A Girls First Deck

Modern PriestessKikyo1


@ Femme_Fatale Thanks for the suggestions and comment! Muddle the Mixture looks like a good idea, especially with Transmute. I've actually seen your deck before and I really like it. I've got it saved in my favorites folder. ;)

August 31, 2013 2:57 a.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #2

Your very welcome~

And thanks for the favourite! I don't think anyone has favourite'd one of my decks before, so I believe you are my first~

September 1, 2013 12:11 a.m.

juliandusett says... #3

I was literally just making a W/B merfolk deck when I saw yours! Ours are actually pretty similar, and I really like how you have Wall of Denial and Dissipation Field to deal with flying and being attacked until you (hopefully!) have a good islandwalk set-up. I just wanted to suggest that you maybe try adding in the card Stonybrook Banneret , and maybe even Merrow Harbinger or Tidal Courier . While Tidal Courier might be a bit risky considering your deck is only about 1/3 merfolk, Merrow Harbinger is a great fetch merfolk creature. Now, while both of these last 2 cards are somewhat costly at 3 colorless and 1 blue, that's where Stonybrook Banneret comes in. I would suggest taking out maybe 2 Merfolk Sovereign considering it's probably the least helpful out of your merfolk with +1/+1 abilities, and you might want to take out 1 or 2 of either Lord of Atlantis or Master of the Pearl Trident to make room for 2 Stonybrook Banneret (or 3 would be better) and 2 Merrow Harbinger. With cards like Merrow Harbinger or Tidal Courier (if you decide to put it in), It's not necessary to run so many of the same cards. The only problem I see is that you don't currently have many merfolk that require colorless mana other than Merrow Reejerey ... well, it's just a suggestion. Check out my deck if you have the time!

October 5, 2013 12:22 a.m.

@ juliandusett

Stonybrook Banneret is definitely a shoo-in for me if I do decide to make any changes to this build. I previously had Merrow Harbinger in my SB, but he ended up getting squeezed out. And I'd never really noticed Tidal Courier before, it's a neat card, though a it's cmc is higher than I'd probably use. My biggest problem in building this was that I didn't want it to be like everybody else's fish builds, but if you want it to be fast/competitive it just starts to go that way. And I love to check out your deck! Thanks for stopping by! :D

October 6, 2013 2:15 a.m.

siragravaine says... #5

-1 or -2 Island +1-2 Mutavault

October 11, 2013 2:24 a.m.

Hmm. Mutavault or Cavern of Souls ? The only reason I didn't do Cavern of Souls before was because of the price, but it has dropped considerably since rotation.

October 12, 2013 2:46 a.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #7

I would do Cavern of Souls , but only as a 3 of. You have Wall of Denial , Dissipation Field and Psychic Barrier to worry about getting out.

October 12, 2013 2:49 a.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #8

I think you should use Muddle the Mixture instead of Psychic Barrier . The main reason is that it doubles as a uncounterable tutor, which can tutor up a large portion of your cards, mainly your islandwalk combo.

October 12, 2013 2:52 a.m.

Thanks for the help Femme_Fatale- your a much better deckbuilder than I am. Added Cavern of Souls and Muddle the Mixture , though I think Wall of Denial and Dissipation Field will be staying in for now. I consider them personal touches as a lot of Fish decks look pretty much the same. Maybe eventually I'll add AEther Vial .

October 13, 2013 2:40 a.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #10

Aww, thank you~ though most of my knowledge comes from research, and a lot of heavy researching at that.

I wasn't thinking of removing the Wall of Denial or Dissipation Field in this deck, they can be very useful against faster aggro decks. But it was a reason to only put in 3 in here as 4 can really hinder you if you get two of them and only one other land and you can't play Wall of Denial . You will have to play-test it a lot though, since the Cavern of Souls may make it so that you can't cast your Muddle the Mixture till turn 3 possibly 4, and your one mana drop non-creatures till turn 2 or 3. The way your build is it might be better to put them in your sideboard against U control, as that is the only deck you need to use them against. Instead you could put in some of the shocks, once you get the money.

October 14, 2013 9:49 p.m.

siragravaine says... #11

I would drop a Cavern to SB for a Mutavault.

October 16, 2013 9:57 a.m.

Staakman says... #12

Funny, my first deck was a merfolk deck as well and now I'm working on a Izzet (blue/red) deck based around Kiln Fiend as well. Really need to update my merfolk deck though, it's not working that well anymore. Too much creatures :D. Thought about splashing it with white as well. But if money is not a problem for you I seriously suggest AEther Vial . It's a must with merfolk.

I'm a huge fan of running Cold-Eyed Selkie / Coralhelm Commander in merfolk decks though. The cold eyed selkie gives you insane card draw.

Anyway here is mine: Modern on a Budget: Blue Merfolk. It's nothing special though.

October 29, 2013 5:41 a.m.

@ Staakman Yeah, right now AEther Vial is something I'll have to save up for. I'm working on getting some copies of Cold-Eyed Selkie atm, it wasn't until fairly recently that I even realized that Selkies are considered a merfolk type, though I'm not sure if they will end up in this particular build. Thanks for stopping by!

