I updated the deck with many of the provided suggestions to what it is now prior to playing. I still have some adjustments to make but the deck performed rather well, playing much more smoothly than the first time. The biggest issue I found was token counters. This also happened to remove my soul sisters and pyromancer from play which was difficult to deal with.
Deflecting Palm was an amazing sideboard card.
Match 1 - W/B Tron (2-0)
Game 1: Win - Outpaced opponent with token creation and spell damage.
Game 2: Win - Switched out Spellskite and Path to Exile for Deflecting Palm and Silence. Used Silence on turn 4 to stop tron summoning and won with
Burn at the Stake the turn after.
Match 2 - B/G Elves (2-1)
Game 1: Lose - Play second, Land flood, mulligan to 5, 5 lands, drew one card non-land, drew another land...game over
Game 2: Win - Played first, Outpaced opponent with creature creation and gaining over 30 life. Won with Burn at the Stake.
Game 3: Lose - Played second, mulligan to 5. Turn 6 opponent used Shaman of the Pack x3 to drop me to 10 life and then swung lethal. I deflecting palmed the first one which brought him within kill range for me. 1 Turn lose.
Match 3 - Burn (2-0)
Game 1: Win - Opponent land drought, played a 1 land hand.
Game 2: Win - Switched out several win cons and Path to Exile for Timely Reinforcements, Deflecting Palm, and Ajani Vengeant
. Opponent played Leyline of Punishment on turn 0. Game turned into a burn content. Won by 2 turns. Deflecting Palm helped with this.
Match 4 - B/R Eldrazi (2-1)
Game 1: Lose - Mulligan to 5, land drought.
Game 2: Win - Turn 5 Burn at the Stake for lethal.
Game 3: Lose - We removed each others creature which turned this into a draw contest. Opponent played Night of Souls' Betrayal turn 4 making all of my creatures useless. ~ Turn 7, opponent played Reality Smasher put me on a 5 turn clock. I slowly burned opponent down to 6 life during the next several turns gaining some life with Lightning Helix and controlling the damage taken with Ajani Vengeant
. Removed reality smasher with Path to Exile while opponent removed Ajani Vengeant
. Opponent played Combustible Gearhulk. I held boros charm and Deflecting Palm. ~ Turn 10 opponent had 8 life swung with Noxious Gearhulk for 4 damage. I used Deflecting Palm. Opponent assuming I had the kill used Bituminous Blast on his own creature canceling the Deflecting Palm and cascading into Thought-Knot Seer removing the burn from my hand.
Was a really fun match!
Note: Need enchantment/artifact removal.