5 colours, steal,kill,re-cast,untap,kill,draw card

Standard* ginko2580


ginko2580 says... #1

kinda missed the importance of Havengul Lich obviously a given for returning my own needed creatures Zealous Conscripts , Disciple of Griselbrand and/or does your opponent got somebody cool dead???

Also love the idea of casting from opponents graveyard ON THEIR TURN, any creature with flash they might have.... played against a buddy with Ambush Viper

But also very handy for stealing an opponents creature ON the battlefield with (Zealous/Disciple combo) and once dead RE-CAST it from THEIR graveyard to stop the the re-appearance back on their side of the battlefield.

And while all this is going on...... Harvester of Souls = draw a card

and/or Reaper from the Abyss to kill one final creature .... if they have any!

May 8, 2013 1:51 p.m.

ginko2580 says... #2

Wow, almost forgot about my most favorite part of this deck.....

Grimgrin, Corpse-Born .....

While the Havengul Lich , Zealous Conscripts , Disciple of Griselbrand combo is happening on the battlefield...

Grimgrin, Corpse-Born ..... Mortus Strider combo....

originally this deck used Gravecrawler ... but was too mean againts my group of friends....


May 26, 2013 10:49 p.m.

ginko2580 says... #3

best opening hand:

Overgrown Tomb T1 don't bother shocking

Hinterland Harbor T2

Scorned Villager  Flip T2 cast to battlefield

Steam Vents T3 don't bother shocking

Somberwald Sage T3 cast to battlefield

Grimgrin, Corpse-Born and Farseek T4 cast to battlefield Isolated Chapel

so if done like this, sacrifice the villager if a 6/6 blocker is needed during THEIR T4, or if oppenent didn't cast a spell you have 10 mana available on your T5 (if during T1- T4 a land was drawn) along with an ATTACKING, destroy creature, and 7/7 grimgrin when you sacrifice scorned villager in first main phase of T5...did you see/get that?from there find Havengul, Disciple, Zealous, for the combo.... and a Mortus soon there after to feed grimgrin...

May 27, 2013 1:09 a.m.

Sagi007 says... #4

Soul Ransom steal there creature right from udner there noses. what they discard ohh well Altar's Reap i gain 4 card they lose 2 cards and there creature its dead no so they dont get that either. wait its dead? Havengul Lich bring him back to our side plz

June 8, 2013 8:14 p.m.

ginko2580 says... #5

lol, yup that's how it works.... START TURN AND ---- STEAL, ATTACK, (if it has/gets haste), KILL IT, LIFE GAIN, RECAST IT.... lol .... oh is that a thragtust? on your side of battlefield? NOT! ..... instead of Soul Ransom I was using Traitorous Blood .... AS LONG AS Desciple or Grimgrin were on battlefield.... kill it for 1CMC or free!!!!

It looks like and expensive mana deck, which it is.... but if havengul ability is on say Somberwald Sage in graveyard, havengul NOW PRODUCES 3 any colours (for creatures) (next turn somber will produce mana)... REMEMBER Havengul Lich HAS ACTIVATED ABILITIES of the creature it "recast'' and even when tapped. so "tap it" for 3 CMC if there also a 2 CMC creature in a grave? (need 1 colourous for haven's ability).... I LOVE playing against a deck that has "when this creature enters the battlefield" creatures.... CAUSE THEY GONNA MULTIPULE TIMES!!!

this deck is so much fun.....


Disciple of Griselbrand , Zealous Conscripts , Havengul Lich thanks for comment..... try the 3 card combo and build a deck....

June 8, 2013 9:21 p.m.

ginko2580 says... #6


Didn't need to (as this deck, properly played, has gone 18/6 in last 25 [he left one early, think he was loosing]) against shop and house friends..... but changed and added stuff... getting ready for it to turn modern .... "see MAYBE CARDS"........

back to 64 cards.... as I have mentioned "i'll play 65 card decks no-prob!

Added to Maindeck....

