
Well, it took a while for me to want to get back into it, but I think Dragons of Tarkir is that little voice that is trying to get me back into control. I had been tossing with ideas of Grixis control for a while, but nothing really stuck with me. With the introduction of Dragonlord Ojutai though, I can finally get behind a reason to play control. The new Ojutai has something about it (other than being a far more playable version than it's Fate Reforged counterpart) that really reminds me of Master of Cruelties. Physically and technically speaking, the two cards are nothing alike, but there is something about Ojutai that reminds me of Master of Cruelties, so here we are. New control list that's really not that new.

Overall, the list looks very similar to an old prototype Grixis list, and that shared a lot of similarities with the U/B control list that had been floating around standard for a while. So I feel like this list is nothing new, but some card choices I feel like I should go over.

Anticipate is the first card up, and I think this card is going to make a splash on Standard. Already in testing the card feels pretty powerful for the mana cost and the instant speed makes it feel really good to slap down on the end of an opponent's turn. I think it's very akin to Dig Through Time, letting you sift the top cards to find something that you need for that moment. Both are basically just an Impusle so you know it's a fun card.

It was either Crux of Fate or End Hostilities for the boardwipe spell, but I think Crux of Fate just seems right here because of the high concentration of dragons in the list. The presence of Hero's Downfall and Ultimate Price (by the way, thank god for Ultimate Price being back) can deal with most other Dragons in the format? I stand by the Crux decision for now.

Dragonlord Ojutai seems really sweet. I think this card is going to be my new fave card. I like Anticipate already, and putting it on a creature that has hexproof half the time seems pretty strong. Also, it's costed nicely and really puts your opponent on a clock.

Elspeth, Sun's Champion ... this card continues to be good, I don't think I have to go into this choice too much.


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After getting crushed the last Standard I went to, I returned to the local cardshop with a slightly updated Esper Dragons list and managed to get first. The sideboard seems to be exactly what I want, and there were very few times that I thought: Oh, I don't have what I need to win.

First match was against rabble red, going 2-1. Sided in all my Bile Blights and singletin Virulent Plague and he couldn't do anything to me after that. Second match was against Orzhov Warriors, going 2-0. Very much like the first match but both games he just couldn't keep the pressure up. Third was against G/R aggro. This match gave me the most trouble, but walked out 2-0. Last match was against Chromanti-flayer, and won 2-0. Kind of lucky that the guy was trying to do everything at once with the deck, and left his board super vulnerable to Ugin entering and exiling his board. He was trying to mill me both games, for whatever reason and he claimed that they were both very close, but I would probably disagree.

Liking the deck a lot more now, glad I figured out the sideboard and dropped the numerous planeswalkers. The only thing that I would change is the Ashioks in the side. They didn't seem that powerful when I was playing with them, and seemed to only function as another target to get punched in the face.

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Date added 9 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is Casual legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 6 Mythic Rares

26 - 3 Rares

11 - 4 Uncommons

8 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 4.00
Folders The Retired Heroes
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