A... Different... Grixis Control (Handless)
Staff of Nin is my draw card. it also pings the opponent to death after Master of Cruelties is unblocked thanks to Artful Dodge . +1?
April 24, 2013 10:05 a.m.
KrazyCaley says... #3
Master of Cruelties is a fantastic creature. Problem as I see it is that you have very little protection for him. Counterflux is great of course, and Cyclonic Rift can unsummon him, but other than that, nothing to do.
Here's what I suggest, although this is totally uncharted territory because these are unreleased cards.
I would cut Sire of Insanity
. He's not really that important to the whole business here. I would also cut Artful Dodge
. Artful Dodge
of course gets your Master through, but remember that he is First Strike and Deathtouch. Your opponent has to double block to even have a hope of doing anything but chump blocking him, and because this is a control deck, you can mess with their potential blockers using Tamiyo, and potentially some of your sideboard cards. Also cut one copy of Staff of Nin
; four is excessive.
In place of these cut cards I'd put in more counterspells to protect the Master, like Negate or maybe Dissipate . I would also consider some kill spells mainboarded; this deck will get absolutely crushed by aggro decks because it extraordinarily slow.
April 25, 2013 12:27 a.m.
i was thinking of kinda protecting it by limiting their options. if i cut him, then they have a much bigger chance of finding some removal. it also makes cards like Think Twice and namely Sphinx's Revelation useless. thoughts?
April 25, 2013 12:30 a.m.
well not useless, but harder to use. makes timing much more important. btw, thanks for the quick response
April 25, 2013 12:31 a.m.
theobjection says... #6
Sire of insanity is not great. He puts you at a disadvantage, and you can for sure find better finishers.
April 25, 2013 3:31 a.m.
Cyclonic Rift can't target your own creatures. Other than that I agree completely.
April 25, 2013 5:03 a.m.
Borinkenwarlord says... #8
interesting.... please comment my deck MasterChampions of Minds
April 25, 2013 6:37 a.m.
Maybe running 3x Chromatic Lantern and 3x Gilded Lotus and 26 lands is a bit of an overrun? I mean, what do you need to accelerate so much into ? Staff of Nin ?
Otherwise, Master of Cruelties looks so fun, even more with the synergy with Ral Zarek . It can stall the board hard and win the game all together. Sire of Insanity may be strong, as you draw multiple cards on your turn with the staffs, but it makes your counterspells dead draws. I'd try a couple Liliana of the Veil instead to mess with their hands, works wonder in my Grixis dream deck!
Ever though of Far//away and Turn//burn? The former enables you to save your master and get CA in the process, and the latter would work wonder with your staffs!
April 27, 2013 9:36 a.m.
@ KrazyCaley, Gearge, and CyRRdaR seems like people aren't liking Sire of Insanity ... :( his goal is to limit my opponent's options. that way they can't sit one a full hand waiting to pounce on me the moment i play something. it just so happens to be that Staff of Nin helps me draw cards to increase my options. these are just my thoughts though.
@ CyRRdaR i had bolas in here but i took him out and forgot to mix up the ramp. but, i do want to get out Staff of Nin as fast as possible to cast Sire of Insanity . Far / Away wouldn't be needed if they can't cast counterspells and are limited to one combat trick., but i do really like Turn / Burn . thanks!
often times, i find myself with Sire of Insanity in my hand and don't want to cast him because of whats in my hand. the way to fix that is probably to add cards that return cards from the graveyard. anybody know a card that does that? any card, not just creature please
April 27, 2013 10:43 a.m.
Mystic Retrieval seems to be the perfect spot for what you're looking for ;)
April 27, 2013 11:02 a.m.
-Sire Of Insanity + Staff of Nin seems good. Try Bloodgift Demon as well. Yes, you're pinging yourself for 1 each turn but at the same time you have a big flier and more card draw at your upkeep and with Sire out any card advantage you can have over your opponent is amazing.
-I don't know if I like Heartless Summoning for the number of creatures you have. Yes, it's a great way to drop master of cruelties on turn 3, but then what? You have a 0/3 blocker and no way to give him the evasion you want to make him do anything until you crack your Glaring Spotlight (if you ever even draw it). For Sire? Great stuff. For Master... not so much, and 7 creatures isn't the number you're looking for when running that card.
April 29, 2013 9:03 p.m.
the point is to get him to be unblocked but yea i agree that with the Heartless Summoning , it becomes a useless blocker...
so should i drop summoning altogether? and if i do, do i still want Bloodgift Demon ? i like how i can also force my opponent to draw and lose 1 life to make him lose the game. :P
thanks for commenting btw
April 29, 2013 9:09 p.m.
SuperSkene says... #14
If you like the ping ability with Bloodgift Demon you could always try Duskmantle Seer , that way your opponents lose a lot a larger chunk of life as well as you drawing extra cards. Of course it works both ways but it may be something to consider.
April 29, 2013 11:21 p.m.
considering my high mana costs, i would say no to Duskmantle Seer . i still don't know what to cut/add. i think i'm just going to cut 1 summoning and add 1 Counterflux thoughts?
April 29, 2013 11:26 p.m.
SuperSkene says... #16
I think the control over the agro is better personally so yes. And a counter that can't be countered is just too good.
April 30, 2013 12:12 a.m.
Agree that heartless summoning probably isnt a solid fit for this deck with the low number of creatures. Swap it for Underworld Connections
April 30, 2013 11:05 p.m.
Maybe add something like Murder and Mystic Retrieval to get your kill spells back. Why not Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker ? Other than that it looks solid
April 30, 2013 11:09 p.m.
Just remembered Turn / Burn . Definitely using that instead
May 1, 2013 8:38 p.m.
it could but i don't know if i have space for it. do you have any suggestions? also, +1 if you like it please!
May 1, 2013 9:50 p.m.
SuperSkene says... #24
Well if you're looking for removal then i'd say it's better than Turn / Burn
May 1, 2013 10:19 p.m.
Turn has so much synergy with Staff of Nin and Burn can finish my opponent off after a Master of Cruelties . i also, don't like Far since there way too many ETB effects in standard right now (maybe after rotation) and Away because i don't like giving my opponent to choose what to sack. in caley's bolas deck, it could work because he has so many spells pretty much no creature will survive, but for this deck, i don't feel like it fits. although thanks for commenting!
volhagen says... #1
Its an interesting deck but I feel that Sire of Insanity would hurt you just as much as it would them since you have to discard your hand as well. I would also cut down on the Counterflux and Cyclonic Rift to add in some Think Twice to get some card advantage. Cool idea!
April 24, 2013 3:12 a.m.