haysmafia1 says... #2
magnetcrocodile maybe, but what to swap out for it?? ;-)
June 6, 2015 8:43 p.m.
magnetcrocodile says... #3
I'd swap Boon Satyr. The flash and bestow is great, but a 4/4 body is better.
Also I think Rakshasa Deathdealer is better than Heir of the Wilds. Same body, but better flexibility, also can avoid spot removal if you got the mana(even Bile Blight by pumping!)
June 6, 2015 8:49 p.m.
I would take out the Reap What Is Sowns and and the Erases. Erase just seems like a sideboard card to me. If you had the money, Thoughtseize would be better than Despise. I feel like Hornet Queen requires too much green for a 3 color deck. Bile Blight would be a good card to add. An End Hostilities or 2, either main or sideboard would be nice to have. You might also want to have Drown in Sorrow against aggro decks.
June 6, 2015 8:53 p.m.
haysmafia1 says... #5
Made a few changes. Need 2 more creatures in the 4-5 slot. Butcher of the Horde would fit so well here (wishful thinking).
June 6, 2015 10:16 p.m.
Surrak is a freakin' BEAST!!!!
You also can never with the Deathmist Raptor + Den Protector combo, but that's only if want to shell out a ton of money.
June 6, 2015 11:57 p.m.
I keep having memory lapses. I meant to say you can never go wrong with the combo above.
Brains are stupid :P
June 7, 2015 3:55 a.m.
XD done ;), you have the hero's d i never could get :(
June 14, 2015 2:24 a.m.
haysmafia1 says... #13
People are saying that Abzan will die off with ORI. Well, I say "hog wash", LOL!!
Duress is MB for two reasons:
July 13, 2015 9:49 a.m.
I like seeing both Dromokas in a deck. This does get hit pretty hard by Languish otherwise, though. But being able to have both of those amazing dragons out softens the blow quite a bit.
July 13, 2015 10:47 a.m.
haysmafia1 says... #15
varygoode yes, Dromoka, the Eternal is filling the slot/role of Thunderbreak Regent (being played in most R/G variants).
The Dromoka's are the stars of this deck. We want the opponent to focus on the "traditional" threats (Fleecemane, Rhino, etc.) so we can smash their face with the dragons.
Having more sets of creatures offers more protection (hence more 2-3 of's and less 4 of's).
Having access to Whip in the SB softens the blow of Languish ;-)
July 13, 2015 11:09 a.m.
Yeah, elves will surely feel some severe anal pain after fighting some solid abzan. Still, what's the point of the two Elvish Mystic? You already got Courser of Kruphix, you don't really need ramp, and two of them isn't enough to be significant. And you probably don't want to topdeck this turn 6. +1 though!
July 14, 2015 6:59 a.m.
As for Valorous Stance vs. Display of Dominance, I'd rather choose Valorous Stance for the time being. It protects against Roast, Anger of the Gods, Plummet, Hero's Downfall etc... Much more versatile than Display of Dominance. True, sometimes DoD would be better, like when you fight UB control but otherwise... it's just worse IMO
July 14, 2015 7:04 a.m.
haysmafia1 says... #18
N4pht4 thanks for the up-vote :-)
A) Elvish is here for two reasons:
Slight issue with green mana sources early game (you'll have to playtest to see what I am talking about)
Wanting to get Siege Rhino or Courser of Kruphix out a turn early or having the ability to shift to a little more aggro and play double spells on T3/4
It is actually Courser who may be a little out of place in this deck. I am thinking of cutting one for a late game bomb in Gaea's Revenge.
B) I agree on Valorous Stance for now, that's why I have it MB. Will have to watch the meta evolve, if UB Control and Mono-black become big things, then DoD may work its way to the SB. I foresee that after rotation, a lot of the targets for DoD will be gone (cough, Ashiok, cough).
July 14, 2015 8:20 a.m.
How about Warden of the First Tree instead of Rakshasa Deathdealer? You only have Duress in your 1-slot, and I always found warden to be better.
July 15, 2015 10:34 a.m.
haysmafia1 says... #21
N4pht4 possibly, but what would come out?
Let's look at the curve:
WotFT: T1 1/1, T2 3/3
RD: T2 2/2, T3 4/4
FL: T2 3/3
AtF: T3 4/4
So, it's really between WotFT & FL (RD has regen to save itself from a T3 removal). I really don't have an intention of activating WotFT's second & third abilities (if the second also included a +1/1 counter then definitely, but a T4 3/3 is underwhelming), early game I want to keep mana open to play more threats or protection/removal spells rather than tapping out to trigger these abilities.
I appreciate your inputs!! It really helps to get various opinions, to help you think about different scenarios that you may face (or not have thought about). Please feel free to playtest this deck. Maybe you're right, maybe having that early board presence is more important than keeping with the curve?
July 15, 2015 11:27 a.m.
In fact, I also own a competitive abzan deck (#1 Abzan Cuntroll). It's for the moment more control-oriented but It did looks like yours before I managed to got my hands of a playset of Deathmist Raptor. I must admit Fleecemane Lion is probably the best 2-drop possible.
Rakshasa Deathdealer and Warden of the First Tree have the same early threat/late game mana-sink purpose, however after playtesting both intensely I can say I prefer the latter, for his boost is permanent and must not be paid every time. Then again, it's highly dependent on your Meta. I'd easily replace my WotFT for a Deathdealer if I were to play against Esper Dragons for example.
July 17, 2015 5:45 a.m.
By the way Gaea's Revenge is huge against Esper/UB control, I'd definitely add some in my side when my pre-order'll hit the mailbox !
July 17, 2015 5:53 a.m.
haysmafia1 says... #24
I picked up two Gaea's with some other ORI goodies at midnight. I am thinking one main board and the other SB (but will immediately come in against Esper, UB, and mono black).
Deathmist Raptor, oh my, yes please ;-)
July 17, 2015 8:01 a.m.
haysmafia1 says... #25
If you have up voted this deck, thank you! If you haven't left a comment, plz do so. Even a simple comment like "+1" will let me know that you up voted and that I should go to your profile and check out your decks and provide feedback.
If you have viewed this deck but didn't upvote, plz let me know why.
Thx :-)
magnetcrocodile says... #1
You got a solid landbase, so I think 3-4 Anafenza, the Foremost won't be a problem
June 6, 2015 8:37 p.m.