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Blink-Treader Nephilim

Modern RGWU



This deck is an absolute blast to play! Your gameplan is simple: Play efficient creatures with valuable ETB effects alongide Ink-Treader Nephilim . You then target it with Cloudshift , Momentary Blink , and Niveous Wisps to generate insane value.

I found the inspiration for this deck on tappedout (Blink-Treader Nephilim (FEATURED ON DAILYMTG)) where it was being hyped for being featured on DailyMtG.
link to the article.

I changed the list to be slightly less combo-centric. The linked build focused on eventually using Lavinia of the Tenth to lock out your opponent while Sun Titan and Phantasmal Image went for the kill.

The new build adds a fifth color, streamlines the mana, and aims to set up our engine while we play good value cards. Niveous Wisps ends the game most of time time, allowing an uncontested alpha-strike. It can also be used to play defense while you fill your hand.

Most decks can't attack into you well, so the ground gets gummed up. When this happens and we don't have a Wisps, we can still get somewhere using our fifth color for Siege Rhino . The game usually ends at that point. The first Rhino ETB trigger is good. The second is crippling. The third, fourth, and fifth Rhino ETB triggers are all just plain dirty.

Update - Removing the fifth color, as Siege Rhino isn't as important in practice with Wisps enabling huge attacks. Added some more recent cards as well as some better mainboard interaction.

Nivmagus Elemental is the "new hotness" as it allows us to use Path to Exile as a one-mana one-sided boardwipe if you stack your triggers and use Nivmagus to eat all the copies targeting your board.


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Revision 8 See all

(3 years ago)

-4 Aether Vial main
-1 Acidic Slime side
+4 Charming Prince main
-2 Cloudshift main
+4 Coiling Oracle main
-2 Elvish Visionary main
+4 Ephemerate main
-1 Eternal Witness side
-1 Godless Shrinefoil main
+1 Grafdigger's Cage side
+1 Hallowed Fountainfoil main
-1 Harmonic Sliver side
-1 Kitchen Finks main
+2 Knight of Autumn main
-2 Momentary Blink main
+4 Nivmagus Elemental main
+1 Reflector Mage main
-2 Restoration Angel main
-2 Siege Rhino main
+2 Skyclave Apparition main
and 21 other change(s)
Date added 10 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

34 - 5 Rares

11 - 8 Uncommons

13 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.97
Tokens Illusion */* U
Folders Yay
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