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60 SCERT MERB! (Simic Landfall / Hydras)

Legacy* GU (Simic) Hydra Landfall Trample


Budget hydra deck with an emphasis on landfall and passive counter buildup.


  • Passively-building creatures that react to landfall or spellcasting.
  • Every creature in the deck can become a massive threat, including the one-drops (especially the one-drops. SCERT MERB!)
  • Built-in trample for nearly all of the larger creatures.
  • Reliable and inexpensive land acceleration on a very forgiving mana curve.
  • Considerable repeatable enchantment and artifact removal powers, along with some ability to counterspell or salvage creatures with bounce from global hits.
  • Contains some answers for graveyard shenanigans.
  • Strong in general with a lot of interaction options without being obnoxious or being overly "county".


  • Limited creature removal. Not typically needed, hydras outpace most creatures in bigness.
  • Weak to fliers, though hydras can typically outpace them in power.
  • Weak to anti-creature globals, though it can bounce back very quickly and the primary counterspell can bounce creatures to save them.
  • Does not utilize lifegain or extra draw momentum effects, arguably the weakest element of the deck.
  • Limited recursion (no graveyard rezzing, flashback, totem armor, etc)
  • Limited answers to hexproof, creature theft, and/or deathtouch (particularly if paired with first strike or poking)
  • Has trouble killing Squee (but really, what deck doesn't?)


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93% Competitive

Date added 2 months
Last updated 2 months

This deck is Legacy legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 0 Mythic Rares

20 - 0 Rares

2 - 0 Uncommons

10 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.55
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