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5 Color Persist/Devour





I play against decks like Elves, Soldiers, Merfolk, Ornthopter-FlyingNinjas?!, Stasis, Discard/Burn, Kokusho, Dovescape, Eldrazi, Reanimate, Slivers, Madness, Artifact Affinity, Arch-enemy decks, and about 50 other theme decks with everything from strange tribal themes, mill, wee-dragonaughts, all well made decks.

This deck tries to stall but do I need hand disruption? Counter spell? More removal? Less devour?

I add more wipe for tribal and it works amazing, but I need up to 8 board wipers plus 4 removal to kill elves. I could probably kill them decent with 6wipe/6removal. To kill zoo decks I can run all removal instead wipe. Vs Zoo the only things I can kill with wipe are kird ape and wild nacurtle whatever that 3/3 one drop. After 2 drop zoo's creatures have 4 tuffness.

Flying seems to stomp me like say 1 tower gargoyle when my heartmender is dead and i have no removal. If heartmender is dead the flying persist dont last long. I know I need a few more ways to keep my persist creatures alive to block , heartmender is just so effective I rely on him. I think maybe I need some tutor? But what slots?

Discard screws me BAD. Help! Do i need counter spell?

Control is an even match, I think I need another sac outlet to get past oblivion ring, I just fast effect sac in response to the enchantment spell and the persist creature comes back.

How much mana? Sometimes it runs ok at 18 but sometimes is manashort to 5cc. I have mostly 4/5 drops for threats and 1 6cc card. At 20 mana it pulled way to much land and I just didnt have the slots with the fertile grounds/abundance. Can't seem to find a balance and too many tap lands suck. I need some advice.

Please, if you can, any combos, help with mana base, low casting cost creatures which survive pyroclasm to help speed up my early defense vs say...Ball lightning or Zoo decks.




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Date added 14 years
Last updated 14 years

This deck is Legacy legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 0 Mythic Rares

15 - 0 Rares

27 - 0 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 61
Avg. CMC 3.33
Tokens Dragon 1/1 RG, Goblin 1/1 R, Ooze X/X G, Saproling 1/1 G
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