A Christmas Carol; or The Flash; or Sorcerer Speed
Non-flash cards make the deck bad —April 21, 2016
(Unless they cost one mana, which can improve your mana production/consumption ratio. I'm experimenting with this.)
If your opponent plays counterspells and is never tapped out during your main phase, there's nothing you can do to play around counterspells. Things are going to get countered, and the decision of what is up to your opponent.
But if your opponent taps out for one turn, that's it, that's all you need. Put your best card onto the field and it can't be countered any more. There is a way for the tempo deck to get around this, and its name is Unsummon, but Unsummon dilutes the density of creatures and counters in the deck. Unsummon is not Remand.
If I drop a Breaker of Armies or something into play, then what? I block with my 2/1s to not die to a fearless alpha strike? Chumping cards is not fun, and Dimensional Infiltrator takes mana to activate.
Kozilek, the Great Distortion is slightly different because he has a counter ability, but it's a dead card until I have ten mana. I'd rather invest in winning before turn ten.
theloafslayer says... #1
This is great! I might just make a deck similar to this!
April 18, 2016 12:45 a.m.