5/0 FNM Modern Land D (w/ Courser + Domri)

Modern* EmperorRancor

SCORE: 320 | 271 COMMENTS | 69875 VIEWS | IN 205 FOLDERS Top 8: 11/22

K1LR0Y says... #1

u might not.

November 6, 2013 12:10 p.m.

Ixthinon says... #2

Just to speak to the Stormbreath Dragon discussion. The land destruction attack will generally cause the opponent to have a lot of cards in their hand due to the mana shortage. Thus when the monsterous is triggered on it the damage is a lot. Just saying.

November 6, 2013 12:37 p.m.

Ultimaodin says... #3

I use Sylvan Primordial personally but I have excess mana to throw to cast it early with Nykthos. In this deck I honestly think Arbor Colossus may be better because Desecration is a very prominent thing in all those mono-black devotion decks. The lack of trample does make him a bit less effective though than a flying haste for attacking. He's probably more use as a sideboard against black.Honestly though I like Ruric Thar, the Unbowed This guy does more than just go aggro - if he gets removed it costs the enemy a lot. (that 6 damage is usually more than what Stormbreath pulls for you and really murders those white enchantment/heroic decks, the red guttersnipe decks, the control decks etc...)

November 6, 2013 12:45 p.m.

korfits says... #4

The thing about Ruric Thar, the Unbowed is just that he kinda kills you if you wanna run Demolish , Bramblecrush and so on :P more pain then gain

November 6, 2013 12:52 p.m.

K1LR0Y says... #5

ur absolutely right. i have gone back and forth between the two. for me the decks i see this having a problem with is mono white aggro and mono black devotion. mybe mono green but almost no one it playing it. and it turns out that Arbor Colossus was better in those mach-ups without cousing it to lose to other decks. i can see the dragon better in esper (control) matches but idk. i think its just a preference. i see Arbor Colossus being better in more matches and dealing with the flyer problem and others might disagree....and i dont care nor am i saying im right......im just saying what i think is best for the deck. i dont care if anyone disagrees with me or if Arbor Colossus is just some wussy walking through the woods with faeries and elves and shit. i have lost more games to the wussy then to the freaking dragon a(s jimaejackel puts it) cuz i run mono-black devotion and it wipes the floor with the dragon and losses to the colossus cuz the colossus is a 9/9, shot down my demon and do much about attacking with my other demon cuz there is a 9/9 sitting on the jimaejackelfeild. yes there is removal but that gets all creatures. (and by the way this deck has elves and shit in it)

November 6, 2013 12:52 p.m.

K1LR0Y says... #6

once again my comment is not under what its taking about. Ixthinon is right about Stormbreath Dragon and Ruric Thar, the Unbowed will kill u.

November 6, 2013 12:55 p.m.

EmperorRancor says... #7

I have won with the dragon becoming monstrous and swinging. All this deck needs is time. The more time I have the better. You can have 50 life but no more when you've lost all lands. The pro white is what really does it. I think Ill have Arbor sideboarded to replace with dragons against black. But for pro-white hes an awesome dragon.

November 6, 2013 1:10 p.m.

jimaejackel says... #8

its a dragon, why must me debate over this gents? its a PHREAKING DRAGON!!

but seriously if you phear the demon in the mono black decks or phear the nightveil in mono blue or black decks

then use Plummet in the side board. no it's not a dumb card. i liked it before it was used as sideboard in grand pirx/ pro tour/ SCG tourneys. mono green creautre destruction is hard to come by and usually it deals with things green can't, like flying in this instance.

Did i mention it's a phreaking dragon?

November 6, 2013 1:37 p.m.

jimaejackel says... #9

oh and do not doubt the homo-erotic-ness of the elves

November 6, 2013 1:38 p.m.

EmperorRancor says... #10

I was told to side in Plummet by a friend at the tournament but I only have 1. I guess this is also a good idea. Then i can keep the pro-white dragons. And the effect when they have no lands and a full hand.

November 6, 2013 1:40 p.m.

jimaejackel says... #11

And it only costs two mana?... that's value. that is hardly a problem for you. oh and its instant speed.I cant think of any other pesky flyers at the moment but it's good ya know.

November 6, 2013 1:42 p.m.

Ixthinon says... #12

I also think the idea of the colossus side-board is the best idea. Since this deck can turn 3 destroy lands it is feasible the demon may never hit the board due to land destruction.

I am currently have all the cards to make this deck, strongly considering making a version to try out :) I have to say that Chandra, Pyromaster may be something to look into for additional card advantage after their board stalls from mana shortages.

November 6, 2013 1:45 p.m.

jimaejackel says... #13

I really look at this way I know mana isn't a problem for you. But when you have to kill a flyer it's, becuase you HAVE to. and it would really suck if you made the arbor monstrous and they doom blade it response thus the trigger not happening.

with dragon, the phreaking dragon, its becuase you want to :D

November 6, 2013 1:45 p.m.

Ultimaodin says... #14

I should clarify I meant Ruric Thar, the Unbowed as a sideboard but yes this deck probably has one two many non-creature spells compared to my own. XDI was more pointing out Stormbreath seems a little out of theme but as stated hes a damn good bomb.

