
Modern RobertFischer


supa_tim says... #1

Soooo much of your land etb tapped. This doesn't seem good for your tempo, especially if your goal is to empty their hand asap.

Lilliana of the veil seems better here than vess. Money issue?

Also, wouldn't thoughtseize or iok be better than funeral charm, even with the instant speed? The other two give you more info.

Maybe Smallpox could be good here?

August 17, 2014 10:45 p.m.

kmcree says... #2

So, a few things:

First, if you're going to run red, you absolutely need 4x Lightning Bolt . There's no reason not to run it.

Secondly, I'm assuming this is a budget build? Otherwise, you should absolutely have Liliana of the Veil , Thoughtseize , and Inquisition of Kozilek . Probably 3-4 of each. 2-3 Raven's Crime would also fit nicely.

Thirdly, your land base. Again, I'm assuming its budget, but Rakdos Carnarium is horrible in modern, and Temple of Malice is pretty bad too. If you need more duals, I'd recommend Dragonskull Summit , but realistically, you're probably fine with 4x Blood Crypt , 4x Blackcleave Cliffs , 4 Dragonskull Summit , and the rest basics.

Finally, if you're looking to be more of a reactive 8Rack that wants card advantage, Dark Confidant is what you're looking for. Otherwise, you probably want to go the Ensnaring Bridge route and look to be topdecking ASAP. Personally, I chose the Bridge and it works well for me.

If you'd like to check out my version, that I've had pretty good success with over the past 6-7 months, you can check it out here.

August 17, 2014 10:59 p.m.

RobertFischer says... #3

Liliana Vess allows me to tutor up a Rakdos's Return and/or Bonfire of the Damned , which is usually the end of the game. That's why I've stuck with her so far. The mutual discard of Liliana of the Veil doesn't really help me any, since I'm not playing Ensnaring Bridge ...and it hurts me, since I'm burn-ish. Also, Liliana Vess survives better.

Based on the feedback, I've swapped in Lightning Bolt for Bloodchief Ascension .

Lavaclaw Reaches is really nice to have on the board, since it's a way to dump a bunch of mana late-game. I did adjust the rest of the mana.

kmcree This deck is different than yours. Yours is a standard 8Rack plus Blightning . The goal with this deck is to always be playing cards that generate card advantage and/or do burn damage. Neither Thoughtseize nor Inquisition of Kozilek do that. (Funeral Charm doesn't, but it has versatility, including the instant-speed discard.)

In playtesting, Dark Confidant just doesn't survive long enough to make it worth the slots in the deck.

August 18, 2014 10:58 a.m.

RobertFischer says... #4

Smallpox works hard against the strategy of this deck: although the sacrificing a creature blows by without a problem, the sacrificing a land and discarding a card both hurt quite a bit, since each land is another card discarded, another point of damage, and/or another -1/-1 counter for Rakdos's Return , Bonfire of the Damned , and Black Sun's Zenith .

August 18, 2014 11:19 a.m.

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