A Band of Legends 2016

Commander / EDH* Awoken_Leviathan


So, One thing I've noticed, was that your Garruk isn't all that great... I'd suggest the Garruk, Caller of Beasts, as you can then Swarm your field with all the creatures you want. Toss in some of the Eldrazi like Emrakul, the Promised End or Kozilek, Butcher of Truth and you've got some really nasty bands as you can use them as the "Extra" in each band and suddenly, you've got some incredibly powerful bands that honestly can't do much.

December 10, 2017 8:33 p.m.

Thanks for the feedback. The focus of my Garruk was not creatures, but as a form of man ramp as well as a way to give my creatures trample which is key in a banding deck. As for the Eldrazi I can see how both would be beneficial. I normally try to avoid the highest cost CMC cards but I'll take another look.

December 11, 2017 2:35 a.m.

NV_1980 says... #3


Here's my feedback:

  1. This deck needs more ramp to increase its speed. You want Sisay start her tutoring business asap, right? So, add spells like Nature's Lore, Rampant Growth or Farseek to tutor for lands (you do not need 40 lands btw, 37 is more than enough for a two-color deck (including utility lands)). Even more important, try to get permanents on the field that allow you to play more lands per turn (like Burgeoning, Exploration or Oracle of Mul Daya). Last but not least, there are many good creatures that provide some extra mana. For some, you can even use Sisay to tutor (example: Selvala, Heart of the Wilds).

  2. Add some protection for Sisay, as she is bound to be targeted by removal spells. Lightning Greaves and Swiftfoot Boots are just about mandatory in this deck. Other options are Asceticism or even Privileged Position.

  3. Add ways to untap Sisay. That way she can tutor more times per turn (or doing other players' turns). I like Seeker of Skybreak and Instill Energy. A more powerful card to do this too, would be Seedborn Muse.

Hope any of this helps.

December 12, 2017 1:56 a.m.

NV_1980, Thanks for the suggestions, they're very helpful.

The reason I have 40 Lands is because I usually try to run around 38 and then there's the 2 band lands that, despite being lands and taking up my drops, don't tap for mana. That being said I guess if I remove some lands and replace them with ramp it will hopefully balance out.

The Untaps were very helpful since I was unaware that those existed in green apart from the Patron of the Orochi and will most definitely include them as well as the Greaves and Boots because I somehow managed to forget haste exists.

My one concern is in using creatures that I can't tutor with Sisay and therefore have to rely on drawing in order to come into. I have to look to find more creatures with similar effects in order to make it more than a 2 or 3 in 100 chance of getting it out and then replace some of the creatures that I already have.

Everything was very insightful, thank you.

December 12, 2017 3:23 a.m.

Razia_of_Boros says... #5

Azusa, Lost but Seeking and the aforementioned land tutors like Farseek will help with mana issues. Add the Lightning Greaves and Swiftfoot Boots to keep Sisay alive and stick Reya Dawnbringer in for recursion. Aura Shards and Fracturing Gust will help too.

December 12, 2017 3:51 a.m.

Thanks Razia_of_Boros,

I hadn't considered Azusa and it makes a good single card replacement for Exploration and Burgeoning, as well as being tutor-able. I've already got Reya in my sideboard because, with Banding, creatures shouldn't really be heading to the grave all to often excluding wraths. Aura Shards may be useful but Fracturing Gust will destroy my own artifacts which isn't really ideal. Everything else sounds pretty good though.

December 12, 2017 4:01 a.m.

Razia_of_Boros says... #7

If you can tutor out Avacyn, Angel of Hope then your artifacts should be ok. Admittedly if shes out the game should be yours, but against certain decks an artifact wipe is a must. Its really there though to clear pillow forts, so any enchantment wipe will do.

December 12, 2017 4:30 a.m.

I see where you're coming from, although pillow forts aren't very common in my own playgroup it can't hurt to put it in the sideboard, I already had Glissa in there but an Aura Shard can target enchantments as well. Thanks for your thoughts.

December 12, 2017 5:11 a.m.

hookedonkronix says... #9

I'd recommend Aura Shards as well, you don't have much in the way of spot removal and a Blood Moon or Platinum Angel could sit on the other side of the board and ruin your game.

