Hada Freeblade is the deck's foundation. A 1-drop that consistently becomes a huge threat, seeing him in your opening hand is a wonderful feeling.
-Expedition Envoy is really bad as a card; however, he is also one of the most important cards in the deck. Bringing up my 1-drop count to 8 makes the deck incredibly consistent, and being able to curve him into a Reckless Bushwhacker is incredible and you should never underestimate his ability to activate another etb trigger for just 1-mana. However, his performance isn't determined by the card, but rather the spot he fills in the deck.
-Kazandu Blademaster is the feature beater of this deck. He comes out early, gets big fast, plays offense and defense, and loses to very little in a fight. Pro-tip, getting a second blademaster onto the field always gives you at LEAST 5 first strike damage worth of blockers making it virtually impossible for opponents creatures to get in without being backed by removal.
-Oran-Rief Survivalist is the ally equivalent of a bear, helping to form the backbone of your beaters. I'd say there's not much to say here, but you should note this: against a lot of decks you should try to stick him before a Kazandu Blademaster because everyone packs removal and they'll almost always eat your biggest threat (the equivalent of putting your eggs in one basket). This way, instead of losing a 3/3 first strike vigilance and keeping a "vanilla" 2/2, you either keep a "vanilla" 3/3 or a 2/2 first strike vigilance. If they don't have removal, 95% chance the order didn't matter either way :P
-Harabaz Druid is truly one of my favorite cards in this deck. She comes out on turn two, and if she isn't answered, you get to drop virtually your entire hand by turn 3. However, if you spend your removal on her, that's one less spell that you have to deal with the other monstrous beaters in the deck.
-Akoum Battlesinger is probably the best card in the deck. She kicks up the aggro from fast, to scary hyper-fast. Normally coming down on turn 3, she will end games in a hurry. With a good draw, she'll end them immediately.
-Jwari Shapeshifter allows me to virtually run 3 more Akoum Battlesinger, but on top of that, she adapts based off the situation, often copying a beater, and never forget that she can copy Kabira Evangel to cause ETB triggers to give dual protection.
Reckless Bushwhacker is an honorary 2-drop here and can have a similar effect to the war goddess herself, Akoum Battlesinger. This speedy little goblin not only hastes the allies you just cast, but anthems them AND re-triggers all ally etb effects.
-Kabira Evangel gives your whole team evasion on any etb trigger; he's beautiful. Bonus points for comboing with Collected Company for anti-control measures. Even if you don't have him on the board, there's about a 50% chance your pull one while CoCo-ing.
-Collected Company is obviously the most game changing card in this deck. At 4 mana, it digs for 2 allies from the top of the deck, at instant speed, and triggers 2 etb effects (including both from whatever just entered). This card is very, very good. End story.
-I don't normally mention lands but Ally Encampment is SOO good in this deck. It provides all 4 colors I need, enters upright, still taps for CoCo, and has a SUPERB sacrifice ability that lets me return allies to my hand. This can trigger extra etb effects to put through that lethal damage, can save an ally from removal, and can even pull another Reckless Bushwhacker back to be surged again. Best part is the opponent always seems to forget about it.