Overall it depends on the meta you play in. My own meta has aggro white heroic for white so the stormbreath wouldn't be that amazing even with the pro white. As I meantioned sideboarding arbor collosus for a swap is probably your best move depending on what you come up against. Against blue or black I find Arbor better because killing a flier means you can kill nightveil Specter which pretty much shuts down mono-blue devotion. Then again I'm the guy who runs Mistcutter Hydra in his sideboard just to middle finger blue decks.

I'm not sure I get Wasteland Viper in the sideboard in honesty. Deathrite Shaman just seems a better choice since it combats scavenging ooze while giving you life, it helps prevent blacks graveyard interaction (Gary rescuing a Gary is the most infuriating thing mono black does in my opinion) and since you're running Sylvan you can even use it to ping for 2. Wasteland is only really good against agro and then you have all those burn spells.

November 6, 2013 1:49 p.m.

jimaejackel says... #15

I just play tested again cause its so damn fun.

I only drew one land destruction but on turn 5 with ramp creatures and Xenagos, The Reveler i had a monstrous dragon on turn 5...

November 6, 2013 1:50 p.m.

EmperorRancor says... #16

November 6, 2013 1:51 p.m.

K1LR0Y says... #17

yep like i said i dont care nor am i right. i think sideboarding them is a great idea and it stops the having to deside on which one.

November 6, 2013 1:55 p.m.

K1LR0Y says... #18

them being Arbor Colossus . maybe Plummet

November 6, 2013 1:59 p.m.

Cadmeus says... #19

This looks awesomely fun to play. My local meta is full of UW and UWR control players and I hate it. Would love to ruin some days with a land destruction deck like this one. +1!

November 6, 2013 10:24 p.m.

dizzzyme says... #20

To clarify, I lost to mono black and mono blue, I personaly took out fenzied tilling for into the wilds, by turn 3 your not looking for land so it gets that land you would of drawn on the feild, and hope the next card is your creature or land destruction, I would keep stormbreath main board, pro white is too op in the meta, side board after the losses was plummet for mono black and blue its just too usfule vs the 0/1 evolvers and specters AND deamonds its a solid side, second I ditched flames of the firebrand, yes its good but I found that the mana cost was too high and it wasn't working well enough, 4 magma jets main in plenty and 2 strikes and 2 mortars, I never came out on top having to force anger of the gods so it was a little underwhelming.the hammers of purpheros also good vs control but I liked mist cutter hydra more as a sideboard ,answer.

November 7, 2013 10:55 a.m.

K1LR0Y says... #21

i think the flames r ok as a 2 of just because of elspeth......not that they should get 6 mana but just in case and for mono red. killing 3 creatures or even 2 for 3 mana isnt bad. Anger of the Gods is good against mono red and colossus gruul. mono red only needs 2 lands some need 3 so anger is again ok as a 2 of.

November 7, 2013 11:23 a.m.

dizzzyme says... #22

Also I side boarded the green red charm over the vipers. The only card this deck has big problems with is reaper if the wilds so I def think the scorpions have their place but the pithing needle? Not so much. The biggest issue personaly is when they get a god off, that shit blows when they get devotion and you done have mortars in hand. The deck that is gonna mess you up the hardest is anything running thoughtseize, if they are any sort of smart they will take your dork turn 1 putting you behind turn 1 I almost want to figure out a way to be able to pull stuff out of your graveyard but I don't know if there is room.

November 7, 2013 12:37 p.m.

dizzzyme says... #23

@k1lroy mono red stands no chance with this deck their mana curve is usualy 1.5 and lower so they run 17ish lands and take a 1 land hand so your usualy only seeing 2 or 3 land by turn 6 and a top deck land slows them down either way

November 7, 2013 12:40 p.m.

EmperorRancor says... #24

And the sideboard Peak Eruption is the turn 2 land destruction.

Also, Ill contemplate the Gruul Charm . But vipers are my andswer for mono green and other gruul ramper decks.

November 7, 2013 1:50 p.m.

K1LR0Y says... #25

true i guess i forgot that cuz there (mono red) curve is so low they only get a few lands. plus Peak Eruption helps a lot......ok more than a lot but still. i think Gruul Charm is good but not great. it does answer a lot of things but no everything. it can help get damage thogh and gets rid of peskey Cloudfin Raptor s in mono blue and kills Chandra's Phoenix but still i think that gruul charm is a little out of place here. it doesnt relay help out with the things that need it, Plummet gets a flyer, Peak Eruption helps against any deck with red in it, Anger of the Gods gets mono red aggro and helps against colossal gruul and other ramp decks, Pithing Needle can name stuff that hits the board like Jace, Architect of Thought (esper opponents might b able to get him out if they counter a LD spell or wait a while and dont miss a land drop which almost never happens), and Wasteland Viper gets mono green and helps against other ramp decks. i dont relay see Gruul Charm fitting in. i think the sideboard is very well constructed and i think that Plummet was a better choice instead of Arbor Colossus cuz the decks that run Desecration Demon also run a lot of removal which means the colossus would die.

November 7, 2013 2:20 p.m.

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