October 30, 2013 2:40 a.m.

twospires says... #14

Wow, lots of comments. Hope I don't make any redundant suggestions. If you've got the money, then I'd say to put in 3-4 Master of Waves . It would be completely bonkers in this deck. Even with only 4-5 devotion to blue, something that you can easily get, you're getting upwards of 10 power for 4 mana. That's a deal.

The other card I'd say would be good is Phantasmal Image . Extra copies of any lord you have is pretty good. Other than that, looks like a really solid deck.

November 8, 2013 10:52 a.m.

It is true that I'd have plenty of blue devotion in this deck. He could be a real powerhouse- and if he doesn't fit in here, I've been considering making a Merrow deck that is more focused on tokens. Another new Merfolk that I like is the one from Commander, though he wouldn't be legal in here.. I can't think of what it's called right now, but he gets protection from whichever player you choose when he ETB. I think Phantasmal Image is an awesome suggestion, inexpensive mana wise and very effective. You know how some people have certain cards they just don't really like for some reason? That's how I feel about Phantasmal Image . But, because I think it could be a really good possible addition regardless, I plopped him on to my Maybeboard. Thanks for checking out all my decks, I'm working on returning the favor. ;)

November 11, 2013 5:59 a.m.

LozengeMagus says... #16

Sejiri Merfolk is droppable. Being an aggro deck, you almost don't need lifelink. Yes put in Wake Thrasher in main board with Merrow Commerce and Savor the Moment. You can put in the sideboard O-Ring and Dissipation Field. For some reason I don't find Wall of Denial a good fit. How about Sage of Fables?

November 11, 2013 6:12 a.m.

DimirZer00 says... #17

You should take a look at the following cards Drowner of Secrets , Silvergill Douser ,and Stonybrook Banneret . and If you ever find yourself with a ton of Merfolk wizards.Check out:Sage of Fables

Other then that. I would switch this deck into a mono blue deck. By taking out Wall of Denial & Oblivion Ring . Yeah, there good cards.But,there are a ton of great Merfolk card out there.In which; you can use in different ways.

Which makes them. An awesome choice for any blue player.

November 11, 2013 7:06 a.m.

@ LozengeMagus I do think that my sideboard may need revamping. Wake Thrasher and Merrow Commerce don't go together well, because even though it untaps all your Merfolk, it triggers at the end of the turn and Wake Thrasher 's bonus ends at the end of the turn as well, which is altogether unhelpful. I'm considering switching Oblivion Ring for Path to Exile .

@ DimirZer00 Both of you guys mentioned Sage of Fables . She happens to be one of my all-time favorites, but since I only have 3 Wizards for a total of 6 cards she could affect, I don't think I'll be putting her in. I really would like to be able to use Stonybrook Banneret , but I run into a similar problem where only 10 out of my 26 creatures could be affected by her ability. All three of the cards you mentioned are among some of my favorite Merfolk, I love the art on Drowner of Secrets and it is also usable in an infinite mill combo. They are all candidates for me to make another Merfolk deck with, with more of a token and/or mill focus.

Thanks so much for the comments guys! :)

November 12, 2013 3:37 a.m.

DimirZer00 says... #19

I like I said. There are a lot of merfolks out there now. a lot. Enough, so you can really make any type of deck you want with them.and I still think, you should go mono blue with this deck.However, it's your deck. so do what you want.

Look forward to seeing the next Merfolk deck. Let me know, if you put it up.

November 12, 2013 10:54 a.m.

juliandusett says... #20

Hey, long time no comment! Well... I meant to comment excitedly when this card came out, but I forgot because that happens a lot to me XD. Sooooooo... True-Name Nemesis ?!?!?!?! He doesn't even need islandwalk, and he nearly has complete protection from the opponent. Even though he's expensive, the price very well may keep rising due to the possibility of him being a decent staple for blue legacy decks (and actually the price has already risen by about $15). I say get 'em while they're (not) hot! What are your thoughts?

November 21, 2013 5:01 p.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #21

@ juliandusett

True-Name Nemesis is illegal in modern. Special sets like duel-decks, commander decks, planechase sets, archenemy, modern masters etc cannot be used in modern.

November 21, 2013 11:12 p.m.

juliandusett says... #22

@Femme_Fatale it seems my excitement has caused me to overlook the obvious... but is it allowed in legacy? I thought I heard it was...

November 21, 2013 11:16 p.m.

juliandusett says... #23

But then yeah even if it was, clearly this deck is modern... oh well

November 21, 2013 11:17 p.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #24

All special sets are legal in EDH, Legacy and Vintage. They make it this way so that they have free-range over what they can re-release in a set. You wouldn't want something like Wheel of Fortune to be released in a special set only for it to be banned in modern. This way they can also tell how much one of the eternal formats would change if they added or re-released a certain card. Which is a good thing too otherwise we wouldn't have a commander deck with a $150 pay-out if you buy it at MSRP.

November 21, 2013 11:22 p.m.

juliandusett says... #25

Wow that's completely true. Thanks for the input I'm still learning a lot of the rules!

November 21, 2013 11:39 p.m.

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