5c ETB fun

Commander / EDH* liqo


liqo says... #1

Thragtusk vs Kitchen Finks , what you think? I think Thragtusk is better since second ability triggers on leaving battlefield which is freaking awesome!

Also added card:Alchemist's Refuge and card:Slayers' Stronghold to Acquireboard, Refuge is awesome, Stronghold is good but I'm not sure if I really need it in the deck.

September 27, 2012 12:57 p.m.

Ashes of the Fallen Would be good, and would create use for your general. If you go down that road I suggest card:Patriarch's Bidding.

October 14, 2012 9:05 a.m.

liqo says... #3

ImHereToNetdeck: thanks for first comment =) I own Ashes of the Fallen and Conspiracy but don't want to go this road for three reason, first is, as I said in update, that I usually play this deck in Highlander format (you can think of it as of a general-less 100+ card EDH), for second I would have to add more tutors to get these cards - as it is I have trouble to find any more slots because of all the good cards I enjoy playing, for third I'm satisfied with current amount of recursion, which seems more effective and flexible than interaction of Horde and these cards.

Maybe I'll once buy FtV: Legends and have more appropriate Progenitus :-D

October 14, 2012 4:13 p.m.

liqo says... #4

I'm still not sure if Riku of Two Reflections should be in, he is mana hungry and has target painted on his ass. What are your experience and opinion?

November 18, 2012 6:40 p.m.

warper says... #5

For some reason I can't find your Mimic Vat . it's the lord of ETB. If you have any troubles with colors Prismatic Omen should help. I find card:Praetor's Grasp fun in 5 colored decks.

Avenger of Zendikar

Maybe it's your meta, but Aura Shards is probably one of the best EDH cards ever printed.

+1 for Maelstrom Nexus and then casting Maelstrom Wanderer for triple cascade, I do it too.

November 20, 2012 7:12 a.m.

liqo says... #6

To warper:

Thank you, in our meta, Mimic Vat and Aura Shards on the table are primary targets due their great annoyance, so I swapped them for creatures for easier recurrence. Havengul Lich is really powerful alternative and card advantage, because in many board states you don't have to play anything from your hand if you have him on the table plus it's summons last indefinitely. I chose Harmonic Sliver over Aura Shards because you have it's effect when it is needed (unless it's countered) and because of card:Green Sun's Zenith.

card:Praetor's Grasp - I rather tutor my own deck =)

Avenger of Zendikar - I currently own one and it's in my other deck, but I don't find him needed, Hornet Queen is perfect defensive substitute, yet he would be perfect target for late game GSZ

Prismatic Omen & Joiner Adept - I find my manabase quite reliable and Chromatic Lantern is waaaaay better =)

PS: Once I cast Maelstrom Wanderer with Maelstrom Nexus on the table cascading into Enigma Sphinx for quadruple cascade, you should see (and hear) expressions of my opponents :-D

November 20, 2012 4:01 p.m.

warper says... #7

Understandable about the Aura Shards and the Mimic Vat . We had a game last night and it pretty much ended when a guy played one.... we never stood a chance. I was playing Jor Kadeen, the Prevailer

Oh and thanks for the comments on mine always appreciated

November 21, 2012 7:28 a.m.

xcver says... #8

How about Conspiracy as a fun one in here...Horde of notions can reanimate everything then :)

What is the reason for Diabolic Intent over Demonic Tutor?

November 28, 2012 9:12 a.m.

ShinShoryuken says... #9

card:Conjurer's Closet may be good in this, although it might get blown up pretty quickly.

November 28, 2012 9:16 a.m.

liqo says... #10

Thank you for the comments.

To xcver:

Ashes of the Fallen would be even better because of Tezzeret the Seeker , but I don't wanna go this way as for now.

I don't own Demonic Tutor and Diabolic Intent is very good substitute in creature heavy deck for third of the price.

To ShinShoryuken:

Mistmeadow Witch and Venser, the Sojourner are the best cards available. I was considering card:Conjurer's Closet and Deadeye Navigator , but never decided for them, mainly because it's very difficult to find an adequate slot in current setup. Suggestions welcomed =)

November 28, 2012 9:55 a.m.

alpinefroggy says... #11

I am an idiot but Torpor Orb . +1 anyways

December 15, 2012 5:31 p.m.

liqo says... #12

To alpinefroggy:Thank you, you are right, Torpor Orb can really screw me up, thankfully no-one plays it in our playgroup as our meta is creature-heavy. Also multiplayer game is balanced by diplomacy and you can persuade others to take care of it =)

December 16, 2012 6:18 p.m.

liqo says... #13

To alpinefroggy:

Thank you, you are right, Torpor Orb can really screw me up, thankfully no-one plays it in our playgroup as our meta is creature-heavy. Also multiplayer game is balanced by diplomacy and you can persuade others to take care of it =)

December 16, 2012 6:18 p.m.

liqo says... #14

Consistency comes first =)

December 16, 2012 6:24 p.m.

warper says... #15

so I came back and reread your comment regarding Prismatic Omen , I just wanna say that sometimes it is better, their is a reason it's ten dollars out of standard. Your lands are each basic land type, so any effect like Islandwalk or effects like Last Stand and Beacon of Creation , and Waiting in the Weeds are much more effective. I know you probably don't care and for your deck it doesn't matter, but I disagree that Chromatic Lantern is that much better. Especially when I see much more artifact hate than enchantment hate.

by the way: Craterhoof Behemoth ?, Terastodon , and Warstorm Surge

December 24, 2012 12:05 p.m.

liqo says... #16

To warper:

Thank you, my point was that Chromatic Lantern is the most versatile, because it is ordinary mana rock (cool!) with ultimate color fixing ability (super cool!) and therefore on larger scale better than Sitting there doing nothing or Can act as combo piece - if you tutor me. But playing Last Stand with each effect multiplied by each land is quite tempting :-D

Is your meta heavy on mono-red decks, that you see more artifact than enchantment hate? In our meta are white and green quite popular, so there is equally present both hate (Naturalize & Disenchant alike).

Thanks for the tips! I recently changed the deck a bit

Craterhoof Behemoth - I think I'm quite aggressive, it isn't really good top-deck after board wipe and it's overpriced because of Standard

Terastodon - I even bought second one, to potentially add him here, but Kederekt Leviathan was always more appealing. Now I have Child of Alara to tryout =)

Warstorm Surge /Pandemonium - lol, it would bring even more attention to me at the table, so I reject them. I was rather considering for a some time Stalking Vengeance as funny board-wipe detergent.

December 26, 2012 9:03 p.m.

miracleHat says... #17

what were your reasons for dropping Chromatic Lantern , that card is probably one of the best cards for a five colored deck.

January 3, 2013 8:24 p.m.

liqo says... #18

To m12fox:

Well, as always, its cons overcome its pluses =)

But I'll summarize it for you: it's small boost and not quite reliable(read: it's destructible), I often had something more important to play or got tapped land on third turn, it's really poor top-deck and now I have quite reliable mana base.

January 3, 2013 9:29 p.m.

Rofelos says... #19

Hey, couple casual suggestions: your card:Conjurer's Closet is clutch, so maybe play Fabricate . How about Ghostly Flicker ? I'm sure there are other bounce outlets... maybe play Sunken Hope if you're playing Crystal Shard to return your own creatures... iunno peace +1

February 26, 2013 5:19 p.m.

Ragen87 says... #20

Hey, I like the deck, have a similar one but it's 4 color (nephilim) I think Craterhoof Behemoth , Avenger of Zendikar , and Venser, the Sojourner would all look really good in here. you have a jigher creature count than i do which make Teferi look really good. If you add him i would also suggest Mystic Snake and Voidmage Husher . Even though they both have flash already i see adding teferi as starting to go down a controlish road a little bit more and these two do the trick in that situation. either of them Bonded with Deadeye Navigator is pretty fun.

June 21, 2013 7:35 p.m.

rathalos3000 says... #21

Bringer of the Black Dawn is such an awesome evil card, try it out ;)

June 24, 2013 7:58 p.m.

rathalos3000 says... #22

Oh and Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker is a must here ;) +1

June 24, 2013 8:01 p.m.

liqo says... #23

Thanks for your comments guys!

@ Ragen87:

Craterhoof Behemoth is pricey (both cash and mana) and promises only fast kill with 2 or more creatures already on the board. That also means you're tapped out(both mana and creatures) during other opponents' turns, which is suicidal..

I grow tired of Avenger of Zendikar long ago and stopped playing him. Also stolen from you via Bribery or Reanimate can cause you serious problems.

I tried Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir , but his UUU cost and need of having enough other creatures in your hand made him a free slot for more useful card.

Mystic Snake and alike - I'm not convinced, that playing 1-2 counterspells in 100 card deck is worthwile and I'm not considering adding any.

@ rathalos3000:

Bringer of the Blue Dawn is imba too, I played them both. But they aren't flickerable and must stay on the battlefield till your next turn.

Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker can be very powerful, but recently I grow tired of him and cut him out =) My favourite, although a bit more expensive(4UU + 1U), is Deadeye Navigator because he can dodge kills and offers more fun on your next turn.

June 26, 2013 5:43 p.m.

jkweaver says... #24

Mimic Vat is a nice ETB machine that even works on your opponents creatures too

August 3, 2013 7:45 a.m.

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