Hello and Welcome to my Burn Deck!
I think that sometimes, we all want to play Magic to just play the game, not worry about card draw, counterspells, tempo, and all of that control stuff. I wanted to create a magic deck since most decks are way too complex for a mono-digit iq human like me to operate to its fullest potential. Legacy tends to be a very expensive format, and probably is the most expensive format that you can play in Magic. With two thoughts that I had in mind, I wanted to create a decent legacy deck that I can win with, that also doesn't make me think to play the game. With that, I settled on a burn deck.
What Cards and Why
For the 2 main types of cards in this deck, they are burn and burn but with creatures. For my deck, I tended to include cards that have an incredibly low cmc so I can pump them out cheaply and quickly, and also so that I can start most of my turn 1's hitting the ground running. Other than many of the common creatures like the Goblin Guides and the Lightning Bolts, some uncommon cards that are included in my deck are: Bomat Couriers(a full playset of em too!), Browbeat(kinda), and Hazoret the Fervent(at least in legacy). The cards that I have included mainly help when I am in a situation where I am out of cards to play. After testing Bomat Courier multiple times, I have found that it can be very powerful if not removed fast enough. In your worst case scenario, you will get one damage, and let it die due to it being blocked or destroyed through removal. (which gets rid of their removal spell!) In your best case(and surprisingly common) scenario, you will attack with it 3 or 4 times, only to use it to refill your hands with many different cards, most of which can be directly cast with 1 mana for even more damage. In games where you can play more than a single Bomat Courier, you will almost always take the game through dumping an unfair amount of burn spells on your opponents. For the card Browbeat, I included this card since it can be so impactful in the game in almost all stages of it. Although I only included 2 copies of the card due to it having a decently high CMC, it can easily seal a victory for a burn deck that tends to have 1-3 cards by turn 3. The 5 damage can prove lethal against a damage heavy, fast deck, or the 3 cards drawn could be the key to your victory. Lastly, I included Hazoret the Fervent due to matchups against other aggro decks or as a win condition. This card can do everything. Its indestructibility can be life-saving against other damage heavy decks like Zoo, can drop in suddenly and finish off a game, or discard useless land cards for damage, and then fuel your Grim Lavamancers with the discarded cards. I tend to like drawing this card due to it being able to convert useless land draws in turns beyond 4 into pure damage, and its oppressive board presence as soon as it lands on the board.
If you are a seasoned mtg veteran player, you may skip this section. If you are fairly new, here are a few tips(that you probably knew) so that you can perform this deck a little better.
- 99% of the time, if you have creatures that you can play during turn 1, it is better to play the creature instead of the burn spell unless the creature the opponent plays can mess up your strategy.(e.g. Birds of Paradise is so commonly Lightning Bolted that the phrase bolt the bird exists in mtg, mainly try to use burn spells to kill of mana generators)
- You can use Bomat Courier defensively by blocking, then sacrificing it so that the damage doesn't go through to you, and you still get to draw cards off of Bomat Courier.
- 9 times out of 10, it is best to draw 3 cards off of Browbeat instead of the opponent taking damage, so in order to draw more cards, I like to always cast browbeat during post-combat main phase so that the opponent has the mindset of having lower life, which means that they can't afford the 5 damage to their face.
- If your Bomat Courier happens to die, and you play another, the exiled cards can still be regained through the new one.
- Alternatively, sacrificing one Bomat Couriers when you have 2 on the board will net you all of the cards the other Courier provided.
- If possible, when casting Fireblast, try to destroy tapped Mountains so that you don't waste any mana for that turn.
Also thank you so much for reading through my deck :)
This deck is pretty great, but it still can use some suggestions so please comment your suggestions so that I can improve this deck. Thank you again!