A Big White Deck

Modern Hoepa


dahhahm says... #1

First of all, I'd relabel this deck from legacy to Modern. I'd recommend to start focusing on an overall strategy, but until then I'll just give a few obvious, neutral upgrades

+3 Champion of the Parish since he's the main focus of keeping this deck humans

-1 Azorius Arrester

-1 Sightless Brawler

-1 Azorius Justiciar

+1 Angelic Overseer

-1 Skyspear Cavalry

+4 Gather the Townsfolk

-4 Bonds of Faith

+2 Timely Reinforcements

-2 Captain's Call

I would also take out all the scry lands and add in 4 Windbrisk Heights .

Also, maybe you'd like to view A Champion's Story for just my take on humans?

October 12, 2014 12:41 p.m.

Hoepa says... #2

Thanks for the suggestions!

Of course I would like to have 3 more Champion of the Parish , he is pretty awesome. Angelic Overseer on the other hand goes well with my deck, but I'd still like to keep things all human. And I will probably try to get my hands on a couple of Gather the Townsfolk , I never even realized how much better than Captain's Call it was. As for now, Bonds of Faith will stay in my deck, because I play against my friend a lot, and he has a green hydra deck so I need to make sure he can't attack with them.

October 14, 2014 12:29 p.m.

wisegreenbean says... #3

Either Gideon might be a good bet for you. I am also a bit dubious about running 4x Gideon's Lawkeeper; he's not really all that agro, so I don't how well he really meshes. You're also missing a lot of excellent soldier lords: Daru Warchief and Field Marshal come to mind. Darien, King of Kjeldor is simply a badass. There's also some interesting things for human soldier removal, like Intrepid Hero and Catapult Master, which also really gives you some mileage out of Thalia, Guardian of Thraben. Finally, if you take my suggestion on picking up some more soldier lords, you may consider Raise the Alarm over Gather the Townsfolk. Also notable in the same line are Militia's Pride, Captain's Call, Mobilization, or Launch the Fleet. A final side note: you might like Veteran's Armaments

November 6, 2014 7:34 a.m.

Hoepa says... #4


Woah, that's quite a few cards I've never even heard of. A friend of mine just pulled Gideon, Champion of Justice from a booster so I might be adding him, I just don't know if I should replace Elspeth, Knight-Errant with that or keep them both in the deck. Gideon's Lawkeeper has saved me from a lot of lethal hydra attacks and it's a good way to buff Champion of the Parish, but I might be replacing Lawkeeper with Hada Freeblade. As for the soldier lords, I might just add them all in my deck. But then again some of my non-soldier humans are pretty awesome like Fiendslayer Paladin and Grand Abolisher. I'll also have to consider Intrepid Hero. Damn, I'd really like to make this a pure human soldier deck now, but I don't know if I can remove all the knights and clerics... But anyway, thanks for the suggestions!

November 6, 2014 4:56 p.m.

im really unsure about the scry lands there. if you want great affordable repeatable scry Crystal Ball is what you need

November 10, 2014 6:55 a.m.

Mithosjp says... #6

Vault of the Archangel is unnecessary if you cant use its second ability because of a lack of B mana. Preeminent Captain is almost always a must in a soldier/ish deck. Your mana needs a little bit of work as well. While playtesting the deck it had a tendency to become mana-screwed.

Other than that it seems like a solid start.

November 10, 2014 11:01 a.m.

Hoepa says... #7


Yeah the scry lands are slowing me down sometimes. I'll most likely just replace them all with basic lands.


I actually pretty much lost a match today thanks to Vault of the Archangel, so yeah, it needs to be removed. As for Preeminent Captain, I included one in my deck today, but didn't get to try it out. I might be getting two more of them.

November 10, 2014 2:54 p.m.

Hoepa says... #9


I actually have 2 Mirran Crusaders in my sideboard. :) But yes, it is a brutal card, especially against black/green decks.

December 19, 2014 10:17 a.m.

Somnus21 says... #10

Why do you have anything above 3-drop in a White Humans deck? I suggest scrapping everything above that for more weenies. Also, max out your Honor of the Pure.

December 22, 2014 5:36 a.m.

