
Playing probably the best card in Standard (Siege Rhino) in a 4color midrange/control deck. I've been trying out 4 color midrange/control decks without blue but Blue is my favorite color and Dig Through Time is amazing. The reason for the 4 colors is to play both of these cards.

Elspeth as a win con

Sorin as a win con

Siege Rhino as a win con

Jace is in here as a one of for testing but he'll probably end up as another Abzan Charm.

Resolute Archangel to reset our life total because it'll take us a little bit to catch traction. She's also a 4/4 flying win con.

Satyr Wayfinder is actually great in this deck. I took an idea from Mike Sigrist's four color midrange deck to use Wayfinder as additional mana fixing. However, I'm running the full four because, unlike Mike's deck, I'm running blue so Wayfinder fills the graveyard for DTT and Murderous Cut.

Thoughtseize, Hero's Downfall, Muderous Cut, Dissolve are all great in control for disruption, removal, and permission.

Abzan Charm is great here because its removal or card draw when you need it and, since I run quite a few creatures, the 2 counters can still be live, though you'll mostly use charm for the other two modes.

Read the Bones is just boss. Scrying 2 and drawing 2 for 2 life is fine. With Siege Rhinos and Resolute Archangel we can gain life that we lose through many of our spells.

Dig Through Time is just wicked powerful at instant speed. I don't think I need to explain it.

The manabase might need some tinkering. However, between Wayfinders, scrying, card draw, and multiple fetches the fixing has been working well. Its work well to have double Blue and/or Black by turn 3 for dissolve or downfall.

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Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 2 Mythic Rares

27 - 4 Rares

18 - 6 Uncommons

7 - 3 Commons

Cards 61
Avg. CMC 4.20
Tokens Beast 3/3 B, Emblem Elspeth, Sun's Champion, Emblem Garruk, Apex Predator, Emblem Sorin, Solemn Visitor, Soldier 1/1 W, Vampire 2/2 B
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