♣ 8- & Co. ♣

Standard xavrr


Sirghe says... #2

The danger I see with the army of thopters is Declaration in Stone. I love this flavor though, heck yes.

April 15, 2016 2:29 a.m.

xavrr says... #3


Thanks for the comment!

I know what you mean, I just hope that I can counter them etc...

April 15, 2016 2:33 a.m.

JANKYARD_DOG says... #4

I think Dragonlord Ojutai deserves a 'one of' just because your playing those colors. Kidding, but in all seriousness Anticipate on a stick could be helpful. +1

April 15, 2016 1:15 p.m.

xavrr says... #5



I want one in here, but well... I don't have any.

April 15, 2016 1:18 p.m.

Linkdude74 says... #6

Nice list man. Have you considered the new jace to get some more draw and creature removal?

April 16, 2016 8:35 a.m.

xavrr says... #7


I am already going to put one in when it arrives!


April 16, 2016 10:11 a.m.

Cipher_8 says... #8

First it's awesome how you changed the names from Creature Instant Sorcery etc. I need to learn how to do that.

Second, I like the deck a lot.

Whirler Rogue I like your Thopter Spy Network for the long run but maybe a single copy of this creature could be useful. I like how it makes anything Unblockable by simply tapping two Artifacts. This can even be Equipment equipped on something. Also it comes in with 2 1/1 Thopters so it's ready to start making anything, even itself, unblockable.

Bygone Bishop This triggers when you play cheap creatures but you have to Cast not flicker them.

Essence Flux Reflector Mage and/or Thraben Inspector.

Eerie Interlude Reflector Mage AND (not or) Thraben Inspector.

Pretty good to get their effects twice and pile more Artifact Clues on.

If not added to deck maybe board for sure.

April 16, 2016 3:15 p.m. Edited.

xavrr says... #9



(Change the default deck category to custom, and after each card leave a space and then type #categoryname)

I will consider them! I most like Whirler Rogue out of your suggestions. What do you suggest I take out for it?

April 16, 2016 3:22 p.m.

xavrr says... #10


PS: what do you also suggest I take out for a Bygone Bishop?

April 16, 2016 3:31 p.m.

Cipher_8 says... #11

I'm not sure what I would drop for one Whirler Rogue but I would definitely sideboard it.

If you've built up Hangarback Walker since T2 and it's pretty big why not run something that can make it unblockable by tapping 2 Clues and/or other Artifacts like 1/1 Thopter. Even tapping Tamiyo's Journal as one of the two works.

Also I really like the synergy with Declaration in Stone and how it is deceptively important card when your focus is on Clues and Investigate. I think that the player Investigates for the lost creature(s) is overlooked but shouldn't be.

Note that you can exile your own Reflector Mages or Whirler Rogue or any creature that is not a token for example and you will Investigate putting another Clue out. Since you need 3 of them to tutor with Tamiyo's Journal to go and grab anything.

You might need to do this sometimes if you don't have another way to Investigate that turn and only have like 1 or 2 Clues.

Exiling one Reflector Mage via Declaration in Stone with Erdwal Illuminator in play nets you 2 Investigates, and lets you go from 1 clue to 3 which then lets you tutor up anything you need. At the cost of one Reflector Mage that has already done it's job.

But yeah so many Artifacts in this, tokens or otherwise, that I think you need Whirler Rogue even if you take one of something else out. It has too much synergy with this deck and would be important in helping damage go through that they cannot negate or stop.

April 19, 2016 11:14 a.m. Edited.

Cipher_8 says... #12


I was just about to copy paste my comment(s) into a deck description of a copied version of your deck.


April 19, 2016 1:17 p.m.

Cipher_8 says... #13

Nevermind they archived under that clickable link, you want me to share my copied variant when I'm done finishing the deck description formatting?

April 19, 2016 1:41 p.m.

xavrr says... #14


I'd love to see!

April 19, 2016 1:43 p.m.

xavrr says... #16



I'm leaning towards Ugin's Insight or possibly Pore Over the Pages?

April 19, 2016 1:52 p.m.

TMBRLZ says... #17

I've found Ugin's Insight to be very strong when your permanents run at a minimum of 4 CMC. However the high mana cost hurts the playability, really only making it a two of. Pore could also be really nice but is also probably a two of at the 5 cmc. I would definitely run one of the cheaper draw spells in tandem if you're in desperate need of card draw.

April 19, 2016 1:54 p.m.

xavrr says... #18


Hmmm... I agree...

What do you think of Anticipate?

Not exactly card draw but fits the purpose, to get my wincon..?

April 19, 2016 1:57 p.m.

TMBRLZ says... #19

Anticipate is solid.

I only did a Gatherer search for "Draw" in and Standard so I didn't get any of the weird spells like Anticipate or Epiphany at the Drownyard, but those are also all great cards.

Epiphany is a little more tricky and without a lot of recursion it can hurt you.

April 19, 2016 2:25 p.m.

Cipher_8 says... #20

I still plan on tweaking the description a bit but I got it mostly finished. Enough to unmark it from being private.

Check it out

Blue's Clues

Standard Cipher_8


I linked here in my deck description, and if you wanna link to their in this deck description please do. Might mentioning possibly that is what this use to be like. And don't worry I won't be updating/changing that deck's theme ever -- making minor changes sure -- but if I am to do another variant I'll just create another deck from scratch. I'm leaving that one alone, basically as is.

April 19, 2016 2:42 p.m.

Cipher_8 says... #21

Anticipate to get your win con... don't you wish you had your old friend Tamiyo's Journal to tutor up the win con.

BTW be sure to check out the Maybeboard I might yet tweak it to add Dragonlord Ojutai to the mainboard along with Always Watching. I've been looking for a deck to include that combo for awhile now.

April 19, 2016 2:44 p.m.

Malvion says... #22

Take out two Scatter to the Winds for to Ojutais.

April 20, 2016 8:11 a.m.

Malvion says... #23

two, not to

April 20, 2016 8:12 a.m.

M.T.G says... #24

Eldrazi Displacer could be useful for those ETB shenanigans.

May 8, 2016 1:34 p.m.

Blotterhead says... #25

Looks pretty solid, how about taking out one Thraben Inspector for one Tamiyo's Journal?

May 17, 2016 11:35 p.m.

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