I got the inspiration for this deck after purchasing the Elspeth vs. Kiora Duel deck. I have not actively sought out and purchased cards for this deck, but have rather either already had the cards or traded for cards that I thought would help the deck. The deck started out as a mono-white list, but that has changed due to cards I came across laying around. I have recently splashed black and red for a couple cards. The deck can be fast and aggressive when it needs to, but often times builds until it can take one or more opponents out in one combat. This deck has been my recent MP go-to deck because of its power, but the deck is also fun to pilot. Suggestions welcomed; +1's appreciated.
Captain of the Watch creates tokens and buffs them. Also buffs all other soldiers.
Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite buffs all other creatures and rids the board of my opponents' creatures with toughness 2 or less.
Archetype of Courage gives all my creatures first strike.
Preeminent Captain puts soldiers in for free upon the attack and allows for more attacking power with potential combat tricks.
Dryad Militant is probably the best 1 drop soldier in recent MtG history.
Hearthfire Hobgoblin's flavor text says it all.
Conclave Phalanx provides for a big beating if my little 1/1s and other smaller dudes build up.
Mirror Entity is an auto-include in any Tribal deck that can fit white into its color(s) - soldiers are usually white, so hell yeah he's in this list.
Aegis of the Gods prevents targeted spells my way.
Angelic Skirmisher is just too versatile here.
Citadel Siege is usually (for my play style) used to buff my soldiers over several combats, but can be used to tap down a problem creature.
Gleam of Battle gradually grows my army's strength with every attack.
Brave the Sands gives vigilance and allows for more blocking capabilities.
Pillory of the Sleepless provides a form of pacifism with an additional benefit of opponent life loss.
Spectra Ward makes a soldier a super-soldier.
Raise the Alarm makes me some dudes.
Harsh Sustenance burns an opponent or creature and gives me life.
Lightning Helix burns a creature or my opponent and provides some buffering lifegain.
Lightning Bolt burns a creature or my opponent, and is practically mandatory in any list running red.
Boros Charm is a utility card as it can burn my opponent for their remaining 4 life, make my soldiers indestructible, or have one of my soldiers gain double strike for the turn.