2x Glaring Spotlight for I think obvious reasons

2x Trading Post .....................ability #1 ... I got no hand size, and usually can have 8+ cards in hand .....................ability #2 ... I guess a goat to feed grimgrin.... might be hungry after my menu of skeletal Mortus Strider ........................ability #3 ... sac the goat.... get my closet, spotlight, or the 2nd post .....................ability #4 ... sac said artifacts and draw another card.... sure i'll try it.....................

And played around with some mana 2x crypts for 2x dragonskulls... bought a 3rd refuge....

July 6, 2013 3:15 p.m.

Behgz says... #7

This decks looks awesome. +1

July 7, 2013 2:17 p.m.

Formortiis says... #8

This deck just screams inconsistent. If you really want to play a reactionary deck that can use Havengul Lich to reanimate things, you're better off just modifying an Esper or Grixis list to achieve that end. Throwing in 2 extra colors that you are more than likely not going to practically use just impedes the deck.

July 8, 2013 5:23 p.m.

ginko2580 says... #9

Like i have said.... the 3 main creatures diciple, lich, conscripts....

if you got a diciple.... sac every creature you own.... lifegain

if you got the lich..... cast from anywhere (alchemist refuge? ... any time).... then sac to diciple, need mana? use lich on a mana producer.... say somerwald... next turn somber is good for mana and current turn tap lich for 3 mana (gains abilities)

if you got zealous..... steal ANY permenant (other than land) if creature kill it... cast it again..... Akroma's memorial, etc. and attack!

need defence til above available?..... 3x acid ooze... 2x deadly spider..... (lets not even talk about "flickering" acid slime.... are you mean enough to destroy all their lands Or ... ogre with mortus strider.... sac mortus... 1/1 deathtouch rats....

grimgrin.... use trade post for a goat, steal a creature with zealous, make a goat, mortus........ ANY OTHER CREATURE i control..... recast it with the lich.....

Mana ramp as best i could, farseek, soberwald, scorned..... creatures recast giving ability to the lich..... 3 more imediate mana....

There is just so many win conditions, combos, everything is here and reacts off each other..... multiple times.... harvester of souls... a card draw every creature that dies....

ya you need lots of mana , but this deck will drag out you opponent... play it right and it's tough to beat!

sorry gotta go to work, but, would love to play ya with it some time.....

July 8, 2013 6:05 p.m.

Formortiis says... #10

The problem with that idea is that they're 3 very different cards trying to do 3 very different things. It's like you mashed 3 decks together and hoped it would work. Suffice to say, it really doesn't.

sorry gotta go to work, but, would love to play ya with it some time.....

If it will get you to realize that the deck as it is now simply doesn't work (and trust me when I say it will), then my account on Cockatrice is Medeus.

July 8, 2013 7:23 p.m.

ginko2580 says... #11

Absolutely, I will add you to my cockatrice, game on! Weekends though, I work 12 hour night shifts Monday to Friday's.....

I was lookin at you decks you got there, and must say.... could you at least let me use some vaseline? It's gonna hurt when you punish me for even attempting it.

This was meant as a casual standard deck, NOT competition It's just fun to play with amongst friends here at home.... FOR FUN!

oh, ya might notice a couple changes if and when we play to the deck, still standard though.... (i'm sure you won't mind a "slight" challenge) ... just changes i didn't post on tappedout, to keep from the guys I do play it with.....

P.S. .... your Punish the Civilized "might" be a deck i'd play it against.....your other 2 standard decks...... those are done by turn 3, turn 4 if your nice.....

No disrespect implied here formortiis! thanks for looking at the deck! I might ask you for some deck ideas later, depends if you let me win. Oh i'm kinda new with the on-line playing of magic.... sorry my turns might be slow...

July 9, 2013 8:24 a.m.

ginko2580 says... #12

Oh and people on Tappedout.........

Caution who you pick your "duels" with...... might not be a good thing to poke someone in the chest who has the site administer posting on HIS wall......

Who are you man? :) see ya in cockatrice!

July 9, 2013 8:37 a.m.

Formortiis says... #13

Username: Medeus.

July 15, 2013 6:34 p.m.

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