If budget is an issue, I won't suggest the usual super fancy lands (although Celestial Colonnade is amazing in control decks) but please, please please do not run Azorius Guildgate. Worst double land ever. Sejiri Refuge and Tranquil Cove are both quite cheap and at least accomplish something for being a slow land.
Also I would suggest some more draw spells like Think Twice or Sphinx's Revelation to help you dig for your wincons.
April 14, 2015 10:24 p.m.
also Vapor Snag is much better than Time Ebb. Just a thought. :)
April 14, 2015 10:26 p.m.
Budget is an issue. So no sphinx winvelations. Vapor snag is amazing. Think twice I am digging. Wil trade out lands for life gain lands. What do you think about removing blustersquall and elixir for more land/spells.
April 14, 2015 10:32 p.m.
I would say Elixir of Immortality is definitely a sideboard card, and not a very good one at that.
You have a lot of counter magic, which is good, but I would say that you need at least two more boardwipes. Supreme Verdict is good, as well as Wrath of God and Final Judgment. With your counterspells a lot will slip through against an aggro deck, and your two Detention Spheres won't be able to catch it all either, so having a big red button more consistently drawn is helpful.
I don't think that having 4 Holy Days is really that great, more control might be helpful in a few of those slots.
What are you planning on flickering with Venser, the Sojourner? You only have 1 creature and 2 enchantments, so the odds of actually having something besides a land when to flicker you draw your 1 copy of him are not great. A bit more tightening and consistency might help.
Also, I would run 2 copies of all of the wincons (especially AEtherling cause they are pretty cheap)just to help the consistency of drawing one of them.
This is all supposed to be constructive criticism, by the way. Not trying to be one of those guys that is like "Ew, everything in this deck sucks!" Haha.
If you want some ideas for what a decent (just took 2nd at my local meta) Azorius control deck check out Lawful Good or The Winds of Exile for a different win con.
I also have a copy of a much cheaper winds of exile that kicks butt in the not super competitive format The Winds of Exile copy
April 15, 2015 2:04 a.m.
Ill remove 2 Holy Day for another AEtherling and one more Elspeth, and Elixir for a Wrath of God. That puts me at 4 (technically) board wipes. That's enough lol. Venser is for Detention Sphere. I looked at the decks you suggested, and while they're great competitively, this deck is not meant to win anything official. Your decks are good, but they are all over $100, which is simply just not happening for me right now lol. What do you think about taking out the two Divination for a playset of think twice?
April 15, 2015 2:30 a.m.
Oh trust me, I have been there with the whole "gotta be cheap!" decks. Having money was a recent thing. Lol. Good choices on the number, and I think that is a great idea with the Think Twices. :) Good luck!
April 15, 2015 4:14 a.m.
JANKYARD_DOG says... #9
Why not run Dissolve over Dissipate. Scry to set up your next plays. Maybe side board if you find you don't need to exile.
May 15, 2015 4:58 p.m.
Honestly I was just running Dissipate because it was the first cheap 3 CMC counter spell besides Cancel I could find. Haha. I like Dissolve tho.
May 15, 2015 10:01 p.m.
So after reading through the comments, I see that you really like your Think Twice but may I suggest you look at Anticipate? Obviously you will lose the flashback ability but I think drawing three cards and deciding which to take is better (in my opinion, and feel free to disagree with me). Love the deck, +1 :D
(Also, if your up for it, checkout my budget B/U Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver control deck)
May 27, 2015 4:31 a.m.
Azorius Chancery from MM15? Sorry I can't think of a more budget land.
May 30, 2015 1:05 a.m.
I've not ever really been much of a fan of the Dual mana lands, though I do like its interaction with Halimar Depths. I might take out an island and a plains for two Azorius Chancery, but I think at this point I've kinda made this deck as efficient as I possibly can for $75.
EG_Ace says... #1
Pls comment with suggestions for improvement. I'm aware that the mana is a little low, however with more than half of the deck being 3 mana I believe 22 land is almost exactly efficient. Debating taking out a time ebb and adding another island. Also considering taking out the elixir, however I need a solid choice to replace it. I'm new to control decks, advice wanted.
April 13, 2015 11:52 p.m.