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A Man Among Wolves - Naya Wolf Tribal EDH

Commander / EDH Casual RGW (Naya) Tokens Werewolf Wolf




So, you wanted to build a casual wolf tribal deck.

You looked around and realized the best wolf cards are in Naya (G/R/W).

Unfortunately - Go figure there is no Naya wolf legend.

This upset you, but rather than complain you made it happen anyway!

This deck has three WIN CONDITIONS

1.)Commander Damage

2.)Combat Damage via an "overrun" type effect.

3.)Worldslayer Loop

These are the FINISHERS that allow us to effectively execute our WIN CONDITIONS

 1.)Commander Damage

      a.) Bruse + Anara - The threat of Bruse and Anara together in combat can have your wolf biting for chunks of 8 _lifelink_ damage fast! If she gets through, Anara can 3-shot anyone without any additional buffs aside from those given from Bruse. Just a man and his dog make quite the team!

      b.) Bruse + Anara + Wolfir Silverheart - The Wolfir Silverheart can _Soulbond_ to Anara to give her a base 8 power. With buffs from Bruse, Anara will be swinging for 16 _Lifelink_ damage every turn allowing her to one shot any player shit has hit at least once before with Bruse's buff.

      c.) Bruse + Anara + Kessig Wolf Run - Kessig Wolf Run allows us to mana dump mana into Anara or Bruse's power while providing a _Trample_ buff as well. This can be used to pressure life totals early, or be used as a late game finisher. Just don't forget this is an option when you think you're down and out!

      d.) Bruse + Anara + A "Boardwipe" - Anara protects herself and Bruse on our turn, so lets abuse "boardwipes" or "Wrath effect" to execute clear Commander Damage kills. you can always go with your favorites, but for this list I have chosen Blasphemous Act, and Wrath of God, and Jokulhaups.

 2.)Combat Damage via an "overrun" type effect
      a.) Akroma's Will - This card has SO many words on it. This card has defensive functionality similar to something like Teferi's Protection, but much more often is a 4 mana overrun that can remove a player from the game quickly and without stress during combat!

      b.) Overwhelming Stampede - This has been a classic Finisher in many green builds, and synergizes well with many of our cards that produce Wolf tokens.

      c.) Triumph of the Hordes - this is a fast game ender, but runs the risk of you making enemies if your playgroup has a distaste for infect. Run at your own discretion.

      d.) Howl of the Night Pack + Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth - This can produce a game ending number of tokens if you make it to the late game! Howl of the Night Pack also provides a nice synergy with Shared Animosity that can be game ending.

      e.) Mirror Entity - Hey, it's technically a wolf right? we can use him as a mana dump to get wide combat swings in with many creatures, or use it to buff Anara and push out damage!

 3.) Worldslayer Loop - Worldslayer equip to either of our commanders while Anara is in play presents an instant win if you can connect with direct combat damage. This combo is brual, but effective and easy to tutor in our colors. Running this just seems like a rather common sense move.

Final Note: This deck is very meta customizable, and can be made much more budget with some of the replacements I have listed in the Maybe and sideboard sections. Tune this deck to your meta, and more importantly, your playstyle and type of fun! I hope this deck is an answer for what many have been looking for in Wolf tribal EDH!


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93% Casual


Date added 3 years
Last updated 3 years
Exclude colors UB

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

13 - 1 Mythic Rares

45 - 10 Rares

19 - 6 Uncommons

6 - 3 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.16
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Copy Clone, Day, Elephant 3/3 G, Emblem Arlinn, Embraced by the Moon, Human 2/2 G, Night, Treasure, Voja, Friend to Elves, Wolf 2/2 G
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