Standard sf_torquatus


TragicalMirth says... #1

Garruk, Caller of Beasts could be a good option that is about half the price of Domri Rade . Mana dorks make his casting easier and with such a creature heavy deck, even just a single activation should provide 2 or 3 cards.

April 13, 2014 4:31 p.m.

TragicalMirth says... #2

Also, Nylea, God of the Hunt Clan Defiance and Savageborn Hydra will help with post turn 10. The first two are great mana dumps late game that will regularly win close games for you.

April 13, 2014 4:38 p.m.

sf_torquatus says... #3

I have a couple Nylea on standby. I'll give her some shots in the mainboard in the coming week.

Savageborn Hydra and Clan Defiance LOOK awesome, but I'm not so sure how well they fit. There are certainly some great scenarios, so I will try them out and see if I want to buy some.

I like the instant removal suggestion. If I had lightning bolts instead of Anger of the Gods I could have dealt with the Pack Rat onslaught a lot better. I'll put those in the main board and see how the tests go.

Garruk looks like it would be a great Domri substitute. It's the kind of card I want in late-game scenarios, but wouldn't mind seeing in an opening hand.

April 14, 2014 3:21 p.m.

Randyrocks11 says... #4

I would really remove Commune with the Gods just throwing cards/creatures into the graveyard is not something that I see works well for this kind of deck but if you like that sort of system to get another creature in your hand Signal the Clans works great. This is my deck Gruul Big/Bloodrush Its not exactly budget, but it might give you some ideas.

April 17, 2014 6 p.m.

ManiacMike0643 says... #5

When Journey Into Nyx comes out, I'd suggest putting in some Temple of Malady and then probably some Temple of Malice and turn this into a Jund Monsters deck, utilising Reaper of the Wilds , Abrupt Decay , Putrefy and Golgari Charm .Also adding Stormbreath Dragon is a fantastic idea as he is such a reliable game winner.

April 19, 2014 2:17 p.m.

sf_torquatus says... #6

As much as I would LOVE to add a bunch of quality cards to the list, I'm on a budget ($10/week for MTG). I checked the budget marker off because the current value of the deck is around $150, which is getting pretty high for a budget build (I've personally spent around $75-$90 on the cards and opened/traded/won the rest).

I would like the flexibility to move between G/R and Jund, so I'm prioritizing cards that are common to both. Stormbreath is high on that list, as well as two copies of Garruk. I can hold off on Polukranos since Polis Crusher is a decent standin (trample plus Xenagos = lots of wins!), but I'm hoping to trade for one or two (the removal from monstrous bests Polis Crusher).

The above portion is going to take well above a month, so hopefully I can put up some more 4-1's for some store credit! Once I have the G/R shell I can work on the Jund pieces.

April 20, 2014 2:25 a.m.

TragicalMirth says... #7

sf_torquatus, you can hard cast Ghor-Clan Rampager for the trample + Xenagos combo, but Polis Crusher can not benefit from his ability due to the protection and card text that gives 'target creature' the buff.

April 20, 2014 3:44 a.m.

sf_torquatus says... #8

WHOAH! I never noticed that before! Thanks for filling me in.

April 20, 2014 1:04 p.m.

eXDonut says... #9

I have a similar budget, due to me having to save for an open I'm going to. What my store does, you can just put the credit on a gift card and just let it pile up. My friend does this when he trades in cards. He had like $80 on his card now and saved it for pre release this weekend.

April 22, 2014 3:28 p.m.

sf_torquatus says... #10

My store would let me store up credit as well. I've got a lot of extra money this month (~$125) so I'll be investing in Mortars, Stormbreath, Garruk, Polukranos, and Scavenging Ooze. My deck functioned well at the last FNM, so I could probably score some Domri on discount by going 4-1 again. I've got a number of other high profile cards to trade (2xThoughtseize, Thassa, Master of Waves, Ashiok), so hopefully I can get some good deals (store does not do a 1:1 tradein).

I already put away tax return money for the prerelease(s), so here's to hoping I get some great cards in the 20 packs I'll be opening!

April 22, 2014 3:56 p.m.

Crazydude says... #11

Nylea, God of the Hunt would work welll giving all creatures trample. also i dont like Polis Crusher in the main.

April 26, 2014 3:12 p.m.

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