5/0 FNM Modern Land D (w/ Courser + Domri)
SCORE: 320 | 271 COMMENTS | 69875 VIEWS | IN 205 FOLDERS Top 8: 11/22
EmperorRancor says... #2
Wow, leave with +8 come back to +80! Thank you all for your ideas and positive reactions. I'm going to attempt to answer some questions now. But there's 30 new comments so bear with me.
@ greenland_ I did beat a mono-white protection aggro and a gruul aggro. Mono-red has yet to come up but I'd like tho think Caryatid is nice defense at well as being able to play Peak Eruption to its fullest.
@ Kootaroo I hate you too. :)
@ Hepburn Burning tree is a good card but I need: 1 ramp, 2 land D, and 3 Defense that become the offense. I just dont see room for them unless you have some possible change ups.
@ ErnieTheGiant Xenagos is for mana ramp and the bountiful 2/2 satyrs. I guess burning tree might be a cost efficient idea for the free 2/2 and mana. Deathrites are rarely sided in only for lifegain/sustain. I am thinking these will become Wasteland Viper s. Anger of the gods is not nesscisary, try countering your local meta instead of this card. Other then Mizzium Mortars there isnt too much for field wipe reds atm.
@ korfits Its situational, sometimes it takes me a while to make a calculated decision on dropping that Xenagos turn 3 or Ember Sallower or the straight Bramblecrush. Its all highly situational. I prefer Xenagos because that means next turn I have more possibilities to move around mana. But by doing so he eats the first kill/counterspell.
@ mealdeal805 Curse this standard and its defiled rules and regulations!
@ thuzraYour really messing with your mana curve all for 1 card, Urban Evolution . Id say dump that and all the blue sources for a few Frenzied Tilling s and some of that mana can be Encroaching Wastes there only .50 cents.
@ dizzzyme Can you elaborate what you lost too and what you would change. I too feel i could change some things but im wondering what you might suggest having run the deck?
@ K1LR0Y I hope thats a 0 and not a capital O. Anyway, I like the idea of Nykthos. I have already dropped Mutavault and if I switch the stormbreaths with Arbor colossuses, Nykthos could be a HUGE improvement.
November 5, 2013 2:53 p.m.
EmperorRancor says... #3
Another added thing. If your opponent keeps a 2 mana or even a 1 mana with a dork hand they've already lost. I've had this happen numerous match ones. You should ALWAYS blow up someones Elvish Mystic turn 1 or 2. Ive even used a Mizzium Mortars turn 2 and it won me the match because he didn't draw another mana not to mention ones he may have gotten I had answers for,
November 5, 2013 3:06 p.m.
nyctophasm says... #4
See, I made a Jund LD deck once where my finishers were Sylvan Primordial and Worldspine Wurm ... this was before Theros rolled in. It was seriously hit or miss, but when it rolled I was playing Frenzied Tilling turn three and they never got any further. Heck, one game the guy had some bounce, and it took me three tries to get Worldspine Wurm to stay on the battlefield. I love the archetype, but I don't think I should do it... I hate playtesting other people's decks at a tournament. I'm a homebrew guy. I've given a +1, it was a no brainer. I'm going to playtest this against my Gruul Hydras deck sometime though, and tell you how it works.
November 5, 2013 4:54 p.m.
mealdeal805 says... #5
I think you should keep the Anger of the Gods in the sideboard. Against devotion ramp decks Sylvan Caryatid s can be a big problem and I think it would be worth killing your own rampers since your opponent won't be able to keep up with you anyways if you end up destroying their rampers. The devotion decks can generate a lot of mana very fast, and just makes destroying lands pointless (unless it's a Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx ) which is why I think you need some good countermeasures.
November 5, 2013 8:35 p.m.
Not the best deck ever made but its got my vote. Hella fun to play.
November 5, 2013 8:59 p.m.
mealdeal805 says... #7
Also against weenies decks Anger of the Gods would be useful
November 5, 2013 9:44 p.m.
waxydoodle says... #8
I still think Arbor Colossus
should be in the sideboard and Stormbreath Dragon
should be mainboarded, simply because when you are destroying all your opponent's lands, they will be able to play most of their cards (assuming there not all one or two drops), and when you ramp enough to give the dragon monstrosity, you will be hitting your opponent with maximum damage! plus the evasion makes it much harder to get rid of than colossus!
