5/0 FNM Modern Land D (w/ Courser + Domri)

Modern* EmperorRancor

SCORE: 320 | 271 COMMENTS | 69875 VIEWS | IN 205 FOLDERS Top 8: 11/22

dizzzyme says... #1

Honestly running this deck in every which way trying to make it better/faster anything that runs early hate it gonna be an issue for ramp, I personaly think 2 keyrunes would be better than 2 satyrs just because traditional hate is gonna slow you down, yes its a 3 drop but it gets you more consistant mana and wrath would not hurt so bad. Mono black, grixis, golgari and even things with turn 2 hate will slow you down a turn and even 2 if they have the right cards. The major downfalI personaly I personaly experience at my meta localy is the pure hate for ramp. Mine usualy does not sit on the board for more than a turn so I'm being forced to ramp in other ways also not just targetable creatures.

November 15, 2013 6:19 a.m.

EmperorRancor says... #2

I think Ill try the Gruul Keyrune tonight. I like the ramp and with any other ramp on turn 1 or 2 hes easily affordable. And I should have mana ready to activate him most of the time.

November 15, 2013 10:30 a.m.

Skaber1986 says... #3

i played a deck similar to this tonight at fnm was so much fun lol went 4-0

November 15, 2013 4:07 p.m.

korfits says... #4

i just came home from FNM and i won 4 out of 6. So that was decent. i lost to a bant control and a mono blue devotion (one of the best players in my country) so no shame to loose to him :P

November 15, 2013 4:30 p.m.

EmperorRancor says... #5

Awesome guys. I'm heading out to my local place, I work fridays so I have to wait until 6. Good to hear you did well im pumped.

November 15, 2013 4:36 p.m.

dizzzyme says... #6

Well I figure I would update you with my own brew of your deck since it was your idea, I took 3rd out of 28 in fnm last night using the land destruction 2.0 with some reworks, I cant justify going back to 2 colors because mono blue and black was too hard to handle, but anyway thanks for the idea and maybe take a look I think you may like it,

November 16, 2013 4:02 p.m.

gyakuza says... #7

I have a similar land destruction standard deck I have recently been playing on MTGO. People haaaaate it. Some people go so far as to say it's "cheap" or "unfair." I fail to see how land-removal based control is any different than an any control deck or creature-removal heavy deck. Land-destruction and decks based on them have always been staples in MTG going back to Sinkhole .... The current standard environment does not make a land-destruction deck easy, either! No 3 drop removal... People are just whiney. :)

November 16, 2013 7:39 p.m.

Vindemiatrixx says... #8

Built this deck and I have to say Gruul Keyrune is the best thing ever, its a constant threat that can also make mana, I never thought I would like a keyrune... Also, the deck faired well even against a kill spell heavy deck but managed to still go 6-4 against my buddies awesome Golgari deck, not to mention it was the first time I sat with the deck and tried it out, I wish I could +1 it some more, its absolutely amazing.

(Note: I still need 3x Stomping Ground and lack the 3x Temple of Abandon and the 4 losing games were mostly due to mana problems, having the right colors is key to the deck so im sure once I grab those it will run alot smoother)

November 18, 2013 8:51 p.m.

EmperorRancor says... #9

Amazing everyone,

@dizzzyme I like your deck and may update my own. I seem to have trouble with mono Green getting so much mana I can't regain control.

@gyakuza I get the same response here. "Stupid" "That will never be a 'thing'." Yet everyone I get this from is running black blue or blue white and there mad that they're getting controlled. Sorry my local metta is blue/insert color and I found a way around it. :D

@Vindemiatrixx Good to hear. I think depending on the local metta scene Gruul Keyrune might be a great card for the removal decks. Currently I like it but not enough to need it for what I'm doing. It will be kept in mind though.

November 19, 2013 10:02 a.m.

teslamon says... #10

I drafted a deck based off this one... Standard Bulldozer...and found that Sylvan Primordial shines like a star...Frenzied Tilling or Bramblecrush plus a little extra mana for a 6/8 body, why not?

