50 #'s of Grade A Beef -R.I.P.-

Standard* APPLE01DOJ

SCORE: 90 | 251 COMMENTS | 20301 VIEWS | IN 24 FOLDERS

ShadowLand says... #1

@ Resonance, I'm not sure what you're getting at

October 27, 2013 12:52 a.m.

Blizzicane says... #2

@ShadowLand Your link was connected to the wrong deck so I posted the right link to your deck.

October 27, 2013 1 a.m.

Blizzicane says... #3

As for your question on which card to sideboard I really don't like either of those but I would go with Encroaching Wastes as its a land so it will have some use by providing you mana until you the time you need it to destroy that dual land or Mutavault versus Destroy the Evidence which cannot do any thing for you until later.

October 27, 2013 1:03 a.m.

ShadowLand says... #4

Resonance thanks! Also, I agree with said user, Encroaching Wastes is way better than Destroy the Evidence

October 27, 2013 1:07 a.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #5

well the benefit of Destroy the Evidence is that it puts cards in the graveyard for Deathrite Shaman and Scavenging Ooze to eat and it hits basic lands too. I know this isn't as effective because tons more basics are run in standard than modern but can still set an opponent back if they just top decked their splash or 3rd color. ShadowLand your deck could fall victim to this.


I think your deck would be much stronger if you dropped the 3rd color. It seems like your deck wants to do too much and is paying for it by removing copies of things u shouldn't. Thoughtseize is pretty useless as a 2 of. If your not running 4 then don't run it, or at least run copies of Duress to fill the shoes.

I would also mainboard 2x Golgari Charm and sideboard 2x Hero's Downfall for their slot. The charm is super useful and having access to enchantment removal in the charm & Abrupt Decay is one of the biggest reasons to splash green. Combine that with your Putrefy and you'll be capable to hit everything. (save hexproof) That being said, u should probably drop the ghost council together and MB the 2x Abrupt Decay in it's place. Drop Ashen Rider and 1 copy of the whip to make room for +2 Thoughtseize or Duress MB

You don't benefit from having stuff go into the grave so I would run Diabolic Tutor over Jarad's Orders as it can fetch the Whip or Erebos or whatever answer u need.

I would drop pretty much all the tap lands. If u think u need scry then Reaper of the Wilds would be better because it wouldn't slow u down.

4x some 1-drop creature could do you good. Slitherhead is always a cheap usefull option.

October 27, 2013 1:56 a.m.

ShadowLand says... #6

Dude, the deck revolves around the whip, so I want to use the graveyard as much as possible, in my meta, golgari charm is only useful in certain matches, so it does me no good in the others, the ghost council is almost death-proof, because it survives being whipped because it takes priority over the whip exiling, ashen rider I am still tossed up for. I could lose it and not be sad. Jarads orders can put a creature in my hand that I want and drop a creature in the GY for the whip, which can be hugely powerful mid-game. And reaper of the wilds would slow me down a ton, I need 5-6 mana on the field for her to even be useful, and in the 3-color, the mana is super necessary, the scry is just a bonus. Its all about my meta. If I was going to change anything, it would be to change up to mainboard duress, as the whole reason I have 2 thoughtsieze listed is because that's all I own currently to put into the deck.

but the deck is built to re-animate stuff, and every target (besides the troll) is built around being whipped.

October 27, 2013 9:01 a.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #7

the deck is flooded with high CMC/Taplands and is inconsistent. I play tested it about 5 times. In those 5 play tests, it gets repeatedly annihilated, most of the time before it can do anything except play a land. 1 time I came across a Lotleth Troll but was mana screwed for days, no green to cast it. Another time I managed to get a Thoughtseize in my opening hand, but most games your deck couldn't even do anything besides play land until turn 3 and was often dead by turn 6. (keep in mind that T6 is probably the earliest you would even realistically use the whip)

IMO (and u may stumble across other post by me telling others the same thing) The whip is a crappy card and should be left on the sideboard vs decks where life loss (yes loss not gain) makes a difference. It's way too slow to be the re-animator people want it to be.

Golgari Charm answers things like IDK Whip of Erebos not to mention, spot removal/token wiper, saves your board in a pinch vs Supreme Verdict

I don't like Reaper of the Wilds either. I ran Kalonian Hydra instead. ...but if your running taplands just for the scry effect, then yes Reaper is a better choice. Not talking about it's mana sinks.

October 27, 2013 10:13 a.m.

spilacus says... #8

i like it.. but yours is more creature based while mine is more of a removal via sorecry/instant +1

November 13, 2013 5:27 p.m.

harrydemon117 says... #9

I would main board the Hero's Downfall over Putrefy .

Here's my reasoning: Both are the same CMC @ 3, BUT Hero's Downfall can hit Planeswalkers which this deck lacks at being able to handle.

