$60 Competitive Mono-Green Aggro

Modern TreeGobo

SCORE: 293 | 107 COMMENTS | 60060 VIEWS | IN 135 FOLDERS

DP87 says... #1

Nice, i would cut dismember because with a mono green a loss of four points is in my opinion excessive, i would value that sorcery green that gets +1/+2 to your creature and after fights, i don't remember the exact name. Rancor is good, but a possibility is in my opinion gaea's anthem a global enchantments for all our creatures. And i would cut treetop village for me in this deck is important put always stapped lands in battlefield to cast and attack immediately. It's only an opinion clearly. Very nice in any case

August 27, 2017 4:58 p.m.

TreeGobo says... #2

DP87 Thank you for the input, nice of you to take the time to comment on my deck. Regarding Dismember, I've found that the loss of four life hasn't been a huge negative impact considering the speed of the deck, it's probably the most reliable one mana kill spell for green, it would be hard for me to find a solid replacement. Gaea's Anthem is good in some decks, but the mana cost is a bit high, and the value of trample that Rancor gives, as well as it's recursion since it doesn't go to the graveyard has been very useful. Feel free to make more suggestions if you have them any input is welcome. Cheers.

August 27, 2017 5:21 p.m.

johnnysam says... #3

Possibly Garruk's Companion over Kalonian Tusker? Not sure if you would value the extra toughness over the trample, but just to put it out there. Also, Boon Satyr woukd be interesting. You could cause some pretty good suprises in the middle of combat with it having Flash, and the Bestow gives it good late-game value.

September 6, 2017 6:22 p.m.

Sgt.Pickles says... #4

What about Dungrove Elder? Not quite as immediately impactful as leatherback but it grows bigger by just turn 5 and it has hexproof.

September 12, 2017 6:43 p.m.

tyster5000 says... #5

Roughly a quarter of your deck is +1/+1 counter synergy, without ways to get the rest of your creatures those counters. These counters are either all of your deck, or none of it, as I've experienced. Personally, if you really like +1/+1 counters, then I'd recommend running something that doubles them, like Winding Constrictor, but like not black green, that doesn't help. There is a one mana enchantment that does it, but I'm not wholely sure what it's name is. It's not too expensive though.

September 12, 2017 6:48 p.m.

TreeGobo says... #6

Sgt.Pickles yeah I've been considering it. I'll try it out if I can, but the Baloth is faster and has a more immediate impact, and it can survive removal on turn 3 whereas dungrove on turn 3 would only be a 3/3. So I mostly haven't put him in yet because he's slower, has less immediate impact, and he survives less removal. If I found I needed a better late game I would consider putting him in for sure though.

September 12, 2017 6:49 p.m.

Sgt.Pickles says... #7

Survives less removal? Lol, Dungrove Elder has hexproof... he survives 99% of removal, everything aside from boardwipes and edicts. Anyways, I haven't gotten this deck yet (though I've been meaning to, I have a version I thought up with 4x Dungroves), so I can't say which is better cause I have no experience. Good luck! :)

September 12, 2017 9:03 p.m.

TreeGobo says... #8

Sgt.Pickles Been a while since I looked at the card assumed it had no hexproof my bad. But my other 2 points stand, turn 1 Llanowar Elves into turn 2 Baloth has more immediate impact, and that's what an aggressive deck needs, in my opinion of course.

September 12, 2017 11:45 p.m.

BobbaFedUp says... #9

Nettle Sentinel instead of Kessig Prowler? It's a strictly better card. Also, Why not more counter synergy / Nykthos?

September 21, 2017 7:55 p.m.

TreeGobo says... #10

BobbaFedUp Wouldn't say it's strictly better, Prowler trades out one toughness for a late game mana sink, but yes Nettle Sentinel is better early game, I'll try it out. As far as counter synergy goes there just isn't enough room. I would have to trade out some of my non-creature spells which I can't afford. Regarding Nykthos, I could use it, I have 2 copies, but again I don't want to go down to 14 forests (I have 2 copies). Also I probably won't need the ramp from Nykthos itself, but again I'll see how it goes when adding them in.

September 21, 2017 8:24 p.m.

Sargeras says... #11

Having played a lot of stompy builds in the past, I always like to support those who play budget like I used to, so +1.

With that being said, here are my suggestions.

  1. Run Dryad Militant: With Storm and a vast amount of Snapcaster Mage deck strategies floating around, this card is usually very effective at what it does best, which is screwing over noncreature based combo and control decks. I'd say you want to run this as a 4 of over Kessig Prowler  Flip since prowler doesn't do anything different except when you hit 5 mana, and by that time you should be able to win.