December 12, 2017 5:13 a.m.

Already done, although I would like to point out that I have a hidden counter to Blood Moon in Riftstone Portal as well as some creatures that can produce coloured mana. Its true my only real spot removal is Mangara of Corondor, but I wouldn't use him until a dire situation like the use of one of those two cards. I can see how Platinum Angel may be more problematic, not many things circumnavigate "I don't lose" but by the time they get that out I can also easily have protections from losing of my own such as Iona, Shield of Emeria resulting essentially in a draw. I can live with that. I could throw in a Naturalize or Krosan Grip but chances are if they have a card like that they also have ways to protect it.

Thanks for the comments.

December 12, 2017 5:32 a.m.

Great, Aura Shards will make playing each creature that much more advantageous. I was thinking Blood Moon would negate your ability to band your legends not just impede your ability to play spells. Your biggest weakness here, imo, is relying on a creature response to a changing board state. More likely than not your opponents will have a chance to respond to each play you make with a creature, unless you've got either boots or the elixir out.

I think you've done a great job with the concept of banding legends, but I think you may want to consider broadening your options as creatures are the easiest card type to hate off the board.

Crucible of Worlds would be a great sideboard addition if you run into a deck with some land removal.

December 12, 2017 6:21 a.m.

I hadn't even considered the fact that Blood Moon affects the band lands. I always tend to think of them as enchantments since they have no mana value, but Land destruction is now very prevalent.

Your concern for creature removal isn't unwarranted, anything short of haste on the board forces me to think 2 or 3 turns ahead in order to use my creatures with tap abilities, but the ones with paid costs can be used instantly. My question is: would you recommend I try to protect those creature via Make a Stand, Conqueror's Flail, and similar, or I remove creatures to throw in regular spells? I try to stick with the creature because of their tutor-ability despite their slow reaction time, conversely spells are instantaneous but require me to rely on the luck of the draw which means I have to include several similar cards to make that more likely.

December 13, 2017 6 a.m.

Personally, I would look into cutting some creatures for utility spells. You've got a great pool of creatures to choose from, so many that picking the right one to tutor mid-game could actually be difficult. I'd narrow down your creature strategy. Which creatures are you going to tutor for every game? Which ones provide excellent utility? And which ones did you add because they provide flavor as a cool one-off legendary creature? Narrowing your creature list down will create a more consistent deck, your games might feel repetitive but they'll also be a bit more competitive.

I would say you could afford to drop ~10 creatures from your list without negatively impacting your ability to win games. Your maybe board is filling up with some solid options to improve the speed of your deck, I'd also look at some more means of protecting those creatures. Champion's Helm for example.

December 13, 2017 1:01 p.m. Edited.

Got it, Thanks for all the help.

December 13, 2017 5:19 p.m.

bushido_man96 says... #15

Illusionist's Bracers lets you double up on Sisay's ability, which would get funny along with your untappers. Primal Rage is another trample anthem you could use. Mirari's Wake would be a great addition that Sisay could tutor up.

December 19, 2017 10:07 a.m.

First of all, cool deck idea! I would love to see the faces of people who sit down across from you and realize you are playing a Banding themed deck. +1 from me.

I am not sure what your budget is, but here are some suggestions:

Akroma's Memorial seems like a slam dunk in your deck. Not only does it provide trample to all of your creatures, but it also gives numerous other buffs with haste being the most important. Plus it is legendary so Captain Sisay can tutor it up.

Hunting Grounds is another card I would consider (Planar Bridge and Quicksilver Amulet being others). You will likely always have a key legend in hand so having a few more ways to cheat them on to the battlefield without paying their high CMC would be helpful.

What exactly is the purpose of running Nazahn, Revered Bladesmith and Trostani, Selesnya's Voice? Your only two targets for Nazahn are Lightning Greaves and Swiftfoot Boots and you only run 3 token producers (excluding Tolsimir due to the legend rule). I don't think those two equipments alone are worth running Nazahn. As for Trostani, you aren't a dedicated token deck and running her just for the life gain doesn't seem all that impactful. I think you would be better served running more card draw spells over both of them as your deck is lacking on that front IMO. Yes you will be tutoring alot, but outside of Captain Sisay most of your tutors aren't actually card advantage as you are trading 1-for-1. I think spells like Elemental Bond, Shamanic Revelation (includes lifegain), Rishkar's Expertise, or Soul's Majesty would all fit well here. Plus there is the obligatory "green decks should run Sylvan Library" suggestion.