November 19, 2013 10:11 a.m.

dizzzyme says... #11

Im glad you think that its a step in the right direction, adding those keyrunes made me love them so much that im currently working on a keyrune DECK lol that basicly is going to give you a shit ton of draw and uncontrollable to the point that it wont matter what you send to the grave yard im getting it back.

November 19, 2013 1:01 p.m.

dizzzyme says... #12

any updates on what you plan to do with this deck? im still tuning mine and I have to say its getting MEAN, it has been shitting on t1 deck lists.

November 22, 2013 5:23 p.m.

frostrite says... #13

I really like your deck, but I would suggest a couple changes after playtesting with something similar.

First, I would shave one Stormbreath Dragon and one Ember Swallower and add two lands. Land drops are so important for this deck and I think you always want to be ahead on the mana. Or, if you want to keep your threats, maybe cut one Mystic and one Caryatid.

Second, I would switch out the Mizzium Mortars for Shocks, just in case your opponent is on the play and plays an early threat that needs an immediate answer. I would put the Mizzium Mortars in the sideboard though.

Third, my suggestion is to cut one Demolish for one more copy of Frenzied Tilling (card advantage!).

Next couple of my suggestions are based on personal preference.

I understand why the Gruul Keyrunes are included, but the deck is low on card advantage/card draw. Chandra, Pyromaster would allow for playing extra cards, it also pings any missed 1/1s or could allow you to push through with your creatures. The Keyrune also only has trample, so often it would trade with remaining creatures. Maybe put it in the sideboard against a control deck.

Sideboard is more of a personal choice, but I think one or two more Anger of the Gods would be great against another ramp or aggro deck. In the ramp scenario, I would completely take out the Mystics and Caryatids. Maybe another cheap burn spell or two would be good as well.

Anyway, good luck and have fun!

November 23, 2013 3:16 p.m.

opiewan18 says... #14

very nice, +1, i feel like Xenagos, The Reveler could be something else. i tested vs my deck and milled you down to 6 cards, no board presence, top decking... then yours came back lol.

November 26, 2013 4:54 p.m.

Went 3/1 last night at TNM, came second effectively. Games as follows:

1st; Esper Control, first game he Supreme Verdict every thing before I could get going, he got Elspeth out and I went down easily. Second and Third games my ramp worked well, I faked with an Ember Swallower he countered and got a face full of Stormbreath Dragon which I monstered and hit for 14 the next round. Third game more of the same, focused on his white lands to avoid wipes and DS. I found out later this guy is one of the top in the country, the look on his face told a story when he was sitting there on almost no land.

2nd; White Aggro, splash of red, Got my ass handed to me brutally in the first game, 3 Soldier of the Pantheon in his opening hand. 2nd and 3rd games he thought he could play with 2 lands in his hand, I took a beat down but Mizzium Mortars saved my ass and then he scooped when all he had left was a M Vault. Also a top player, look of total disgust on his face.

3rd; Gruul ramp, big beetles. No chance for him. Even with just a few dorks out I knew I had this. Mizzium Mortars into Kalonian Hydra (I have one instead of a 3rd SBD) into Ember Swallower . Wiped his dorks and swung FTW.

4th G/B nasty ooze and troll deck. Took the first game easily, got beat down in the 2nd and 3rd. He thanked me for taking out the first two players as they were his main competition! He also now knew what I was playing so Thoughtseize me each game and stole my dorks to slow me down. With out the ramp I was too slow to get the LD moving and got thumped.

All in all, I am very happy the way the deck worked. I made a few errors but nothing major. The beauty of this deck is that NO ONE sees it coming!! The look of horror on peoples faces when you suddenly monster an Ember Swallower is "I'm sorry, WTF did you just say? THREE lands??"

Love it. Will try again on Saturday and feedback. Aggro is where this deck suffers.I might splash some black and add some removal or Thought Sieze to cope with Aggro.

November 27, 2013 12:48 a.m.

