Hey everyone! I am fairly new to Magic and was hoping I could get some advice on this current build from more experienced players. This deck is for casual play with a buddy. I welcome any suggestions that could make this better.
How this works:
A large majority of my creatures are self-recurring creatures, such as Gravecrawler,
, and
Nether Traitor
. The object of this deck is to get these creatures out on the battlefield (possibly through the use of Buried Alive), and use Grave Pact to clear the opponents battlefield and keep it clear. Blood Artist has great synergy with this and will punish my opponent that much more. Of course, my creatures being self-recurring, I bring them back and smack my opponent with an empty battlefield.
Mortician Beetle
provides great synergy with this deck as he grows very quickly with all the sacrificing going on between myself and my opponent.
Nantuko Husk
has many functions. He is a sac outlet so Grave Pact and/or Blood Artist can trigger. While sacrificing my creatures to him, he also grows very large and can deliver the final blow to end the game. He also can serve as a blocker, if need be.
Nantuko Husk
is a zombie, which helps with bringing my Gravecrawler back. He provides some of the best synergy in the deck.
I threw in Skullclamp, which can be attached to Gravecrawler,
Nether Traitor
, or
, to keep my hand full of cards. If Grave Pact is out on the field, I draw two cards and my opponent has to sacrifice a creature.
Diabolic Intent helps me find the backbone of this deck, such as Grave Pact and Phyrexian Altar.
Finally, I added Phyrexian Altar because of the instant wins it can provide me. Two
Nether Traitor
, a Blood Artist or Grave Pact can provide infinite damage or my opponent's board wiped, respectively. You could replace the two
Nether Traitor
with Gravecrawler and another zombie and get the same result. This is not very hard to do when you can find these creatures and bury them in your graveyard with Buried Alive and use diabolic intent[[ to find [[phyrexian altar.
Thanks for taking the time to look at this deck. I am not sure what kind of deck this is (control, combo, or aggro). I am turning to anyone who can give me feedback on this idea. Thanks again !!