  2. Cut Llanowar Elves: Having played a lot of stompy decks in the past, you really want to be doing the 1 drop, 2 drop, 3 drop plan, and while yes the elves are nice, you really shouldn't need them when your top cmc is 3. (Also, if you want to put in Dungrove Elder it gets worse since you will be keeping hand with elves in them instead of lands, when you really only need 20-21 lands total.

  3. Adding Harmonize or Lead the Stampede: This one is more required to test, as these cards do what Mono-green lacks, which is card draw. Playing these cards ensures that you have the capacity to keep your hand reloaded or unrelenting if needed. (They can also work great as sideboard cards as well.)

  4. Sideboards in mono green aren't usually too hard to make, usually what is played is something like this

3x Back to Nature

3x Choke

2x Creeping Corrosion

2x Feed the Clan

3x Ghost Quarter

2x Grafdigger's Cage

  1. Having no experience playing Oran-Rief, the Vastwood in stompy, has it been more effective than Treetop Village?
September 22, 2017 8:36 p.m. Edited.

TreeGobo says... #12

Sargeras Cheers for the comment. I've only been able to test this online a small amount, but I just enjoy Oran-Rief personally because it synergies well with Avatar of the Resolute and Scavenging Ooze. I've also had a bit of difficulty have the mana left over in order to cast Treetop, but I feel they're on the same level of strength. I'll keep testing Dryad Militant, I haven't played against any snapcaster decks yet, but it's been seeming like mainboarding the Dryad would be optimal. For the moment I don't plan on adding in Dungrove as Rampaging Baloth is faster and the Llanowar Elves have been pretty nice in my testing, so I'm skeptical about cutting them as well. A turn 2 4/5 is hilarious. I also don't know what I'd replace them with, I'm open to take some suggestions for alternate one mana creatures to replace them though.

September 22, 2017 11:11 p.m.

Blue_Flame says... #13

I dig it. Maybe swap out a couple forests or Oran-Rief, the Vastwood for Treetop Village? Some decks in modern have a really hard time dealing with manlands, even though they do slow down your pace a bit.

October 8, 2017 4:38 p.m.

entheogeneral says... #14

Badass deck. Maybe Strangleroot Geist and/or Predator Ooze? Proved well in standard

November 1, 2017 8:06 p.m.

entheogeneral says... #15

Shit, beat me to it. Good job.

November 1, 2017 8:15 p.m.

thetanman91 says... #16

I like the straightforward stompiness of the deck. I recently built a mono green stomp of my own, tell me what you think...it has a bit of a wider range of creatures than your version Mono Green STOMP

November 7, 2017 10:44 p.m.

TreeGobo says... #17

thetanman91 Your deck looks decent, a bit slow in terms of aggro for my tastes, still seems pretty good though.

November 7, 2017 11:11 p.m.

thetanman91 says... #18

TreeGobo, thanks for the input. I changed a few things around to make the deck a little faster for agro style play rather than a more mid-rangey style play. Check it out of you'd like, thanks.

November 15, 2017 2:02 p.m.

ZookNingel says... #19

I know a lot of people said this already and you've already responded to it but I don't think turn 1 Llanowar Elves is big or fast enough for what you want to be doing. Specifically it can't attack on turn 2 if you use it for mana and if you don't it's smaller than a lot of other cards that your opponent might play on turns 1 or 2. Other than that sweet deck

November 17, 2017 8:18 p.m.

TreeGobo says... #20

ZookNingel Yeah, I've been considering replacing them with Nettle Sentinels. The thing is I can get really good mana curves, as well as a couple combos with the Llanowar Elves turn 1, and in the early game in general (well early game for this deck at least.) It's a tough decision for me, but there's a good chance I will end up replacing them.

November 18, 2017 5:39 p.m.

Konglicker says... #21

Hardened Scales, bro. THAT is what this deck needs.

November 24, 2017 9:44 p.m.

BobbaFedUp says... #22

Switch out 1 Llanowar Elves for an Elvish Mystic incase they have stuff like Surgical Extraction or effects like that? (that will never happen but it will be hilarious and if you have both on the field so your opponent thinks your playing elves and will board in board wipes and pithing needle naming Ezuri when you don't have Ezuri)

November 24, 2017 10:04 p.m.

ZookNingel says... #23

Also just looking at the deck it seems like you have a lot of big creatures like Kalonian Tusker and Leatherback Baloth but that you don't have any way other than Rancor to get them through a bunch of little creatures. I would suggest adding trample granting cards like Fists of Ironwood or Primal Rage.

November 25, 2017 11:01 p.m.

bsutton1187 says... #24

If early big beaters is your plan maybe Rhonas's Last Stand?

December 15, 2017 7:24 p.m.

willis1234 says... #25

December 20, 2017 1:20 p.m.

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