Graveyard abusing Replenish combo deck, filled with tons of enchantments and multiple enchantment based combos.
Combos include:
Tunnel Vision a bit of luck and Replenish to get most of everything into play. Estrid, the Masked works as a clunky back up replenish. We don't want Open the Vaults here because we want to minimize how our deck benefits our opponents.
Defense of the Heart to fetch Academy Rector and Aura Thief, Academy Rector then fetches Enchanted Evening. This steals all permanents. It also turns our seals and aura of silence into Vindicate
Exquisite Blood and Sanguine Bond to kill everyone at the table.
Prismatic Omen, and Crystal Quarry all help turn on Jodah, Archmage Eternal to help hard cast those expensive spells.
Mystic Retrieval, Eternal Witness, and Greenwarden of Murasa help us protect our replenish and attempt it multiple times provided we don't run into graveyard hate.
Animate Dead, Unburial Rites, Genesis, Debtors' Knell and Dance of the Dead allow us to get our Eternal Witness or Greenwarden of Murasa back, which will usually return replenish to our hand.
Solemnity allows us to do stupid things with cards like Phyrexian Unlife, Decree of Silence, and draw tons of cards from Mystic Remora. This notably pauses progress on our Luminarch Ascension, Quest for Ancient Secrets, and The Mending of Dominaria. Though this can be fixed with Seal of Primordium, Seal of Cleansing, or Aura of Silence destroying our own solemnity if we decide we want to get the counters moving again.
Pernicious Deed and Planar Collapse are our primary removal tools, with Tainted AEther as a deterrent that also kills our Academy Rector and Aura Thief for their death triggers. song of the dryad and Imprisoned in the Moon are our best single target removal spells, especially when paired with Impending Disaster which in addition to being a way to slow everyone else down, is going to destroy any permanents we've turned into lands. If we've already got a The Mending of Dominaria ready to bring our lands back to us, this can also put as very far ahead on board.
Overwhelming Splendor can just take a player out of the game.
Omniscience allows us to 'play fair' and cast our cards instead of trying to reanimate everything.
Copy Enchantment and Estrid's Invocation are at their best when copying Privileged Position or Sterling Grove to protect our enchantments thoroughly.
Luminarch Ascension and Dragon Roost while not fast allow us to crate as many creatures as we need in a long game.
Unfulfilled Desires, Attunement, Mystic Remora, Rhystic Study, Standstill, and Ancient Excavation all give us card draw and selection, allowing us to dig for replenish while filling our graveyard.
Cyclonic Rift and Teferi's Protection are easy includes that can keep us alive in an awful situation.
Wild Research allows us to tutor enchantments and help get them in the graveyard, while Mastermind's Acquisition, Vampiric Tutor and Demonic Tutor allow us to get cards we aren't going to be happy to discard like a Tunnel Vision or Replenish.
Quest for Ancient Secrets is our panic button against graveyard hate. Against white or black decks likely to have graveyard hate, it is a very likely tutor target for us.
Pariah can buy us time, despite us not having any good targets for it in our own deck, we'll usually be able to place this on an opponents creature to give us a little extra life. Ghostly Prison, Propaganda, and Sphere of Safety also help us against go wide aggro decks, with Maze of Ith around to protect us from most voltron strategies.
All in all, this is a pet project of mine as a player who started playing a decade after replenish was in standard. It's a favorite card of mine since throwing a million enchantments in play at a single time is a judges nightmare, and I tend to have the most fun when trying to decipher what is actually happening in a messy boardstate.
We're looking to do some very powerful things in a multiplayer game of commander, though our deck is certainly not top tier. We've got Three very glaring weakspots that good players should be able to figure out very quickly- We're still hoping that the theme has become fringe enough that our opponents won't know what's important to remove in a clogged boardstate.
Not only are we mostly dead to graveyard hate, being forced to avoid using our discard mechanics and pay for our spells, but most of what we do throughout a game is telegraphed. Some important cards not triggering until a certain creature dies, or criteria is met on our own upkeep. Still, with a very large number of words per card on average, we may be able to confuse our opponents into an easy win anyway.