Luminous.Animus says... #2
thanks Panda213. Haha bootsncatsn It takes alot of mana to get going. I just think what i have hits bigger and faster than Mind Grind . It'd be great maybe if the game goes into 10+ turns, but it never does in Modern. I'm honestly worried that I'll lose enough already lol.
I wanna run Haunting Echoes with Archive Trap and Ghost Quarter ... but i'd have to sacrifice some of my other mill cards. if I absolutely had to I guess i'd take out Surgical Extraction , Consuming Aberration and/or Jace, Memory Adept
Major question: Do i sacrifice my major meat shield and possible win con Jace's Phantasm for ALL IN MILL?
I could fit Archive Trap , Ghost Quarter , Haunting Echoes , maybe another Spell Pierce or creature removal.
October 8, 2013 2:17 a.m.
lordnapalm says... #3
Jace is kinda "slow" but a magnet for your opponent, so I don't know.
I've played this weekend against a friend who's running an "all mill" deck, and Archive Trap that hit me hard each time I use a fetchland, and for free ! It's definitely a threat.
bootsncatsn says... #1
y u no Mind Grind ?!
October 8, 2013 1:22 a.m.