A Hero's Tale - Born of the Gods

Standard ransom09


JamestheJoo says... #1

You outpaced mine, but 4/6 times mine stabilized. I super like it though and if I had some of the cards I would probably make some changes in mine to meet some half way between. +1 for Azorius!

February 2, 2014 9:54 p.m.

Playtested this against my own azorius heroic aggro, and I just couldn't keep up, +1 for sure, have you thought about adding in any Ephara's Enlightenment ? it's a reusable heroic trigger, gives a +1/+1 counter, gives flying, and it's for 2 cmc with a hero of iroas, just a thought.

also, do you mind taking a look at my deck? Thinking about making some changes to make it as fast as possible U/W Heroic Aggro

February 2, 2014 10:46 p.m.

whoops wrong decklist this is it

UW Heroic Hurts Playtest

Standard propheticpromise


February 2, 2014 10:49 p.m.

BopoHDark says... #4

Grate deck. in a place of Daxos of Meletis in your side i suggest Azorius Charm . It will add some more tricks like draw, lifelink and topdeck some heavy creatures.

February 3, 2014 8:45 a.m.

Yeah I have to agree, what are you keeping Daxos of Meletis in the sideboard for? I mean it has great potential but what will you side it in for? What purpose does it serve?

February 3, 2014 9:34 a.m.

ransom09 says... #6

It's hard to say for sure, but I'm predicting G/R Monsters will become a Tier 1 deck with everything that BNG is putting out for them. To that regard, Daxos of Meletis is naturally unblockable against that deck, he steals their fatties, and he gains us a ton of life. Of course, this is only a theory, and we only playtested it against our predicted G/R brew, which could look very different from whatever emerges in the Meta. He's a game changer in that match up, but if things don't go that way, he's the first card coming out!

February 3, 2014 9:41 a.m.

doukychou says... #7

how the deck do against monoblack? dont need fiendslayer in sb?

February 3, 2014 3:47 p.m.

ransom09 says... #8

Nope, this deck does GREAT against Mono-B!

February 3, 2014 4:07 p.m.

Myogenesis says... #9

playtested once for fun...kept a 3x land and Fabled Hero hand with 3x Ethereal Armor ...swung for 18/18 double strike on turn 4 with 3x ethereal and an Aqueous Form ...silly. +1

February 3, 2014 9:47 p.m.

LegendaryRob says... #10

What about something like Murder Investigation , I think all the auras here don't really see benefit from Hero of Iroas , plus you'll get token creatures out that will boost Eidolon of Countless Battles .

February 3, 2014 11:49 p.m.

doukychou says... #11

mutavault is no use in the deck? i have a playset, and thinking to sell them XD

February 4, 2014 6:01 a.m.

Gontetsu says... #12

I play tested your deck vs mine multiple times. In the end both decks were very similar and it turned into whoever drew a better hand. Overall though very nice deck my only suggestion would be taking out Phalanx Leader and using Hopeful Eidolon . However that is purely a preference thing. I love the lifelink that he gives as well as being able to play a one drop creature is always nice.

February 4, 2014 8:14 a.m.

LeoSperandio says... #13

Nice deck, man! +1 =D

But and how about Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx ??? It can give you someting like 7/8 mana in the turn 5! Is amazing!

I had a UW Heroic deck (before Born of the Gods). It's is very nice against creatures deck, but red and black removals made me give up!! We don't have time enough to play creatures AND Gods Willing . What you doing about it?

February 4, 2014 9:12 a.m.

Yugo375 says... #14

Hey I really like your deck, I had in mind to do the same thing since that badass eidolon was spoiled and I did myself a lot of test over it. If you add a bit of money you can put some shock lands for Unflinching courage, it won't slow the deck and you gain nice survivability against an aggro deck if he's really quick (I've been play testing with my friend who's playing boros devotion and sometime it was hard to hold), you often have something like T2 hero of iroas T3 Unflinching courage+Ethereal armor and T4 Eidolon on the hero swinging for the win with trample and lifelink even if there's some blockers.

Also Brimaz is working nice (if he's not getting instakilled like most of times) with the eidolon, making him/the creature he enchant quite big really fast.

Anyways, its a great deck and you gave me some ideas to improve mine, nice work! +1

February 4, 2014 11:39 a.m.