If you are looking for more protection than which has already been suggested then Teferi's Protection and Ghostly Prison might be up your alley.

Lastly, I agree with the above comments about adding some more removal. You have a lot of prison type effects which inhibit your opponents, but problematic cards will still always sneak through. I agree that Krosan Grip and Aura Shards, as well as Sylvan Reclamation would be great in your deck as pillow fort/stax strategies will absolutely ruin your game plan. I also think your deck could use a few more board wipes (Most decks I have run 4-5 and you'll be protecting everything with Avacyn anyways). Austere Command is probably best for your deck while as it hits both creatures and problematic artifacts/enchantments, and Hallowed Burial and Mageta the Lion are great since you are running Sisay.

I hope some of these suggestions help. Good luck deck building!

December 19, 2017 11:10 a.m.

Gleeock says... #17

December 19, 2017 11:22 a.m.



Illusionist's Bracers is definitely going in. It's perfect. I had originally included Primal Rage, but ultimately took it out. I already have Nylea, God of the Hunt and Garruk Wildspeaker who are both tutor-able, and all of my recursion is solely for creatures and land. As for Mirari's Wake, it is, unfortunately, not Sisay tutor-able since it isn't Legendary. I could grab it with Enlightened Tutor, but I think there are better cards I could search for.


Thanks for the props. At this point even I'm not sure what my budget is. I was aiming for 200 but I can't get it lower than 3, so at this point I'll let it fall where it may and just resolve to buy bits and pieces over time. I think Akroma's Memorial was originally taken it out due to price, but with my new (lack of) standards it will definitely go back in. I also see why Hunting Grounds and Quicksilver Amulet will be beneficial, but I think the mana in Planar Bridge's tap cost is a bit too high for its effect.

Nazahn, Revered Blacksmith will be much more useful now that I'm including Illusionist's Bracers and I think that alone warrants his use. But your right that Trostani, Selesnya's Voice isn't really the best fit. At the point when I was picking creatures I tried to favor the Selesnya Legends over the Mono colored ones since they are affected by both of the band lands, and kind of saw Trostani's life gain as a small added bonus. I think I'll end up taking her out like you said because if I need a creature, I'll tutor for it. (Mostly) Everything else has to be drawn regularly so I can replace her and maybe a few others with your draw recommendations.

As for the board wipes, including Mageta the Lion is a good idea but I don't think I need quite as many as you use due to Mageta and Myojin of Cleansing Fire being tutor-able. Pillow Forts and Stax don't really have a place in my playgroup but I guess there's no telling when they'll pop up so I'll prepare for them none the less.


I've already got Multani, Maro-Sorcerer, but Rishkar's Expertise is a good choice now that I'm looking for more card draw. I'm not sure about Traverse the Outlands but if I find I need more land ramp it will propably be the first to go in.

December 21, 2017 1:19 a.m.

Gleeock says... #19

Planar Bridge quickly becomes worth it (in a multiplayer game) when your first tutor is Seedborn Muse... Then you start activating PB during each opponent's turn

December 21, 2017 10:24 a.m.

Gleeock says... #20

As for Traverse the Outlands I love using it with Multani to filter and drop all my basics... usually it gives me the ultimate topdeck and 14 or so lands on the board to work with

December 21, 2017 10:27 a.m.

bushido_man96 says... #21

Eh, my bad, I was thinking of something else...sorry about that gaff.

December 21, 2017 11:02 p.m.

I see now, I was missing the word "permanent" in the Planar Bridge's text. I was think it was better to simply tutor with Sisay and play the cards for their regular cost. Now that I've caught that it can be practically any card, and Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger has dropped to half price with Iconic Masters, it'll be going in. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

December 24, 2017 8:13 a.m.

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