As someone who has had to face this unholy grind-fest of a deck, allow me to attest that it is VERY good at what it does. Excellent write up. Really nails everything the deck is doing.
Would love to see a "Why this card is not here" segment going over some more popular card choices and why they were excluded. Most of it would be common sense but it'd be interesting to see.
September 14, 2017 6:23 p.m.
GitGudFrog says... #4
I like that idea. I'll be sure to include that soon
September 14, 2017 6:36 p.m.
slifer-lining says... #6
Living Plane or Natural Affinity if Humility is up works with Toxic Deluge and Orzhov Pontiff/Minister of Pain in the wishboard to destroy all opponents lands. really like the deck, excellent write up and interesting idea I've never seen before.
September 15, 2017 2:44 a.m.
GitGudFrog says... #7
@EROSS8 Mystic Remora is better against more competitive pods. Rhystic Study is still a good card but I have enough draw engines. Making sure I have the interaction I need early is important.
September 15, 2017 6:27 a.m.
GitGudFrog says... #8
@MonoBlackCoffee That is an interesting idea. I'll be sure to try that out
September 15, 2017 6:28 a.m. Edited.
GitGudFrog says... #10
mmelton09 Rolling out with Blood Moon, as this enters the battlefield effects won't work anymore. So, no counters, no clones, no naming colors for effects like Iona.
September 18, 2017 11:49 a.m.
Sgtpopnfreash says... #11
2 questions. Does Humility stop Snapcaster Mage, and have you found Disallow to be a good counterspell? The three mana seems hard. Also no Mental Misstep? That's the best counterspell ever!
January 11, 2018 11:10 a.m.
GitGudFrog says... #12
Humility does stop snappy. It is probably right to take him out.
I have taken disallow out, just haven't updated the list.
Misstep is indeed a great card. Just not in my meta. Going into a blind cEDH meta I would definitely slot it in.
January 14, 2018 10:14 a.m.
Lilbrudder says... #13
Oh hey. I am glad to see you are keeping up with the deck and like the changes you have made over the original. I must say, I don't agree with your reasoning on Rhystic Study. It has become very good in the current meta and will often draw so many cards I naturally draw into game ending combos without tutoring. Pairing it with remora is disgusting and drawing as many as 20-30 cards in a turn or two happens a fair bit of the time in competitive pods. Enough players get frustrated by stax that after a turn or two of being stimied they will mindlessly feed us to go for their wins if you give them the chance. Rhystic is very good against bear decks and storm, which are otherwise bad matchups for this kind of deck. Being 100% one sided is also relevant. Also being immune to the hate in the deck is good
February 27, 2018 11:13 p.m.
GitGudFrog says... #14
Lilbrudder I am actually overhauling the primer right now. My list is very different than what is currently listed. I have toyed with the idea of Study. I do find the card to be decent enough. I just don't really have any issues running out of cards.
Currently seeing if Scroll Rack/Land Tax is a good enough engine that synergizes with Counterbalance. If that doesn't pan out maybe I'll try Study.
Also considering pulling out Season's Past. It feels win-more and NoxiousRev/MemJourney still loop anyway. That could make way for Study. I am tempted by copy enchantment. Seem fun with Study/Sterling Grove/Counterbalance/etc.
I would also be more inclined to play Study if there were more storm decks in my meta. I do agree that storm is a pretty bad matchup. Also toying with Raven's Crime/Loam/Urborg as an Intuition package vs storm. It does work well and Intuition is a fun, skill-intensive card.
If you are that adamant about Study I'll give it a fair go.
February 28, 2018 8:28 a.m.
Primer is really put together well and it's cool to see the tuning you've got done. Looking forward to getting to play against this soon. +1
March 2, 2018 4:32 p.m.
Just read the thread on reddit. Cool primer and really appreciate it.
One question for recursion and graveyard hate, what do you think of Ashes of the Abhorrent? Might not as good as Grafdigger's Cage, but counters Snapcaster Mage and Jace, Vryn's Prodigy
Flip alike, without holding back Regrowth, Life from the Loam, and Seasons Past. Meanwhile, I've got the feeling that Raven's Crime might not good enough for the deck, for it might be easily spoiled by random Grafdigger's Cage effects on the field.
March 4, 2018 10:01 a.m.
GitGudFrog says... #17
Grafdiggers actually doesn't affect Loam, Regrowth, and SP. It also does a good job answering BreakfastHulk,Twin, and Unearth Doomsday piles. All the while being cheaper and easier to cast. Redundancy is a consideration though. The card is on my radar.
As for Raven's Crime: It has played out exactly as one would expect. It is decent at securing the late late game, but is dead most of the match. I was more or less trying to justify Intuition. Still toying with it. If it performs any worse than it has I'll likely cut it.
March 4, 2018 10:48 a.m.
Nice deck!What do you think about the incluion of cards that make you the monarch, specifically of Throne of the High City? Since the plan is get Humility on the table reliable, and since we have two cheap creatures in the command zone this might make for play eot should we not need to use the mana for interaction, and it only takes up a land slot. I understandt it's not nothing, so id be happy if you shared your thoughts about it.
March 6, 2018 8:45 a.m.
GitGudFrog says... #19
jackeraya: While it doesn't take up a spell slot, it does take up a colored land slot. If I was playing less colors I would consider it. Having the colors I need early is very important in a fast paced meta. You'll notice that the only land I have that produces colorless exclusively is Strip Mine and I think it has the edge for the Life from the Loam engine.
Monarch can also be difficult to work with. A green based stacks deck can swing with 3+ creatures and take it. I will almost never be able to win it back.
The card itself isn't bad. Just bad for this deck. There is a Queen Marchesa stacks player in my meta that utilizes it well.
March 6, 2018 9:10 a.m.
Just sayin Mystical Tutor is currently ban in duel commander (20 pv)
March 8, 2018 7:51 a.m.
GitGudFrog says... #21
Senomar: So are a few other cards in this list. This is a multiplayer deck.
March 8, 2018 8:18 a.m.
Sgtpopnfreash says... #22
Hey, im just saying that Chrome Mox is banned in modern. You may want to think of that when you build a deck.
March 8, 2018 7:51 p.m.
easyblakeoven says... #24
Hey man. Love the list. I want to build it but I dont own the duals other than tundra and dont have a tabernacle. I refered to the budget list but Im more in tbe middleground from that having all the staples other than lands. Any suggestions for temporary replacements while I snag duals and a tabby?
May 14, 2018 1:57 p.m.
GitGudFrog says... #25
The new Battlebond lands will be decent. Tarnished Citadel is also a great color fixer that I am thinking of putting in the main list. Unfortunately, Tabby doesn't have any substitute but it's not a huge deal.
redkhan says... #1
Hey in class but I prefer the banner with the Mind Twist art.
September 14, 2017 1:47 p.m.