Phat_Shadow says... #15

I use this same mechanic in a different deck I have and it really works. People also don't expect it (well they didn't used to, lol) so they're not prepared for it. I like your idea of Hero of Iroas + Eidolon of Countless Battles . I will probably steal that one, lol.

Have you considered Hidden Strings over Glimpse the Sun God for continued heroic triggers? I know it's not instant and it's blue which is your splash but it seems worth it to continue giving two creatures heroic every turn (assuming creature also has Aqueous Form which may be a broad assumption) than to give possibly more creatures heroic but only once. I dunno....may just be a matter of preference. +1 either way! lol!

February 4, 2014 4:32 p.m.

DanSolo126 says... #16

To LeoSperandio: We aren't depending on God's Willing. If we are facing removal, bestow should be enough to survive and keep board state against them until we get enough mana for some protection. My deck is even running Favored Hoplite which I'm not sure if I like, but could be really good at surviving burn. Here is my version. Pretty similar. We tested together a lot.

Heroes of Azorius (Post BotG) Playtest

Standard* DanSolo126


February 4, 2014 4:35 p.m.

DanSolo126 says... #17

To LegendaryRob I love the idea of Murder Investigation but you would only be able to put it on a creature with toughness 4 or greater when playing black. I think if it died to Drown in Sorrow or Bile Blight and it's power was 0 you would get 0 soldiers even though it only last until EoT. Am I right?

February 4, 2014 4:48 p.m.

cklise says... #18

If you're just worried about protecting your creatures from targeted removal, Mizzium Skin is one cheaper than Negate (though admittedly it won't cancel many other spells, etc), it won't cause white auras to fall off, and it will also be able to trigger Heroic for you.

February 5, 2014 12:34 a.m.

NotStiffler says... #19

I agree with a previous poster. Perhaps Hopeful Eidolon would be better than Phalanx Leader .

February 5, 2014 11:01 a.m.

Phat_Shadow says... #20

Disagree. I've playtested this deck a bunch now and I have to say that Phalanx Leader is pretty much a staple when your main goal is to get fast aggro damage across. He works even better when you find yourself at a stalemate and you need something to carry you from early to late game (if it gets that far).

February 5, 2014 5:04 p.m.

Phat_Shadow says... #21

sorry for a second post but if you were bent on putting Hopeful Eidolon in there then I would just trade him for the Nyxborn Shieldmate instead since you would still be trading a 1drop for another 1drop. However I took our Nyxborn Shieldmate and put in Favored Hoplite instead. This is really because I prefer heroic over bestow. Probably just a preference thing since the bestow could power up your Ethereal Armor .

February 5, 2014 5:11 p.m.

DanSolo126 says... #22

I worked Hopeful Eidolon into my build without taking out Phalanx Leader or Nyxborn Shieldmate . I think both are staples. See if this is more your style Phat_Shadow.

Heroes of Azorius (Post BotG) Playtest

Standard* DanSolo126


February 5, 2014 5:30 p.m.

Phat_Shadow says... #23

Yours is close to what I have, DanSolo126, however I still prefer the +4xHidden Strings and -4xHopeful Eidolon . If you have the strings....then it makes Favored Hoplite a better option than Hopeful Eidolon because of all the heroic triggers the ciphered spells can crank out when you combine it with Aqueous Form . Also if you can encode the strings to Fabled Hero , then your can cipher twice for a total of up to FOUR heroic triggers (across at least 2 targets) each time he lands an attack. Therefore in my mind....mo' heroic = mo' betta' lol!

The coolest combo imo is Fabled Hero +Hidden Strings +Aqueous Form (or Gods Willing if that'll make the damage go across). That happens probably more than you might think.

Still a very solid deck idea though...one that I am going to build since I have all the cards but the ones in the new set. Here's mine if you wanna playtest it:

Hidden Hero's

February 5, 2014 6:04 p.m.

Phat_Shadow says... #24

Here I go with a second post again, lol. But also...if you have 1U mana, then you can play Hidden Strings for free if you use the two untaps on the mana you used to cast it. I do that about half the time so I can still have room for Gods Willing , lol. Just depends on the situation.

February 5, 2014 6:07 p.m.

ransom09 says... #25

Keep 'em coming, you're making quite a case!

February 5, 2014 6:23 p.m.

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