EmperorRancor says... #16

People always have to read and re-read Ember Swallower . Always the "WTF?!??!?" scenario. I very much appreciate the feedback. I do have a lot of people saying they splashed in black. Thoughtseize Is also a good answer for the mono greens ability to get ahead on mana to the point where they run it without lands. But yes, another answer for red as well. I just love getting a Peak Eruption opening hand though against a red. T2 land gone. :)

November 27, 2013 9:36 a.m.

MasterVash says... #17

I ended up building a deck extremely similar to this, completely unrelated to seeing your build here. I run Mistcutters instead of Stormbreath and use 23 land and 3 Keyrunes (my meta is control- and boardwipe-heavy), but otherwise basically the same.

Last week it went 3-1 handily. I don't remember just how most games went, but what I do remember is:

1st game was vs. white weenie. I got a quick victory 1st game, but 2nd game he floored me with like 2x each of Soldier of the Pantheon and Dryad Militant . Third game went much better though, and he scooped when he had 0 lands on the field.

2nd game I fought a defender deck with Axebane Guardian . Sure, I destroyed all his land, but I didn't see a Mizzium Mortars either game and he managed to get rolling with Axebanes and Caryatids. A depressing 0-2. I now run 2x Anger of the Gods in my sideboard as well, even if it does kill my own mana dorks too.

3rd game was against control. My opponent wasn't happy he couldn't ever get Elspeth or Aetherling out. I couldn't keep much out myself, but I did eventually overrun him through Xenagos's ultimate (twice in one game!).

4th game, Boros aggro. He was running mana-specific things like Phalanx Leader and Fabled Hero and I washed him out for an easy 2-0.

Land destruction is dirty, mean, and not very fun to play against. But neither are your standard control decks, and like I said, my meta is littered with them.

November 29, 2013 5:42 a.m.

dizzzyme says... #18

I tried mixing it up and put 3 Chandra in, it works beautifully. I do have a question about it. It says exile the top card and you may play it.... What if its a land and you already played a land for the turn.... Does she over rule that since it says you may play it????

December 1, 2013 10:48 a.m.

korfits says... #19

i asked an ORC on MTGO and got this answer: "If you exile a land card using the second ability, you may play that land only if you have any available land plays. Normally, this means you can play the land only if you havent played a land yet that turn."

So that means that you can't play the exiled land if you've cast a land previouse that turn. So you should wait with playing a land till you've used her ability

December 1, 2013 1:51 p.m.

korfits says... #20

i really like the idea. Then you can go throu 2 cards instead of one. and that will increase your chances for that extra destruction spell that's needed.

December 1, 2013 1:52 p.m.

dizzzyme says... #21

I ran 3 Chandra tonight and she just shined so hard.

December 1, 2013 8:27 p.m.

leatherface says... #22

I know this deck is supposed to be a bane for control decks but through 10 games of playtesting with my Esper Sphinx Scry Team. . It only won 1 of 10. I know this deck is cool and strong and all (Heck I believe in this deck so much I even want to make it and bought some pieces already, +1 for it btw) but I think I'm playing it wrong or something's missing.

December 1, 2013 9:43 p.m.

korfits says... #23

Dizzyme, did you take xengos out for pyromaster?

Leatherface. I donlt know if this deck is that awesome against control. The thing is that if a player can drop a land each turn. Then you are in a lot of trouble. Because you can't destroy a land each turn. Think dizzyme's land destruction is better vs control because he splashes black for hand disruption.

December 2, 2013 5:02 a.m.

dizzzyme says... #24

No I re modified the deck for 3 and 3, the xenegos is a staple, also yes my deck slams on control hard, I win 90% of my control matches. I haven't updated my list in a while but I don't run all the strikes and jets he does, also i don't run peak eruptions in the side. I went for a more well balanced deck so anything midrange or controls style i should beat the decks that are hard for me is red deck wins and red green devotions. Everything else is pretty much too slow to keep up.

December 2, 2013 6:03 a.m.

dizzzyme says... #25

Not to say they will win every time I just have to be somewhat picky about my opening hand.

December 2, 2013 6:04 a.m.

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