50 #'s of Grade A Beef -R.I.P.-

Standard* APPLE01DOJ

SCORE: 90 | 251 COMMENTS | 20301 VIEWS | IN 24 FOLDERS

Skimm3r says... #1

Super jeleous that you have all of these cards 0_o

Very solid deck. I think that another Kalonian Hydra or two (to make a full set) would boost this a ton, because Kalonian is just an awesome game finisher, but you might not be able to find room, because all of these are pretty essential.

Definitely +1 from me, best Golgari I've ever seen.

December 8, 2013 10:42 p.m.

Skimm3r says... #2

Oh, completely forgot to suggest Corpsejack Menace . That would be a good base for all of the counters you're getting, and a good combo with Kalonian Hydra .

December 8, 2013 10:47 p.m.

Plaguejaw says... #3

Balustrade Spy would work wonders with Deathrite Shaman .

December 9, 2013 1:37 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #4

Too slow, + what would u take out for it?

Grisly Spectacle could do the same, but again too slow. :/

December 9, 2013 1:46 p.m.

Plaguejaw says... #5

I just like the idea of milling and using deathrite to exile opponent's cards xD

December 9, 2013 2 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #6

me too! it's even more fun with Scavenging Ooze

Love it in modern where you can also use Tarmogoyf and Sword of Body and Mind .

December 9, 2013 2:10 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #7

Skimm3r thanks for the +1 and suggestions.

I originally had Corpsejack Menace in this deck but he was one of the first things to get cut. Too slow/doesn't do enough. Why use Corpsejack Menace when u have Desecration Demon in that spot.

Same thing with Kalonian Hydra I love that card at it usually reads "play this card = you win" but there isn't enough room. Vraska the Unseen takes up the other 2 slots for 5 CMC. Good thing Grisly Salvage helps me find a hydra in a pinch.

December 9, 2013 2:15 p.m.

Wainwright says... #8

Hey there APPLE01DOJ I don't want to self promote my deck or beg your attention, but I'm gonna ask all the same, I have something similar and saw a recent comment you made about Scooze vs Reaper (actually related to Lol Troll)

I'd like your thoughts on my deck, if a Reaper vs Scooze swap in my deck would be a viable option, perhaps you'd be so good to take a look.

Devoted to Rock (3rd FNM)

Love your deck man - already +1'd before but I keep checking up on it.

December 12, 2013 1:29 a.m.

inanimateblob says... #9

I have an idea, tell me if you like it - I feel as though Corpsejack Menace could be realllly powerful in this deck. Maybe run it as a two-of, and take out something like Grisly Salvage .

December 13, 2013 1:07 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #10

Grisly Salvage is not open for being taken out. That card was designed for this deck and makes the whole thing function.

Corpsejack Menace was in the very first build of this deck but it's just too slow, does nothing when it hits field and too high of a CMC. Great in concept (and I really wanted to use him in a deck) but very very underwhelming in use. Not to mention he has no form of self pump. I know Deathrite Shaman doesn't either but they play 2 very different roles and DRS should never be attacking anyway.

Thanks for checking out the deck and the suggestion :)

December 13, 2013 6:32 p.m.

marok says... #11

Nice old Overgrown Tomb I have a playset of the old ones foil maseff

December 14, 2013 5:01 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #12

Nice! and yea old design totally trumps the new one.

I want to get a foil Verdant Catacombs eventually, have to find myself a foil Lilly first.

December 14, 2013 5:28 p.m.

marok says... #13

Lol I just traded mine away... Pretty much all the cards for He's Pretty Fly for a White Guy, and some of them for He's Pretty Fly for a White Guy V2, you should check em out.

December 14, 2013 8:15 p.m.

zygon91 says... #14

Is there any particular reason you don't like Reaper of the Wilds ?

Also you seem to be a good person to ask this question. I've been having trouble learning the complete mechanics of sideboarding efficiently. So when you only run 1x Mistcutter and 1x Mirror. The thought behind running only a single copy of a card is that you side out a card that you never want to draw in it's place, and if you so happen to draw it then you have that advantage, right?

A lot of people tell me you want to always run at least 2 of things, so you'll actually draw it, and it craps on things. But I think for really solid decks, it's less about trying to let you shit on them, and more about just helping.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's the premise of sideboarding well, right?

Like against Esper or Naya, what do you side in/out there?

Or against Rakdos Aggro or RDW, what do you side in/out there?

December 15, 2013 3:48 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #15

Well I run 1x Mistcutter Hydra because I typically side it in vs the same matches that I also side 2x Witchstalker so instead of 3x Witchstalker I have a little of variety. Both offer the protection from blue I would be sideboarding them in for. Particularly vs Esper! I also use Pithing Needle (AEtherling /Elspeth/Jace/Ashiok) and Underworld Connections to even out the playing field, although to be honest this deck handles Esper pretty damn well without hitting the SB. Abrupt Decay takes care of Detention Sphere , if they run anything besides AEtherling then Putrefy isn't a dead draw. and while they do pack tons of removal, most standard removal is situational and their copies are fewer and farther between. Plus I pack Mutavault and Golgari Charm for Supreme Verdict . I feed my own creatures to ScOoze so their is a default post board wipe game plan. Vraska the Unseen handles their planeswalkers pretty well until they find a Hero's Downfall

Anyway, so... VS Esper

-3 Putrefy -1 Desecration Demon -1 Grisly Salvage -1 Golgari Guildgate -1 Scavenging Ooze +2 Witchstalker +1 Mistcutter Hydra +2 Pithing Needle +2 Underworld Connections

I think I'll do the rest of the In/Out stuff as an update. As for the rest of your question, that's a good theory and way to look at it. I think u just have to figure out what works for u and ur play style. That's what I did. I think logically about things. For instance, the mirror. There is only 1 copy because it wasn't worth wasting more space on the sideboard for additional copies. It only solves one problem (Hexproof) which this deck does well against already. So it was mostly put in for amusement! In this case being for Vraska the Unseen tokens.

