from the twisted mind of TotallyNotAMimic comes...

The Vampire

a classic tale of
love, tragedy,
and death

Happy June you beautiful bloodsuckers (or whatever month it is now). I bring you vampire tribal with my favorite planeswalker Sorin, 3 Mana Bloodlord. Strategy: get out S marked vampires with Sorin's -3 (or mono-black ramp) and use the little guys for New Blood's additional a vampire cost to seduce opponents' creatures. The S doesn't stand for "signed," it means they have the esteemed mark of Sorin. Flavor aside I've tried really hard to make a fun and powerful deck around my favorite version of Sorin. Especially after a friend gave me his SLD print.

Always cast Sorin on turn 3

The only reason you shouldn't cast him is if you don't have any S vampires (+ cmc) in hand and don't have any creatures on the field. You just don't wanna leave him undefended. But most of the time your opening hand should have 3 lands and at least 1 S vampire.

Infinite Combos

Exquisite Bond

You can replace Vito with Marauding Blight-Priest, Defiant Bloodlord, or Starscape Cleric.

A classic. Vito will trigger Bloodthirsty Conqueror which will trigger Vito again... You get the idea. Starscape Cleric is the only version of Sanguine Bond that costs , making it possible to achieve this combo on turn 3.

Bolas's Aetherstorm

With all of these on the field keep casting from the top of your deck using Bolas's Citadel, gaining more and more life from Aetherflux Reservoir. If you come across something you can't cast (such as land) tap Sensei's Divining Top and draw then putting it on top of your library. Continue using Bolas's Citadel until you cast the Exquisite Bond combo for the win.

God Hand (turn 3 win)

3 swamps

Starscape Cleric

Bloodthirsty Conqueror

(the other two don't matter)

Turn 1


Turn 2

Swamp then cast Starscape Cleric.

Turn 3

Swamp then cast Sorin.

Activate Sorin's -3 to put Bloodthirsty Conqueror on the field.

Then attack with Starscape Cleric.

This will complete the Exquisite Bond infinite combo.

(Vampiric Tutor can be used before turn 2, during the end step of the opponent whose going before you, if your missing either creature)

It takes two...


Beat Down with +1/+1 Counters and flying


touch of Burn

Mono-Black Ramp

Touch of Suicide Black

Card Draw


Bloodghast (self revives)

Oathsworn Vampire (self revives)


Witch's Cottage


generally helpful

Oh Olivia, if our identities weren't so different I'd love to make you a part of this House.
I could really use your graveyard revival. xoxo

Frankly unfun and inconsistent.

Used to run this and Conspiracy as well as Blightsteel Collosus, eldrazi, and every black tutor I coul find. Putting them on the field with Sorin's -3. Isn't as strong as it sounds in practice.

The option to destroy a creature with Annihilating Glare is better and the benefits of The Elderspell don't out way that. Mono-Black Ramp makes Annihilating Glare's additional negligible in mid to late game. Sacrificing Bloodghast or Oathsworn Vampire is also a good option the entire game.

Was replaced with Bloodthirsty Conqueror.

Having both would mean choosing between Exquisite Blood and Bolas's Citadel and I'd rather keep Bolas's Aetherstorm combo.

"It's been a strange ride. I'm happy it's over. The funny thing is, for the first time in my life, I have absolutely no idea what happens next. I just have feeling that it's going to be worth it. That's exactly it. I'm weirdly happy." ~ Alucard Ţepeş

James 1:14-15


Updates Add

For the past year+ I've been trying various ways to play this deck and now I've settled on something I've come to really enjoy. It's a shame no one really plays OB, but I'm hoping the format can share the spotlight some day.

Main changes are additions of the Exquisite Bond and Bolas's Aetherstorm combos. As well as a better chance of getting big creatures out early by running more of them.


Date added 1 year
Last updated 2 weeks
Key combos

This deck is Oathbreaker legal.

Rarity (main - side)

11 - 0 Mythic Rares

22 - 0 Rares

5 - 0 Uncommons

5 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.59
Tokens City's Blessing, Copy Clone, Starscape Cleric 1/1 B
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