
Welcome to A Marionette Disaster!!

This Deck is a Work in Progress and needs help! I'm open to all suggestions including cards, color changes, sideboard suggestions, mana base fixing ,etc. ALL SUGGESTIONS ARE APPRECIATED!

The goal was to create an Panharmonicon deck that abused some powerful ETB effects in the Esper colors that became crazy when they trigger twice. Marionette Master seemed like a card that had a lot of potential and Panharmonicon is exactly what it needed to be crazy. The deck is very creature heavy with the hopes to make the most out of Panharmonicon.

Removal and Prevention:

Reflector Mage: Very strong three drop that can totally flip the board state if I control a Pan.

Fairgrounds Warden: Decided to test this one out. So far I'm not disappointed, but he does paint a massive target on himself and it's not always great when an opponent can get two creatures back for killing one of mine. However, if he is treated like temporary removal such as Reflector Mage, he is often just as strong or sometimes stronger.

Spell Queller: Prevent their stuff from ever hitting the battlefield. Can actually catch two spells with Pan if you have a previously exiled a spell and then blink it with Eldrazi Displacer.


Anticipate: Originally had Glint-Nest Crane which proved disappointing in a deck not running that many artifacts. This allows me to still go digging but always retrieve a card. Most of the time trying to find a Panharmonicon before turn 4.

Eldrazi Displacer: Can blink to reuse ETB effects. Very powerful ability for this deck.

ETB Triggers:

Thraben Inspector: Simple one drop, clue generator. Helps with card advantage

Noxious Gearhulk: Destroy a creature and gain some life! Sometimes do it twice, or thrice!

Linvala, the Preserver: In play testing this card seems like it can be a great game changer. 5/5 body with flying is nice, and can give us 5, or 10 life and maybe 1, or 2 4/4 angels if not more.

Cloudblazer: Great card draw engine late game. Definitely can save us if we have a rough start.

Angel of Invention: Definitely a somewhat underrated card. The token generation can help us get to a Westvale Abbey   flip or just make a pumped up servo army that causes Marionette Master's ability to have serious consequences.

Marionette Master: Has proven to be a great card with it's versatility, especially with Panharmonicon. Help's flip Westvale Abbey  , creates more tokens to be pumped up by Angel of Invention, protects our servos and Panharmonicons, etc.

Skysovereign, Consul Flagship: Another great ETB on it's own but even better when multiplied. The bonus of having it trigger on attack as well is great.

Please +1 if you like the idea and leave anything (comments, questions, concerns, greetings, jokes, literally anything) down in the comments. Your help will be much appreciated!



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Decided to bring the deck back to one focus; Panharmonicon. I spread the deck in too many directions, with fabricate and ETB triggers that it was just a weaker version of either single focused deck. I heavily play tested the new mana base and it is MUCH smoother. I dropped the cards that only helped with the fabricate theme to add some much needed utility. The deck in no longer budget as it includes some rather pricey cards unfortunately, but all in the hopes that we can actually make this a real competitive standard deck.

I'm sorry if I have back tracked on any of your suggestions, my goal was to shift the focus back on Panharmonicon and some great suggestions had to be dropped to do that. As always new suggestions are always appreciated and I will update on how this deck performs soon.

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Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 3 Mythic Rares

25 - 0 Rares

11 - 6 Uncommons

9 - 6 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.62
Tokens Angel 3/3 W, Clue, Energy Reserve, Human Cleric 1/1 WB, Servo 1/1 C
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