7 Days to the Wolves

Commander / EDH KibaAlpha


MagnusAK says... #1

Have you considered Mirror Entity ? It is a reasonable mana sink and also, technically, a wolf.

What is your opinion on Kindred Summons ? Is it too risky considering the number of wrath effects people run in the format?

Also, is the deck's name a reference to Nightwish?

July 25, 2019 2 a.m.

KibaAlpha says... #2


Kindred Summons good card not something overly useful to me in this build. Far to many tokens over creature cards and the cards themselves are more there for the tribal aspect.

Mirror Entity I had not considered. It may find it’s way in later on depending on how the current build does.

And yes the name is the song from Nightwish.

July 29, 2019 4:27 p.m.

Bringiton4 says... #3

Love the name. Great song

August 13, 2019 10:37 p.m.

Predatory rampage Harvest Season Huntmaster of the fells Are my suggestions you seem to have a solid deck

August 14, 2019 12:28 a.m.

midwestmtg says... #5

SpecialKUnlimited, Huntmaster of the Fells  Flip is a no-go unfortunately. It's red. Foe-Razer Regent could be solid here.

August 15, 2019 10:22 p.m.

Archaos says... #6

A Nightwish reference!? +1 just for that

August 21, 2019 8:54 a.m.

BlackSirius says... #7

October 22, 2019 5:59 a.m.

BlackSirius says... #8

Really cool deck btw!

October 22, 2019 6 a.m.

+1 just for Nightwish, also your deck looks like a blast to play :D! Stay frosty!

October 25, 2019 5:48 a.m.

Schadowpop says... #10

Neat idea! I would recommend Vigor instead of Emmara Tandris if it will fit your budget :)

November 14, 2019 3:04 p.m.

\m/ Love the reference and deck +1 from me.

Have you tried out some life gain payoff cards like Archangel of Thune , Well of Lost Dreams or Angelic Accord to name a few? Ran a similar Tolsimir deck before, heavily into the wolf theme and less elves, but you gain stupid amount of life if your commander sticks around.

November 14, 2019 3:56 p.m.

Daschna says... #12

I would suggest to go with more than 2 Wolv

November 18, 2019 5:49 p.m.

KibaAlpha says... #13


There are only two wolf cards in the deck but the wolf tokens this deck can create is what it’s all about.

The wolf cards themselves are lack lustre and have little to no value to how I wanted to build this deck.

That is why you see only a couple actual wolf cards.

November 23, 2019 4:03 p.m.

KibaAlpha says... #14


Thanks for the suggestion. Not sure how I missed that. I’ve got Vigor in another deck. I’ll be making the switch once I get another Vigor .

November 23, 2019 4:06 p.m.

TheChaosVault says... #15

Now I have that song stuck in my head. Not that that's a bad thing.

Also the deck looks really solid. I may just build something similar myself, if I ever get around to it.

January 18, 2020 4:59 a.m.

VampiricJace says... #16

Perhaps Arlinn, Voice of the Pack? Seems to fit way better than Hualti, at the very least. Hualti is slow, doesn't defend you, and very conditional, imo.

January 29, 2020 1:35 a.m.

smack80 says... #17

I think you have too many enchantments and anthems that don't do anything by themselves.

You don't have enough wolves. Yes I know most wolves are bad magic cards, but you just have to accept that a deck based around a bad tribe is going to have bad cards. That's what makes it fun sometimes.

here is my rough list, needs to be trimmed, but there are several cards there that can help you: https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/tolsimir-friend-to-wolves-1/?cb=1580311368

Mark of Asylum and Nightshade Peddler help when using the Fight mechanic a lot.

January 29, 2020 10:27 a.m.

wideline1414 says... #18

Watchwolf? Bramble sovereign?

January 6, 2021 7:44 a.m.

Highly recommend Vigor . I run it in my deck, Hungry Like the Wolf and it's a great way to keep wolves alive and pump them. Great build!

February 3, 2021 9:01 p.m.

MtaRidley says... #20

Sword of Body and Mind , Raised by Wolves , and Wolfcaller's Howl are favorites of mine in Wolf Tribal. And don't forget fight payoffs! Something like Foe-Razer Regent can be a nice payoff.

March 20, 2021 5:57 p.m.

Nightwish <3

April 12, 2021 10:52 p.m.

griffstick says... #22

Wolfcaller's Howl might be good.

May 9, 2021 10:02 a.m.

I have noticed you have a lot of 2/2 wolf token creation. Now I am just stopping by looking at decks and off the top of my head I can think of one card, Divine Visitation. Now your deck is built around wolves but that isn't a win-con so despite making them angels, this would double their stats and give them flying.

June 8, 2022 7:41 p.m.

mlequesne says... #24

Nice deck friend, I love how you merged two tribes in a way your commander would be proud.

If you ponder to add Divine Visitation as ThatWeirdPerson said, maybe Maskwood Nexus is also a great card, making your commander a wolf that can fight on ETB. It also gives you the ability to constantly produce changeling wolves.

See you!

June 9, 2022 11:31 a.m.

xram666 says... #25

Nice dual tribe build.

I know Wolf-Skull Shaman is perfect on theme but with only 8 other elves in deck his ability will seldom help.

As mlequesne has suggested you could add Maskwood Nexus to compensate the lack of elves. Another option are changelings. Especially the following would help a lot I think:

and lesser impact but still good:

July 28, 2022 2:54 a.m.

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