Again like the Witchstalker /Mistcutter Hydra scenario I run 2x Gaze of Granite and 1x Ratchet Bomb . These cards serve the same purpose but handle it differently. I think it's good to have multiple ways of attack the same problems, it offers a bit of flex room. If my Ratchet Bomb gets hit with a Fade into Antiquity then I still have Gaze of Granite that Fade into Antiquity can't hit.

December 15, 2013 7:43 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #16

Oh, Reaper of the Wilds just does too little for the CMC. I would have to dig threw comments on this deck for days to find a huge comparison I made on him when he was brand new. I've even lost a matches to Reaper of the Wilds and own a playset myself but still I'm not sold on the card. As far as this deck goes, he doesn't fit the self-pump theme and in addition to doing too little is in competition for Desecration Demon 's slot.

December 15, 2013 7:55 p.m.

zygon91 says... #17

Makes sense. I really like this deck, and have been looking for ways to make it my own. But honestly there doesn't really seem to be much to add. I thought about maybe -1 Thoughtseize and -1 Troll or -2 Troll for Two Reaper of the Wilds but that's about all I've come up with.

Nobody in either of my card shops plays this deck. So I don't have a lot of experience seeing it in action. I've only seen one person use B/G and he didn't build it efficiently at all. My only other questions would be. How do you have Lo Trolls stay relevant? He seems pretty good. 2/1 Trample and a cheap regen. But -1s for +1/+1s just to keep him relevant seems to be asking a lot.

December 15, 2013 8:13 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #18

well his primary roll is a regeneratable blocker.

He works way better than you think. Early game I discard excess copies of ScOoze or Dessi Demi to get a good early game beat stick. Putting cards in the graveyard is a good thing. ScOoze will eat the bodies when he comes down. If I don't have anything to discard than who cares. He's still a regeneratable body. Capable of blocking a deathtouch enhanced Reaper of the Wilds . Late game, if even built up by just 1 card he gets a (repeatable) boost from Kalonian Hydra .

Reaper of the Wilds does have the potential to be a psudo-unblockable 4 damage each turn. ...but Lotleth Troll has a way to get thru and deliver his damage. Lower CMC and the potential to get way bigger than Reaper of the Wilds . (Possible to be as big as 7/6 T2) Reaper has Hexproof and Deathtouch wish it had Regeneration and Trample.

Reaper of the Wilds is a "not-as-good" version of Thrun, the Last Troll that stays 4/5 I honestly wouldn't MB him but a lot of other people seem to use him effectively.

This deck really gets ahead by having cards in the graveyard. So don't think of it as a -1 for a +1/+1, because in addition to just that +1/+1, ScOoze will get a +1/+1 and u gain life. This is what makes Grisly Salvage so good, find solutions and nothing goes to waste! Not to mention, every time u Abrupt Decay the opponents creatures, it's at least a 2-for-1. U take out a target, ScOoze eats the body, DRS exiles the Abrupt Decay . Take out a body, gain life, deal 2 unblockable damage. I'm with that!

I wouldn't cut any copies of Thoughtseize U really want the full playset and odds of it being a dead draw are a lot lower in standard.

If you build this, I have to tell u it's worth it. It's sooooo much fun to play and strong against about everything. If there is one card in standard that sets this deck back though it's Anger of the Gods . Dryad Militant Ground Seal Rest in Peace Pithing Needle and Chained to the Rocks can be annoying but Abrupt Decay answers them. Anger of the Gods just hits this deck at it's core. Good thing it's only effective early game :)

December 15, 2013 9:24 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #19

ignore me mentioning Ground Seal .

December 15, 2013 9:30 p.m.

zygon91 says... #20

Yeah but Golgani Charm counters Anger of the Gods, and the only decks I've seen that really utilizes Anger really well right now is Naya and U/R dumbshiz anyways.

Anyways. Yeah I see what you're saying. You don't use Troll offensively, you just use them as constant chump blockers against aggro, or free damage against control. I probably won't make any changes then.

One thing does have me curious though. How often do you get wins out of vraska's Ultimate? It seems like you're setting it up as a decent possibility with the inclusion of Rogue's Passage and Mirror

December 15, 2013 9:34 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #21

Actually I think it's been done to me (not playing this deck) more times than I've ever done it. I never go for it. So 0. lol Vraska is basically Maelstrom Pulse rebuild pulse timer count down, Maelstrom Pulse rebuild... In fact I've used this tactic with multiple Lotleth Troll s stalling the board, to pick off an opponents board 1 by 1 until the trolls could attack for the win.

As for Rogue's Passage it was originally intended for the Vraska's Sins but proved to be far more useful to get a huge ScOoze thru. I use it to let a Kalonian Hydra that would normally be blocked and die, attack for free and usually double the size of my board, which is often all it takes to win. I'm always happy to see one when I draw it. 1 seems to be the right number. Wouldn't advise running more than 2 at most.

December 15, 2013 10:07 p.m.

zygon91 says... #23

So in that case you basically use DRS to hit a land, to trade with mutavault, and then exile mutavault to ramp next turn?

December 15, 2013 10:56 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #24

yes. I deleted my comment cause I realize I typed that above and didn't want to sound redundant. I know it's sounds simple, but early game it can fix things in a pinch, especially since it can be done during your opponents attack phase.

December 15, 2013 11:04 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #25

(as long as DRS has been in play at least a turn)

December 15, 2013 11:08 p.m.

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