November 5, 2013 10:19 p.m.
How should I allocate the sideboard vs a mono blue aggro deck?
November 5, 2013 10:36 p.m.
EmperorRancor says... #12
I am in decisive of the Arbor Colossus and the Stormbreath. Strombreath has won me many games. Maybe Arbor instead of Polukranos?
November 6, 2013 12:58 a.m.
CaptainCaveman says... #13
+1 for land destruction
-2 or 3 Encroaching Wastes and -2 or 3 Temple of Abandon
in play testing against my Those Crazy Minos which isn't a very good deck to begin with i found that the Encroaching Wastes became irrelevant(rarely used) and the Temple of Abandon slowed down the ramp. You want a turn 1 Elvish Mystic followed by a turn 2 Sylvan Caryatid but it is difficult to do that with no green mana in your opening hand or it comes in tapped. I would just replace with basic lands for the most part.
November 6, 2013 1:59 a.m.
EmperorRancor says... #14
Agreed the scry is nice but Id rather have that green mana at the ready. Scry lands are good but have slowed me down before.
November 6, 2013 9:22 a.m.
EmperorRancor says... #15
Encroaching Wastes Hasnt slowed me down yet and it is crucial to the theme of the deck. Its just another land destruction mid to late game.
November 6, 2013 9:25 a.m.
Have you considered Guttersnipe to get a duel use out of those land destruction spells?
November 6, 2013 9:52 a.m.
EmperorRancor says... #17
Its no about damage as much as it is about control. Once They have 0 mana and I have 5 I just keep dropping baddies and swing with 1 a turn leaving the res for defense. They lose life or a creature every turn.
November 6, 2013 9:54 a.m.
right even though the wastes is pretty much usles against mono decks its at least taps for mana unlike some other lands...... maybe drop 1x temple just because it slows u down.
EmperorRancor] i dont know about switching the colossus for the world eater just because the world eater slows down aggro soooooo much and is a threat. the dragon is awesome and a threat too but it doesnt stop Desecration Demon and any other big flyers....it just trades with ur opponents dragon unless one of u has a monstrous one and the other doesnt. plus the colossus can b made monstrous the very next turn while the dragon has to wait two turns and it doesnt shoot down a flyer. the decks i see a problem with is mono white aggro and mono black devotion. maybe mono green aggro but not too too many people r playing it so ya.
November 6, 2013 10:03 a.m.
my comment was in responce t the wastes and temple thing
November 6, 2013 10:04 a.m.
Ultimaodin says... #20
Another Land Destruction deck. Take my +1.Looks pretty solid. Against my own I think those early burn spells would give you an edge. Blitzkrieg DestructionI honestly think Stormbreath Dragon is probably the only card I can think may be a little out of place but it's a definite game winner regardless.
November 6, 2013 10:16 a.m.
jimaejackel says... #21
red land D runs DRAGONS, freaking dragons not some giant wussy walking through the woods with faeries and elves and shit...
November 6, 2013 12:01 p.m.
jimaejackel says... #22
well i guess there is green too but you get my point.
November 6, 2013 12:02 p.m.
true but do u wat to lose cuz u didnt want to play some wussy walking through the woods with faeries and elves and shit and ur freaking dragon got killed by a demon?
November 6, 2013 12:06 p.m.
Stormbreath Dragon is offensive and Arbor Colossus is defensive. take ur pick. i happen to think the defensive is a better approach to the decks this deck has problems with rather then offensive.
K1LR0Y says... #1
EmperorRancor, i would replace Stormbreath Dragon with Arbor Colossus . Stormbreath Dragon is better offensive but Arbor Colossus defends very well against Desecration Demon and other flyers. plus with all the ramp u can play him on turn 3 or 4 instead of turn 5 and make him monstrous on turn 4 or 5 rather then turn 6. maybe also 1x more Frenzied Tilling ?
November 5, 2013 11:34 a.m.