core this deck is a resource denial deck. You plan to operate better on little to no resources then your opponent. You need to maximize all the value you can from your hand in deck making sure that everything you draw is not a dead draw.
Turn 1 the best play is almost always targeted discard
Inquisition of Kozilek
. This enables you to take something that they will soon play and see their hand to plan out your next few turns.
Card Choices
Liliana of the Veil
- Pretty much the best walker in modern and the best card for the deck, she can easily hand you full control of a game.
Fatal Push
Funeral Charm
- This is your removal Suite, helps you take care of early threats.*
Funeral Charm
is an odd spot that has a lot of different utility can be used for many thingd
Inquisition of Kozilek
Wrench Mind
- This is your discard Suite, remove the appropriate threats from their hand and shut them down.
Raven's Crime
- I felt i needed to detail this card more then just discard. People really underestimate how powerful this card really is, it turns your normal dead land draws into an extra discard and it doesn't have to be in your hand.
- Super powerful if your opponent operates on few lands and removes a creature and a card from their hand.
Dakmor Salvage
Forms a psudo lock if you need to keep them at 0 cards by dredging to keep activating
Raven's Crime
Sideboard Explanations
Bontu's Last Reckoning
- For those pesky early value and zoo related lists.
Leyline of the Void
- needed to turn off many yard oriented decks in the format.
Ratchet Bomb
- one of the only outs to
Chalice of the Void
Leyline of Sanctity
Surgical Extraction
- Found to be valuable vs many single value cards in decks (ie remove a major threat)
- Been playing around with this, may trade it out for something else. But fills a spot to add some pressure to decks that cant deal with it.
I have been playing discard since i started playing magic, i feel as though that it is the archetype that i am most comfortable with.
Working on a full guide.
All Questions and comments are welcome.