A Dragonlord Cometh

Casual* ScottishRaptor


TheGreatLiar says... #1

Too many wincons, not enough control. 11 mainboard wincons is simply too much for a control deck. And while i love Elspeth, you don't need 3 copies. With 2 you have a good chance of drawing her by turn 6 anyways.

March 26, 2015 9:20 p.m.

ScottishRaptor says... #2

TheGreatLiar It has been something that I have been looking into to take out one Elspeth. It definitely had been feeling rather heavy, and I was unsure based on the lack of testing with my playgroup.

Keeping your comment in mind, I took out an Elspeth and a Tasigur (the Tasigur more because I had been unimpressed with him in my theoretical testing) and replaced them with a few more counterspells. Other than that, I have kept it relatively the same as to move further towards control but still keep one foot inside a comfort zone.

Also, if you were referring to Ashiok as a win con, I think that's something we have different opinions on. I have not been wildly impresed with her as a finisher, but rather see the card as a means to annoy and distract the opponent. It's going to take a lot for me to see Ashiok as a finisher rather than a weird utility walker.

I respectfully take your comment into account, it definitely sounds like you know what you're talking about but I'm going to experiment with this list for a bit and see how it resonates with me.

March 26, 2015 9:50 p.m.

TheGreatLiar says... #3

When i say wincon, i don't mean that's the goal of playing the card every time. i mean, if that card stays on the table it will win the game on its own. You don't have to intend to win with ashiok. If she sits there long enough, you win anyways.

March 26, 2015 10:05 p.m.

ScottishRaptor says... #4

TheGreatLiar Ah, alright. I got what you're saying. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

March 26, 2015 10:06 p.m.

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