A Gathering of Golems

Commander / EDH loricatuslupus


A New Day Dawns on Ravnica —April 28, 2019

...and it's colourless, motherf*ckers! Both Ugin, the Ineffable and Karn, the Great Creator are going to be absolutely savage in this deck, giving cost reduction and turning off everyone else's mana rocks. I actually particularly like Karn's -2 for commander because it will let me replace some of the fun janky cards like Argentum Armor and the Kaldra set with strong stax pieces, while keeping them available in the sideboard to bring in for fun. Also if Mycosynth Lattice is on the board then his static turns off enemy lands too, so there's that...

Cippo says... #1

I recently started running Voltaic Servant in my Karn deck and it's been super useful. It looks like your deck has more activations than mine so you might get a kick out of it. It helps so much with all the rocks that don't untap on their own. Plenty of value with stuff like Steel Overseer too.

August 23, 2018 5:51 p.m.

loricatuslupus says... #2

Cippo definitely a possibility, especially as it's a good CMC, but there are a couple of snags. Firstly (and pretty trivially, I'll grant) it's not a golem, so won't benefit from some of the tribal cards unlike say Meteor Golem. More to the point is the very restrictive activation timing: having to use it at the end of my turn means I can't get an extra use out of something in response to another player's activation, and in addition limits what I can do. Still a potentially useful card at two colourless even if all I end up using it for is to untap a creature that attacked that turn.

August 26, 2018 11:45 a.m.