
My Heroic Homebrew built to outpace any other aggro deck! It's really fun, consistent, and kicks ass!

Nyxborn Shieldmate - A great 1 drop that makes an Ethereal Armor onto Hero of Iroas even better on turn 3. We also only have to bestow him for 2! GOODSAUCE!

Phalanx Leader - In the early game, he helps us outpace Bile Blight, Anger of the Gods, and even Drown in Sorrow. But I've found his REAL value comes later. If our Opponent has killed off our Heroes, we're left with a battlefield of relatively weak Enchantment Creatures, but Phalanx Leader quickly makes them STRONG, and he gives that extra push to a late game Eidolon of Countless Battles , which sways the game back to our favor.

Hero of Iroas - The inspiration for this deck. A Bear that outpaces anything (except maybe Phalanx Leader), and who makes our Bestow spells cheaper to cast!

Fabled Hero - Remember Phalanx Leader ? We now have so many ways to put power into this card that it consistently attacks for lethal by turn 6.

Eidolon of Countless Battles - This is our Featured Card for very good reason. Bestowing this makes Hero of Iroas a 5/5 on Turn 3, or Fabled Hero a 5/5 Doublestriker on Turn 4, making it hard for the opponent to come back. There's mana open after a T4 Bestow for Gods Willing, so Removal isn't a big deal (and we get another +1/+1 counter). Even if our enchanted creature dies, Eidolon of Countless Battles survives on and becomes yet another huge threat in his own right.

Glimpse the Sun God - At the end of the Declare Attackers step, this can trigger each of our Heroic abilities, while also tapping down our Opponent's blockers.

Gods Willing- Protects our guys from Doom Blade, Hero's Downfall, Ultimate Price etc, all while triggering heroic. We can use this for protection from any color to get our hits through too. But against Chained to the Rocks or Glare of Heresy we bring in Negate so that our enchantments don't fall off.

Aqueous Form - An aggressive way to get Heroic Triggers, buff Ethereal Armor, filter our draws, and get our beats through!

Ethereal Armor "should be banned"- all the Opponents. Again, it triggers Heroic and provides an aggressive, overwhelming amount of power in a single turn.

Detention Sphere- Hard removal.

Fiendslayer Paladin- Bring it in against Orzhov Midrange, Rakdos Aggro/Control; and RDW. He makes it much easier to retain boardstate in these match-ups.

Celestial Flare - To deal with Blood Baron of Vizkopa, Stormbreath Dragon, and Theros Gods!

Daxos of Meletis- Comes in against G/R Monsters, because after we've pumped him up they can't block him unless they lose their Ramp, and he does all this: A) Lifegain; B) Removal; C) Steals Threats.

Negate- More dude protection, and defense against the dark arts ( Devour Flesh )!

Rapid Hybridization- More spot removal to reduce their Biggies (say goodbye, Blood Baron of Vizkopa).

T1 Nyxborn Shieldmate; T2 2x Ethereal Armor swing 7; T3 1x Ethereal Armor, 1x Aqueous Form, Swing 20 unblockable with 1 mana open for God's Willing.

T1 Nyxborn Shieldmate; T2 Do it again (or don't that's fine too); T3: Fabled Hero; T4: Ethereal Armor x2 and Aqueous Form on Fabled Hero, already swinging lethal, with 1 mana left for God's Willing. There is also another one, but I don't feel like typing it out.

are VERY POSSIBLE, and I've counted at least 5 ways to do it. Feel free to look for them or type them in the comments if you want to help the effort!

Very consistently winning on this turn in our tests so far!

Credit also goes to DanSolo126. He and I are playtesting together and working it all out!


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  • Achieved #5 position overall 10 years ago
Date added 11 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

16 - 8 Rares

18 - 4 Uncommons

12 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.84
Tokens Frog Lizard 3/3 G
Folders white weenie, Research, Standard Decks, Consideration, Blue White Control Stuff, heroic, cool deck ideas, blue white aggro control, other peoples, Other People's Decks
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