
"Izzet Burn. What better name for a deck... it is the deck that was promised, and its is the song of ice and fire"

This is my first modern deck. Considering I'm a big fan of red and a bigger fan of having some money, I decided to make a burn deck. But not just any deck burn deck, no, I decided to make an Izzet burn deck! Thing in the Ice   was one of my favorite cards from SOI and considering that modern is loaded with 1 mana blue cantrips and that most burn spells are pretty cheap as well, it seemed like a natural combination to make.

The main goal is to get Thing out on turn 2 and flip it on turn 3 using Manamorphose(alongside some burn spells) then letting Awoken Horror   go to town. However, while flipping Thing is the main goal, I packed this deck with a bunch of burn spells as both a backup plan, as well as facilitating the flipping.

Please, any help and advice would be greatly appreciated, but do keep in mind I am on a budget. And remember, an Izzet always pays its debts...

P.S. G.R.R. Martin finish the next book already!

Edit: With the recent banning of Gitaxian Probe I've swapped in Peek as an alternative cantrip.


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 7 years
Exclude colors WG

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

18 - 6 Rares

27 - 1 Uncommons

6 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.44
Folders deck samplee cards, Izzet, Modern Brews, Aggro Decks, Build this, Izzet Modern
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