A... Different... Grixis Control (Handless)
For a name...maybe The Insanity? :D. Or lunatic Control (going off of Sire Of Insanity s) text)? But your name right now doesn't seem too bad, maybe just get rid of the other dots. So, like this: A.....Different Grixis Control or something.
May 15, 2013 3:52 p.m.
thanks for replying guys!
the reason i have so little removal and counterspells is because it often becomes a waste when i drop Sire Of Insanity . so there goes a ton of the suggestions. lol :P
@buffy- Sire Of Insanity is used to drop their life down to 1, yes, buy it also serves as a great blocker. because of the little removal i have, i rely on this guys to keep my opponents back. i like the idea of Cavern of Souls though. and i do realize that Cyclonic Rift costs a lot, but its the most effective. the others that you listed do not guarantee a board wipe, and they only rid me of creatures. especially Bonfire of the Damned because i'll be drawing multiple cards per turn. as for Think Twice and Blood Scrivener , i don't think i'll be adding them any time soon. Think Twice costs mana to draw a card which might not leave enough mana open to cast all the cards i draw and Blood Scrivener , as TheLameSauce said, dies to Heartless Summoning . besides, don't want to deck out by drawing too many cards :P
@ducttapedeckbox- aside from the repeated suggestions, :P i have all that mana acceleration to drop what i need to drop (Staff of Nin ) before Sire Of Insanity . i don't want to wait too long or the opponent will have enough time to play their entire hand. then Sire Of Insanity becomes less useful. it also help late game when i play multiple Staff of Nin . i'll want to play everything that i draw. i'm going to say no to Rogue's Passage because i don't want too many colorless mana floating around. besides, Glaring Spotlight allows me to use Dreadbore or and unoverloaded Cyclonic Rift if i need to or protects my creature.
whew! that was a long comment. changed the name!
May 15, 2013 6:59 p.m.
So if you rely on Sire Of Insanity , all the more reason to add more protection. I would highly recommend Cavern of Souls or counterspells.
May 15, 2013 9:08 p.m.
honestly, Cavern of Souls shouldn't be necessary. it messes up my mana base too much. besides, i have 4 Sire Of Insanity s so i think i'll be fine. i can't play against other people but if you could test it for me...
May 16, 2013 1:48 a.m.
TheLameSauce says... #6
The thing with the Sire is, if you're playing against control and they counter him, even if you have another in hand to play the very next turn, it means that was a crucial moment they couldn't afford to lose their hand. With a cavern, they don't have the luxury of deciding when to allow you to drop him.
May 16, 2013 7:51 a.m.
ducttapedeckbox says... #10
I have one last assignment and then my school year is over -- when that is done, I'll playtest a few times if you'd like.
I agree with adding Cavern of Souls . I think the mana base shouldn't be too much of a problem, except for Mikaeus, the Unhallowed -- his triple B cost could lead to some problems, but we'll figure that out through playtesting.
Liking the name!
May 16, 2013 3:26 p.m.
Well, I had this big long thing on the games I played, but somehow I clicked something and lost it. Basically I playtested this decks vs Naya Blitz and Junk Rites. Naya Blitz pulled off a 2-1 series win as it just got some very quick starts and you couldn't keep up with all the creatures the opponent was dropping. Junk Rites I only playtested once, and it won mainly because it has better late game drops and you only had a Turn / Burn for removal. He ended up having 2x Thragtusk and 2x Angel of Serenity to close out the game.
May 17, 2013 1:05 p.m.
lol. no problem. thanks for testing it out. so, i should just go for murder? or devour flesh? life total doesn't really matter, so its probably more about letting the opponent choose which creature to sac. suggestions?
May 17, 2013 11:22 p.m.
ducttapedeckbox says... #14
The build looks pretty solid, if anything it might be a little slow. I can't test it because I'm not sure how to get DGM in Cockatrice, but it looks like it'll perform pretty well. I can't say that I have any suggestions at the moment, but I'll keep thinking about it!
May 27, 2013 12:33 p.m.
randalfwarren says... #15
well you definatly have a plan. how well do you survive aggro matchups? all that mana and no Nicol Bolas ? or Bonfire of the Damned , rakdos return, Devil's Play ? gotta sink that mana (yeah and cyclonic rift is a mana sink but i mean proactive). really like the synergy. but not sure if you have enough removal. and also having Mikaeus, the Unhallowed is no excuse for having Heartless Summoning along with Master of Cruelties .
June 12, 2013 10:33 a.m.
honestly, a mana sink would only hurt this deck. having to cast multiple spells per turn to ensure they don't go to waste usually takes the greater part of my mana. i also have Desolate Lighthouse and Nephalia Drownyard to activate
i don't want too much removal. if Cyclonic Rift can wipe the board, then drawing a removal will end up being a dead draw and be wasted. i can't even same them for the opponent's turn.
i know Mikaeus, the Unhallowed is no excuse for having Heartless Summoning . its just a good way to make it up. its not too bad since Master of Cruelties 's ability can still be triggered even without a power
June 12, 2013 10:49 a.m.
Guild Feud might be interseting... you got 1/6 death touches, 5/6 "master" and 5/5 "Mikaeus" and if someone does enter with "mikaeus" already on field they are undying and +1/+1 (this would add to creature "dealing damage to each other" would it not?? the +1/+1 Mikaeus, the Unhallowed and Guild Feud ???...)
just a thought!
August 17, 2013 1:56 p.m.
that its an interesting thought and might be worth centering another deck around that but its pretty expensive and i'm not even guaranteed to get a creature in which case, the opponent will just get a free creature
August 17, 2013 2:07 p.m.
thank you for the post though! buffy another challenge!
August 17, 2013 2:07 p.m.
Skullcrack .... see Welcome to McDemon's.... not my deck... just commented on Master of Cruelties with the Skullcrack combo.
August 17, 2013 7:45 p.m.
but that's why i have Staff of Nin . i can just ping him on stack. besides, i also have Turn / Burn and Ral Zarek
ducttapedeckbox says... #1
Oh! regarding a new name - I have nothing. I'll try to think of something else if you can help me out with a new name for my Damia EDH deck, Damias going to BUG you :P
May 15, 2013 2:24 p.m.