Alright guys! I've got a couple pretty pricy modern decks, so I challenged myself to see how cheap I can build a functional modern deck for. This one which plays off of an infinite creature combo can be built for some where between 35-40 USD.

Here's the quick primer. This deck actually goes infinite off of a 4 card combo. Getting 4 cards together to win the game is typically pretty rough, but we've luckily got two sets of each card!
The combo pieces are:
How does it work? Well you cast either
Retraction Helix
Banishing Knack
Battered Golem
Mirran Spy
. This let's you tap them to bounce either Ornithopter or
back to your hand, because they're free to cast you can recast them, untap, bounce, cast, untap, bounce. . . Well, you get the idea. How do we win? SIMPLE! Both Genesis Chamber and
Golem Foundry
give us ways to produce infinite tokens here. They aren't hastey like Twin, but they do live through the next turn. The chamber is better, because it let's us activate the bounce twice for each cast, one for our zero drop and one for something the opponent was rude enough to play.
It's not going to win any PTQs, but try it out at your local FNM nobody will know what the hell is going on, and it's only $40. That's it for this list. Happy Brewing, and until next time stay classy, win with humility, lose with grace and be somebody you'd want to be around. I'm Ox, and I hope to see you again.
EDIT: Thanks to buildingadeck we also have door number two! Drop both copies of
Golem Foundry
for Altar of the Brood for milling win on turn 4! Your suggestion speeds the deck up by a full turn thanks man! Just remember to board it out game two against decks that run Ancient Grudge!
EDIT: Today while gold-fishing the deck I realized that 4 Darksteel Citadel is too many. It often came up in multiples throughout the game, so I didn't have the blue mana necessary to cast multiple spells in one turn. In order to rectify this problem I dropped two of them in favor of more islands. This is good, because the magic gods have type a personalities and 18 is the perfect number of islands to play three copies of each island from Scars of Mirrodin and Mirrodin Besieged. Enjoy the pretty panoramic. :)