Aggressive faerie deck for 30$ TCG low!!!
I love making casual budget decks with certain restrictions. The restriction for this deck was to only play one rare card. I chose Scion of Oona and to go for an aggro control type faerie deck! +1 if you like!

The goal of this deck is to play a bunch of cheap faerie cards like Spellstutter Sprite that also give good value and pump them with our Scion of Oonas and Favorable Winds!

Spellstutter Sprite is one of our best cards! Counters early threats and late threats as we scale.
Counterspell Is just great! Of course we play the full set.
Power Sink is absolutely awesome. If we have a Spellstutter Sprite in hand we can use that on low drops and this on high drops to always have a counterspell. Lategame you use this on the first spell they cast and then they can't do anything else! It disables our opponents from trying to bait a Counterspell!

Ponder is our turn one play. It helps us set up and lets us run only 20 land (although 21 could be argued)
Gush has a low downside for free card advantage. Late game this card recks, and using it early game for a more aggressive start is always an option.

Scion of Oona is insane. If we have two out, we basically win!
Cloud of Faeries is a great card to chain. If we need to dig late game we can cycle it! Works particularly well with Spellstutter Sprite
Faerie Harbinger is numbers 5/6 on Spellstutter Sprite and Scion of Oona. Basically if we are behind and need to pull ahead we get Scion of Oona and if we are ahead and need to hold it, we get Spellstutter Sprite!
Pestermite is a decent beater that provides tempo. Replaceable, but I like it!
Cloudseeder is interesting here. It works well with Scion of Oona, Favorable Winds, Gush, Pestermite, and Cloud of Faeries, but not having flash is a bit clunky. I like playing 2. It can get out of hand really quick.
Faerie Conclave gets around sweepers and is just an all around good card. Getting shroud from Scion of Oona is pretty cool too!

Psionic Blast and Favorable Winds are both here to give the deck a little push! This deck can be aggressive and deal a lot of damage, but sometimes it just can't deal the extra 4. Psionic Blast does just that and doubles as removal. [[favorable winds pumps everything and lets us close the game quickly and sometimes out of nowhere. There is argument to play equipment over favorable winds, and not having flash is annoying in the deck, but it gets the job done!
So that's the deck! +1 if you like, it's a blast to play and cheap to buy! What more could you want?