Aside from all the Thopters and the power three cards (Whirler Rogue,
Thopter Spy Network
, and Hangarback Walker) that represent the "Blue" in the the Blue's Clues title, the other major focus of this deck is on Investigate.
The new keyword ability/mechanic gives us more Artifact tokens called "Clues" hence the name for the deck -- Blue's Clues.
Most decks don't focus around this but they might run a few cards that Investigate here or there. I wanted to break the mechanic. To do this we just got to sit down in our Thinking Chair and think...think...think!(okay sorry enough with the Blue's Clues references)
---------------------------------------------This is the focus card of the deck.
Our "Handy Dandy Notebook" tutors up anything and gives us free Clues every turn.
Investigate every turn it's in play fuels one of the main themes and resources of the deck.
Artifacts and specifically Clues.
Then you can spend mana and sac Clues for card advantage and draws when you don't got nothing else to play and don't wanna save untapped mana for counter spells.
You can also choose to save them for later and gather three up to tutor anything at instant speed.
Trail of Evidence | Art by Daniel Ljunggren
When you run this along with a bunch of blue counter spells it will give us a lot of free Clues to use with other cards later on.
We also got Erdwal Illuminator who doubles our first Investigation of the turn giving 2 instead of 1.
Go into their turn with none and come back on your turn with 2 is pretty nice.
Thraben Inspector | Art by Matt Stewart
The best one drop in Standard is actually a very underrated card right now and it is an absolute all star in a deck like this.
Thraben Inspector
or as I like to call him Inspector Gadget gives us a great start to our deck. One of the better curves from our deck involves playing Inspector Gadget, popping the Clue on turn 2 for a draw, and then surging ahead the rest of the way. Depending on what card you drew (Reflector Mage is perfect) you could really have a explosive first three turns.
Getting the Artifact/token theme going early setting up later cards to come. What more could you ask for?
Plus it doesn't really lose value later in a match either, as long as it ETB's you Investigate which is always useful and it's so cheap that you can still play other cards. If you draw this late or early it has value. More value early but still pretty good later on.
It's greater yet when you can flicker it with Eerie Interlude triggering it's ETB effect multiple times, while also flickering Reflector Mages to clear their board.
Declaration in Stone | Art by Tyler Jacobson
We just got a letter
We just got a letter
We just got a letter
Wonder who it's from!
Oh, it's from Nahiri...
Whats it say?
(The flavor overload here is too much. Between the flavor text on this card and the card art matching on Declaration in Stone
Tamiyo's Journal
- see the full image at top of description.)
At first glance the card looks like another removal, one the best removal spells in standard actually, but there's more to it in this deck.
You can even use it to your advantage and tag your own creature(s) with the Declaration in order to get some card draws or to tutor up anything. It can be sneaky valuable at times similarly to how Path to Exile was for this same type of self effect.
Declaration in Stone is overlooked for it can be deceptively used to gain you Clues should you hold no other way to do so in your hand.
You being the target player can exile a non-token Reflector Mage or Thraben Inspector or any other creature that's already done it's job and gain clue(s) when you have no other way to do so that turn.
It sucks we can target a 1/1 Thopter and do this but it's an option we have in a pinch nonetheless.
Maybe you need just one more Clue for Tamiyo's Journal to tutor.
Don't have, but need, 3 to give up to Tamiyo's Journal. Combined with Erdwal Illuminator you can exile just one creature and gain 2 clues towards the 3 you need. Losing one creature isn't so bad especially when they've already done their duty when they ETB'd.
As a target removal spell it's very powerful vs token themed decks, taking with it all that share a name, I really like how this deck shapes up vs Silverfur Partisan + Zada, Hedron Grinder
decks that are pretty popular right now (I even have a couple variants of them) because it absolutely destroys those 2/2 Wolf tokens or the multiple Silverfur Partisans that deck needs to be successful.
If it's a load of tokens your facing, for 2 mana they are all exiled and your opponent doesn't even get to investigate!
But if it is non-token, it's still pretty powerful in that it Exiles and you most likely won't mind replacing their powerful creature with a clue. Having only a medium drawback in giving your opponents Clues is certainly relevant, but if they are under pressure, it is incredibly unlikely that they will have time or mana to pay to draw a card before deploying the rest of their hand.
When it's all said and done this is amazing Removal.
---------------------------------------------Bygone Bishop Playing Reflector Mage, Thraben Inspector, or even a X=1 Hangarback Walker with CMC=2 will trigger it. Flickering them with Eerie Interlude or Essence Flux the other maybeboard card won't trigger this Bygone Bishop though because they must be "cast" not just enter the battlefield. Sure you'll get their ETB effects again though. You can Disperse or
Clutch of Currents
bounce them back and recast them though to get both effects.
Ongoing Investigation I didn't find room for this but it's within the realm of possibility.