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5 color zoo, typical 2024




This deck seems to be a typical 2024 zoo deck. Performed well at a 3-star tournament according to mtgtop8.com.

I was analyzing the premodern zoo archetype (three deuce):

Looking at mtgtop8 > premodern > zoo / three deuce > whole year 2024 > compare,,,, we can see what cards are most popular in zoo: swords to plowshares, lightning bolt, call of the herd, fire/ice, rancor, birds of paradise, phyrexian negator... Roughly in this order. So we see that zoo typically goes with mid-sized manacurve and has access to a lot of colors... Typical decklist might look like this: https://www.mtgtop8.com/event?e=57808&d=631883 ... so has black & white too...

This deck comes from: https://www.mtgtop8.com/event?e=57808&d=631883 ... It has all the cards I mentioned above as most popular in this archetype.

Phyrexian negator combos well with Thornscape apprentice (first strike), Rancor (sacrifice and recur), Sarcomancy (sacrifice, not in this deck though)


Tried a few games vs ug madness. A lot of fun. Won a big tight ~15 turn game. Winter orb won a slow game for me too, with just a Rancored Birds of Paradise beating. Blindnamed a Wild Mongrel with Meddling Mage... Perhaps I should name another card?


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95% Casual


Date added 3 months
Last updated 3 months

This deck is Premodern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

28 - 5 Rares

17 - 6 Uncommons

10 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.98
Tokens Elephant 3/3 G
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