My question for you is "Why the Grisly Salvage ?" Seems the only reason would be to "gobble up" the fodder sent there for Scavenging Ooze or Deathrite Shaman , This seems good but since graveyard shenanigans aren't so prevalent since Unburial Rites and Snapcaster Mage rotated out of Standard, you could SB the shamans at least and put something else in (either the Putrefy s or even Read the Bones for some card draw. Heck even Sylvan Caryatid allows you to ramp into turn 3 Desecration Demon or turn 4 Vraska the Unseen or Kalonian Hydra

I think the Glaring Spotlight is also redundant. You have Golgari Charm to thwart board wipes/removal, so why do you need to give your guys hexproof? If you're worried about facing hexproof auras, why not run another Gaze of Granite or even Devour Flesh instead?

Also, Rogue's Passage will ONLY be good with the Vraska tokens, so why not put your Encroaching Wastes in for that?

November 19, 2013 3:01 p.m.

harrydemon117 says... #10

Also, if you look at your CMC list you are HEAVILY loaded in the 2 drop slot and it will be hard for you to be "mana efficient" consistently if you don't add some more 3 drops instead of 2 drops

November 19, 2013 3:02 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #11

Ummm, I think you completely missed how the deck works. I think just about every suggestion you made is worse.

1st Y on earth do I need higher mana cost spells? That's absolutely absurd. The more economic your spells, the more spells you're capable of cast per turn.

Okay, let's take argument 1. Deathrite Shaman vs Sylvan Caryatid

Sylvan Caryatid has excellent defense and is an expensive mana ramp.

Deathrite Shaman has good defense (2) for a 1 drop. Is an excellent mana ramp, can deal 2 damage each round, gain u 2 life if those shocks & seizes add up too much and worst case scenario chump blocks or attacks for 1. (I include this because the Caryatid can't do it)

This is excluding the deck synergies but do u see how much more economy Deathrite Shaman is, not to mention a cheaper CMC.

Putrefy is MB'd because it's easier casting cost. Honestly, while Hero's Downfall is the obvious SB swamp, it usually gets added in as additional removal, not replacement for current removal.

Grisly Salvage fuels the whole deck. It puts Mana in the grave for Deathrite Shaman to ramp with and spells to ping with every round. Scavenging Ooze feeds off the creature cards to gain life and create an overpowered beast. Not to mention, It can put a land in my hand early game when I need just 1 more mana drop, or find that Kalonian Hydra to put on the board turn 4. (my deck kinda already does this without Sylvan Caryatid ).

Actually Rogue's Passage is great for a huge pumped Scavenging Ooze to get through too. :) (way more often than Assassian tokens) ....speaking of, Glaring Spotlight is for the tokens to get through easier. Glaring Spotlight + Rogue's Passage ..but also can be useful in other situations, especially those when I've used my Golgari Charm s early game. (that -1/-1 comes in handy vs things like 2x Elvish Mystic on the opponents board vs your single Deathrite Shaman . Also Glaring Spotlight can solve many problems, where as Devour Flesh can really only solve 2. (potential spot removal & lifegain)

Encroaching Wastes was in this deck, then SB'd for Mutavault (used as bait for target removal, then into the grave for DRS to ramp with) then replaced by Destroy the Evidence then Land hate was removed entirely.

I'm not even going to get into the mile long discussions of why Read the Bones is a bad card for this deck. My card draw is Grisly Salvage for all the synergy. RtB is an overpriced draw spell that slows the game down.

What do you think about adding some Lifebane Zombie to the SB?

Thanks for taking time

November 19, 2013 3:32 p.m.

harrydemon117 says... #12

I like Lifebane Zombie and think he could be a nice addition as a 3 CMC card main to tell you the truth. A lot of decks are going green (Gruul midrange, Naya, U/G devotion ramp, selesnya aggro, etc) so I think he has a great spot. In fact, he also answers your problem with Blood Baron of Vizkopa AND has the extra added bonus of seeing your opponent's entire hand which is HUGE (pair these with Thoughtseize and you can pretty much guess how your opponent is going to respond to your plays - basically a Sorin Markov without the planeswalker ultimate haha)

I agree that DRS IS a good card and I run 2 in my sideboard vs monoblack and sometimes control decks for extra reach. My argument is that he can be hit with EVERY form of removal in standard outside of Doom Blade and Ultimate Price and Sylvan Caryatid requires something like Devour Flesh or a combat trick due to hexproof. Monored will eat DRS alive if he comes down early (Shock , Lightning Strike , Magma Jet , etc). Not to mention he can't block a Rakdos Cackler or similar creature profitably. 2 toughness is no good vs power > 1. Yes he COULD trade with a creature but is that what you want your "ramper" to be doing?

I saw the synergy between Grisly Salvage and DRS for the "mana ramp", but it doesn't do you any good if he dies early. If you want him for "reach" against your opponent, by the time you WANT him on the board, chances are you've already turned the board state to your favor (especially vs aggro) and the ramp at that point is irrelevant. Any good deck is going to pack plenty of removal and will take out DRS early especially if he's the only target. You are also trying to rely on having one of each (DRS and Grisly Salvage in your opening hand and that won't happen as often as you'd like it to. More consistent would be Read the Bones especially due to the scry (to do away with unwanted cards). If you don't like those then Underworld Connections is just as powerful. Grisly Salvage is just a REPLACEMENT card (1 for 1) while the draw cards actually net you a card.

