
Creature (3)

Land (2)

Enchantment (5)

Artifact (1)

Old School Vintage deck. The deck is designed under french rules (BOM), slight adjustments can be made to be legal under other rules (counterspell/mana drain instead of hymns to tourach, switch the basic plain and a scrubland for two tundra).

The deck is midrange, it can be the beatdown or the control deck depending on the matchup. Basically, it is a Black deck with white and blue splashes for additional tools. I played it at several tournaments and it went quite well even if there are still some weakness that needs to be solved.


  • Creatures with evasion and/or difficult to deal with
  • Tools to deal with about anything the opponent may bring
  • Generate some CA so can go to the late game if needed


  • Weakness to city in a bottle and blood moon (has been reduced as much as possible so it is not auto-loose)
  • Mana base can be disrupted (especially in the early game)

Any suggestion for improvement welcomed ;)


Updates Add

I updated the list after lots of more tests.

It is now a natural predator of 'The Deck' and can fair well against most of the meta, its greatest weakness is against UR decks.



Date added 8 years
Last updated 4 years
Exclude colors RG
Splash colors WU

This deck is Oldschool 93/94 legal.

Rarity (main - side)

24 - 1 Rares

21 - 9 Uncommons

9 - 5 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.28
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