Hoepa says... #12


Because I rarely have to pay the actual mana cast of those cards thanks to Preeminent Captain. I think I'll replace Door of Destinies with one Honor of the Pure. I used to run 4x Honor of the Pure for a long time. Thanks anyway!


Cavern of Souls could be a sideboard option against blue decks. But still the colorless mana is a little problematic in this deck. I used to have lands that produced colorless mana, and I was often screwed because of that. Although I don't have that many enchantments, sorceries or expensive instants anymore. And I actually don't have any copies at the moment and it is not a cheap card. If I get a copy somehow, I'll sideboard it. Thanks!

December 22, 2014 7:03 a.m.

Somnus21 says... #13

Hoepa At least run a set of them if you're gonna commit to that plan.

December 22, 2014 7:16 a.m.

Croxy0 says... #14

This deck looks really good however you should really look at playing Mirran Crusader and Silverblade Paladin for the sould bond double strike and the fact you get Pro Black & Green which really messes with peopleTake a Look at my Blinged out Knights It's my current Modern deck and have yet to be beaten + all in foil

March 27, 2015 11:41 a.m.

ghoulofmetal says... #15

You might want to add some protection like Gods Willing, Valorous Stance (that also doubles as removal for Siege Rhino), or Ephemeral Shields.

May 19, 2015 7:25 a.m.

Hoepa says... #16

ghoulofmetal For protection I use Brave the Elements, because it protects all my creatures. But thanks anyway!

May 19, 2015 7:34 a.m.

I would do something about the landbase... 20 lands and stuff like Emeria, The Sky Ruin

August 28, 2015 7:27 a.m.

Put Disenchant in your sideboard and switch it with two lands, and drop the scry lands, only good in control. Use a few copies Cavern of Souls or Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx instead and a plain out for Emeria, The Sky Ruin

August 28, 2015 7:30 a.m.

Hoepa says... #19

Memphismaymagic5 Cavern of Souls is a bit too expensive for a casual deck like this. One copy costs about $50 in my country. Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx could be an option if I had any copies lying around, but I consider it to be better in a ramp deck. And Emeria, The Sky Ruin slows my game down the same way the scry lands do, and on top of that I usually aim to win at turn 4 or 5, so Emeria's ability wouldn't even get a chance to trigger. But you are right, I need one or two lands more. Thanks for the help!

August 29, 2015 10:17 a.m.

Daedra117 says... #20

This deck is a little confusing, I didn't understand what are the allies doing here. I'll recommend you some cards that maybe you didn't notice.

Boros Elite She's great and she's a human. The fact that you put tokens / creatures very quickly makes battalion always trigger.

Soul Warden or even Auriok Champion Both human, both serve to have lifegain, the second one has even protection from 2 colors.

Thraben Doomsayer He puts other humans on the battlefield and if you have low life he turns into a lord. Not bad.

Last tip is to go for 4 Cavern of Souls, 4 Path to Exile, another Kytheon, Hero of Akros  Flip and also think about Dismember, Rebuff the Wicked, Stony Silence, Rest in Peace for the sideboard.

The deck is not casual anymore btw, it scored a top 16 modern tournament at Washington DC.

September 3, 2015 6:02 a.m.

Hoepa says... #21

Daedra117 Sorry it took me a while to answer your comment.

The allies are there, because Kazandu Blademaster by itself is a really good 2-drop. Hada Freeblade is there to give Kazandu Blademaster 1+/+1 counters. Imagine a turn 1 Champion of the Parish, turn 2 Kazandu Blademaster and on turn 3 maybe another Blademaster and one Hada Freeblade. Still don't understand why the allies are there?

Boros Elite is a really good card and would be awesome in this deck, but it's getting really hard for me to make room for any more creatures.

Soul Warden and Auriok Champion both belong in a deck aiming to gain life. I wouldn't put either of them in to a pretty aggro-ish deck.

Thraben Doomsayer is too slow for my taste. If he was a Human Soldier I would consider him, but as a Cleric, nah.

Cavern of Souls is way too expensive for me as I've said to a couple of guys in the previous comments. I never play against decks that use counter spells so it would be just a waste of money.

September 13, 2015 6:11 p.m.

DarthSpader says... #22

May 15, 2016 4:07 p.m.

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