Scavenging Ooze is great as most decks run creatures now and he will have plenty to "eat" to get bigger...not to mention the life gain is relevant vs aggro decks. I was saying to remove Grisly Salvage altogether if you SB'd the DRS's.

From my experiences, being "on curve" is REALLY important especially for a tempo game. Are you trying to be more midrange or control? If the latter, then yes I could see having a bunch more lower cost cards to cast multiples per turn, but if you are to be more midrange then casting multiples per turn will burn you out faster and have you running out of gas against control decks.

I think the land removal/hate isn't worth it anyway...if you're trying to target something like a land enchanted with Underworld Connections or Chained to the Rocks then using Golgari Charm works just as well without having to sac a land for it (charm also has other uses which is huge - in fact I think it's the most UNDERRATED of all the charms it's that good!)

You obviously run the deck and know how it works. All I can do is make some suggestions based on what I see. Maybe I will playtest against it (don't I owe you one anyway from a forums post in standard?) and give you some more feedback then

November 19, 2013 4:55 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #13

Yea, u should play test it vs your deck, maybe you'll see the synergy & mechanics. ...and also you said that the deck lacks MB planeswalker removal, but I think you miss what most people miss. Vraska the Unseen is pretty much a reoccurring Maelstrom Pulse capable of hitting Planeswalkers.

November 19, 2013 11:54 p.m.

Plaguejaw says... #14

I feel like bloodrushing with Wasteland Viper could be useful for someone..

November 20, 2013 1:49 a.m.

harrydemon117 says... #15

True, Vraska hits walkers, but after game one an opposing Pithing Needle shuts her down which is becoming more and more present in SB's as of late

November 20, 2013 8:10 a.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #16

it's okay, I have Hero's Downfall + Pithing Needle myself for game 2/3.

Plaguejaw Wasteland Viper was in this deck, but ended up on the SB for Thoughtseize then completely replaced. It's always open to make it's way back in.

November 20, 2013 9:31 a.m.

MindAblaze says... #17

Yay for Vraska. I've wanted to use her basically since RTR came out and I'm sitting on 3 of them.

November 21, 2013 11:42 p.m.

mikaelb657 says... #18

looks fun +1

November 26, 2013 5:43 p.m.

NerdPounder says... #19

Have you thought about taking out Deathrite Shaman ? I know it's a sick card in theory, but it usually bites any burn spell or removal your opponent has just to keep his awesome effects from ever taking place. You could replace him with Experiment One for the really good synergy with your +1/+1 counter theme (that basically makes all of your creatures capable of getting them, making Kalonian Hydra an absolute bomb even more so than he already is), or Elvish Mystic to ramp up into your big threats faster.

November 29, 2013 8:36 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #20

Well Deathrite Shaman acts as a mana ramp like Elvish Mystic and while one could argue that Elvish Mystic is a more consistent ramp, I would argue that I can use Golgari Charm as spot removal and Deathrite Shaman would survive when Elvish Mystic wouldn't. Not to mention DRS eats graveyards, and deals 2 damage each turn when not ramping. Can even provide life in a pinch.

Experiment One has pretty poor synergy with this deck. He would become a 2/2 until a Desecration Demon hits the field. ...and while his regeneration is nice, I already have my chump blocker of choice with Lotleth Troll ...which can turn a hand full of high CMC creatures into a beast early game. At best, Experiment One has to wait for other creatures to be cast.

Good suggestions, but I think they would be a downgrade compared to what they would replace.

November 29, 2013 8:52 p.m.

NerdPounder says... #21

Okay, I see your point. It's just that whenever I've played Shaman he has always died within a turn of hitting the field, lol. And you're right I didn't think about the fact that X-1 doesn't get bigger until you hit a demon or a hydra, I'm used to him evolving a lot due to the fact that I usually strive for a smooth ramp, and it's obvious you're going for more of a midrange feel. I like your deck! It's the best Golgari deck I have seen since all of those wonderful graveyard mechanics in the Innistrad block rotated out.

November 29, 2013 9:06 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #22

Ur right, he's super removal bait. The corpse just gets fed to Scavenging Ooze like everything else though.

...and Thanks! This deck wrecks shop.

November 29, 2013 9:24 p.m.

Behgz says... #23

50lb's of Grade A Beef seems better than a '#'. with all the twitter nonsense I actually had to think to remember what that symbol was used for pre-twitter era.

Aside from that, I like the pic you posted in the description, I see that promo Grisly Salvage in there, that's awesome. +1

December 1, 2013 3:33 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #24

Thanks! ...and yea, I was browsing gatherer the other day and saw the banner advertising the new Grisly Salvage promo and was like "I have to have that". Then went to ebay and bought a playset.

December 2, 2013 2:03 a.m.

Behgz says... #25

I got one for attending FNM last week, it is pretty cool.

December 2, 2013 4:51 a.m.

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